Angry Dems Turn On Obama, Pelosi, Schumer: "Talk Less About Russia"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
I agree


It’s been a rough week for the legacy of the Obama administration. Yesterday, the Senate Judiciary Committee launched a Democrat-endorsed probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s conduct during the campaign – when it’s widely believed she colluded with the Clinton