Another Danish apology

Here are some of my apologies ....

Sorry we lost the Crusades

Sorry we didn't convert you all to Christianity and introduced you to things like bathing on a regular basis

Sorry Bush didn't really take all your oil for his Haliburton buddies, at least then it would be in AMERICAN hands

Sorry that there aren't any flea collars in your size

Sorry that Mohammed didn't die in childbirth

Sorry that we taught you science and math so that you can use that knowledge to kill us

Sorry that the United Nations didn't take all the land in the Middle East for the state of Israel and moved your sorry brown asses to Antarctica

Sorry that Hitler took it out on the Jews instead of you

Sorry we have to share the same planet with you swine

Sorry there aren't more bomb belts for the likes of idiots like you

Sorry that God saw fit to put oil under that litter box you call the Middle East and then didn't see fit to give American oil companies the sense to not teach you how to get it out of the ground

Sorry that Abraham allowed Ishmael to live long enough to produce offspring

Sorry that we don't send the whole sorry lot of you back to where you belong

And finally, sorry someone doesn't do this to Mecca during the hajj .....

and here's wishing that all those 72 virgins waiting for you in paradise have dicks

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