Annointing Obama


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
The latest excuse for the media to publish hagiographic photos suggesting a place on Mount Rushmore, inaccurately apply adjectives like "moderate," "centrist" and "non-ideological," and otherwise indulge its embarrassing schoolgirl crush on Barack Obama was his December 10, 2006 trip to New Hampshire.

The New York Times writes about his "message of hope." The New York Daily News

said he "took New Hampshire by storm," and writes of people who came to see him "leaving with their eyes shining." The Los Angeles Times headline says it all: "Crowds Adore Obama." (Just like the LAT editors)

Let's not leave out Sen. Obama's hometown paper, the Chicago Tribune. Things haven't been going well for the Trib for the last few years, and is it any wonder? Other than the brilliant and talented John Kass, this rag has had very little to recommend itself for years.

With its December 6, 2006 editorial, "Obama Should Run," the Trib surrendered any claim to being a newspaper that serious people can take seriously. Allowing itself to be seduced to the point of publishing puerile nonsense like the following on its editorial page is another:

What would he bring to the race that others don't? The most obvious is an approach that transcends party, ideology and geography. In his convention speech, Obama demolished the image of a nation of irreconcilable partisan camps: "We worship an awesome God in the blue states, and we don't like federal agents poking around in our libraries in the red states."

No one else has shown a comparable talent for appealing to the centrist instincts of the American people--instincts that often go unsatisfied as each party labors to rally its most uncompromising factions. After the divisive events of the last decade, the nation may be ready for a voice that celebrates our common values instead of exaggerating our differences.

Any presidential race is a long shot, and there is no guarantee that Obama could succeed. But he may never again find such favorable circumstance.

With his unifying themes, he would raise the tone of the campaign. His intellectual depth--he was editor of the Harvard Law Review and taught law at the University of Chicago--and openness would sharpen the policy debate. He could help the citizenry get comfortable contemplating something that will happen sooner or later--a black president. His magnetic style and optimism would draw many disenchanted Americans back into the political process.

He and the nation have little to lose and much to gain from his candidacy."
Where do you start with this foolishness? "An approach that transcends party, ideology and geography?" Barack Obama (or at the risk of antagonizing E.J. Dionne, Barack Hussein Obama) is an extremely partisan, left-wing democrat. (If you don't believe me, read his discomfort at even the suggestion that he would throw in with the moderate Democratic Leadership Council.) Also consider his voting record:
Sponsored a pointless and burdensome unfunded mandate requiring local police departments to racially profile every traffic stop (because of course categorizing citizens by race is the most important problem local law enforcement must address. One wonders: if Sen. Obama gets stopped, which box do the police check for him? Is it just me or should he, given his mixed race parentage be the last person suggesting such a stupid law?)
Voted No on Constitutional amendment banning so-called "same-sex" marriage
Supported including "sexual orientation" in Illinois anti-discrimination laws
Opposes gun rights (NRA rating-F; Illinois Citizens for Handgun Control Rating-A)
Voted Against prohibiting early release for criminal sexual abusers
Voted "present" on a law prohibiting pornographic bookstores and strip clubs to be fewer than 1000 feet of schools and churches

Supported legislation making health care a "constitutional right," promoted by left-wing Physicians for National Health care, whose goal is socialized medicine for America, a goal Obama apparently shares
Opposed the state version of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, which would require medical attention be given to babies fortunate enough to survive a botched abortion
Favors allowing partial birth abortion, which his wife called a ‘legitimate" medical procedure in a fund-raising letter
Voted "present" on a law requiring parental notification before a minor's abortion
None of this matters, of course, because of his "magnetic style and optimism" and his "voice that celebrates our common values instead of exaggerating our differences." I ask: what in the above-referened list suggests that Sen. Obama shares the values of the average American? Another question: do you suppose at some point any one of the courageous defenders of the people's right to know will insist that He Who Walks on Water really answer a question about a single one of these issues? Don't hold your breath. It didn't happen in 2004.

And let's not forget who one of his best friends is, none other than anti-American, pro-drug legalization goofball George Soros. Many noted that the man-god met with Soros last week , and have probably forgotten that he also helped bankroll his Senate campaign in 2004.

With this fawning superficial Valentine, the Trib (or should I say the Lib?) has descended into Chris Matthews territory, and that's no place for anyone with more than a double digit IQ to be.
Nice rip!

Yes, the media and white liberals (and nobody else) are gaga for Obama because he's a handsome halfsie with an interesting background and a Harvard Law degree. What substantive stands or policies he's for or has accomplished, nobody cares.

I think a bigger truth is that we don't really want leaders who do policy details or even have set ideologies. We want figures we can... make figures of.
I think a bigger truth is that we don't really want leaders who do policy details or even have set ideologies. We want figures we can... make figures of.

Obama would be your worst nightmare. A half black guy with intelligence. You must be shitting yourself....

I think a bigger truth is that we don't really want leaders who do policy details or even have set ideologies. We want figures we can... make figures of.

Aye. And there is no greater example of the above than the current occupant of the White House..
Obama would be your worst nightmare. A half black guy with intelligence. You must be shitting yourself....

Aye. And there is no greater example of the above than the current occupant of the White House..

I'm not pooping myself, though I think the country cannot afford a leader lacking experience or a core set of beliefs:

'The Man From Nowhere'
What does Barack Obama believe in?

Friday, December 15, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST

We are getting very excited. Barack Obama is brilliant, eloquent and fresh. He is "exciting" (David Brooks), "charming" (Bob Schieffer), "my favorite guy" (Oprah Winfrey), has "charisma" (Donna Brazile), and should run now for president (George Will). Our political and media establishments, on the rebound from bad history, are sounding like Marlene Dietrich in her little top hat. Falling in luff again, vot am I to do, vot am I to do, kont hellllllp eet.

Well, down from your tippy toes, establishment.

He is obviously planning to run. This week he was in New Hampshire--rapturous reviews, sold-out fund-raisers--and before that, Iowa. His second book is his second best seller and the biggest-selling nonfiction title in the nation. The intro he taped for "Monday Night Football"--in an Aaron Sorkin-like setting of gleaming desk and important lighting--showed he is an actor who can absorb the script and knows by nature what a camera is. This is a compliment. All the great presidents of the media age, FDR, JFK and Reagan, were great actors of the presidency. (The one non-great president who was their equal in this, Bill Clinton, proved that acting is not enough.)

He has obvious appeal. I asked a Young Democrat college student why he liked him. After all, I said, he has little experience. That's part of what I like, he said. "He's not an insider, he's not just a D.C. politician."

He is uncompromised by a past, it is true. He is also unburdened by a record, unworn by achievement, unwearied by long labors.

What does he believe? What does he stand for? This is, after all, the central question. When it is pointed out that he has had almost--almost--two years in the U.S. Senate, and before that was an obscure state legislator in Illinois, his supporters compare him to Lincoln. But Lincoln had become a national voice on the great issue of the day, slavery. He rose with a reason. Sen. Obama's rise is not about a stand or an issue or a question; it is about Sen. Obama. People project their hopes on him, he says.

He's exactly right. Just so we all know it's projection...
I'm not pooping myself, though I think the country cannot afford a leader lacking experience or a core set of beliefs:

I'm sure he has a core set of beliefs...he just needs to start expressing them. I think the current occupant of the WH has proven you don't need experience to get the job, but you do need experience to do the job. BTW, I don't consider a couple of years as governor of Texas as experience. like the past six years, those around him have done all the work (IMO)...he's just the nodding head....
I'm sure he has a core set of beliefs...he just needs to start expressing them. I think the current occupant of the WH has proven you don't need experience to get the job, but you do need experience to do the job. BTW, I don't consider a couple of years as governor of Texas as experience. like the past six years, those around him have done all the work (IMO)...he's just the nodding head....

Funny how none of the right complained that Bush knew nothing about foreign affairs. Unfortunately, in Bush's case, it wasn't just lack of experience, but true ignorance. That ignorance has had wide-ranging repercussions.
I'm sure he has a core set of beliefs...he just needs to start expressing them. I think the current occupant of the WH has proven you don't need experience to get the job, but you do need experience to do the job. BTW, I don't consider a couple of years as governor of Texas as experience. like the past six years, those around him have done all the work (IMO)...he's just the nodding head....

Yep, same problem as Obama, though GW had MORE experience. Obama's record in IL was zippo, nada. I know, I'm here and I've checked. Neither major paper is enthused with him, they know him best. He's accomplished zippo so far in the Senate, other than speechifying. Is that REALLY what you care about right now?
Yep, same problem as Obama, though GW had MORE experience. Obama's record in IL was zippo, nada. I know, I'm here and I've checked. Neither major paper is enthused with him, they know him best. He's accomplished zippo so far in the Senate, other than speechifying. Is that REALLY what you care about right now?

You're right of course. Going by what you see (living in his constituancy)...and if the Tribune etc don't rate him then that indeed is a problem. I'm just pointing out, it is not necessarily going to stop him 1) Running 2) Or winning...
Funny how none of the right complained that Bush knew nothing about foreign affairs. Unfortunately, in Bush's case, it wasn't just lack of experience, but true ignorance. That ignorance has had wide-ranging repercussions.

Yep. Still, I don't blame him for all of that. Those around him should have known better....probably did in fact, but didn't give a shit...
You're right of course. Going by what you see (living in his constituancy)...and if the Tribune etc don't rate him then that indeed is a problem. I'm just pointing out, it is not necessarily going to stop him 1) Running 2) Or winning...

I agree with both points or would that be all three? ;)

It's not just the Tribune but also the Sun-Times, which if you know the papers, should really give pause. It's not that they are saying he shouldn't run, just not endorsing in any way, shape, etc. Both have printed letters to the editor saying that he should, but interestingly enough I'd have to say more that he isn't experienced, has a poor record so far, and has some ethical problems already.
Yep. Still, I don't blame him for all of that. Those around him should have known better....probably did in fact, but didn't give a shit...

I agree. And the thing is, he had someone from whom to seek some guidence. His father, while not a great president, wasn't a terrible one, either. Instead, Bush, when asked if he consulted with his father, said "I didn't consult with 'my' father; I consulted with 'THE' father".

Not such a good way to formulate policy.
I agree with both points or would that be all three? ;)

It's not just the Tribune but also the Sun-Times, which if you know the papers, should really give pause. It's not that they are saying he shouldn't run, just not endorsing in any way, shape, etc. Both have printed letters to the editor saying that he should, but interestingly enough I'd have to say more that he isn't experienced, has a poor record so far, and has some ethical problems already.

If he was prudent he'd finish this term and if the Dems bomb in 08 should try for '12. In the mean time he should work his butt off and establish some sort of record on issues so people will know what he stands for..
If he was prudent he'd finish this term and if the Dems bomb in 08 should try for '12. In the mean time he should work his butt off and establish some sort of record on issues so people will know what he stands for..

Yep, but I'll bet he'll go for it, why wouldn't he? It'll be interesting if 'no record' will get him elected or he'll end up as the first Black VP? Considering his background I'd have to say he's a 1/2 black from a well-to-do family, but I'm sure we'll hear of his 'tough' road to the Ivy. :rolleyes:
Yep, but I'll bet he'll go for it, why wouldn't he? It'll be interesting if 'no record' will get him elected or he'll end up as the first Black VP? Considering his background I'd have to say he's a 1/2 black from a well-to-do family, but I'm sure we'll hear of his 'tough' road to the Ivy. :rolleyes:

Yep, he'll probably do all that - he is a politician after all...
IF there is a minority President in our future, I think that it should be a black man WITH experience of which Obama has NONE!!!!!!!

He doesn't come close to qualifying, Colin Powell on the other hand DOES!!

And is the best choice along those lines,he's known and respected through out the world!!!!!!!

Oh and why the little red box?
Funny how none of the right complained that Bush knew nothing about foreign affairs. Unfortunately, in Bush's case, it wasn't just lack of experience, but true ignorance. That ignorance has had wide-ranging repercussions.

Actually I don't like Obama for the reasons highlighted in the article, lack of experience not withstanding...
IF there is a minority President in our future, I think that it should be a black man WITH experience of which Obama has NONE!!!!!!!

He doesn't come close to qualifying, Colin Powell on the other hand DOES!!

And is the best choice along those lines,he's known and respected through out the world!!!!!!!

Oh and why the little red box?

Powell would be a much better candidate as commander in chief!!
Yep, but I'll bet he'll go for it, why wouldn't he? It'll be interesting if 'no record' will get him elected or he'll end up as the first Black VP? Considering his background I'd have to say he's a 1/2 black from a well-to-do family, but I'm sure we'll hear of his 'tough' road to the Ivy. :rolleyes:

Yes we will indeed:eusa_boohoo:

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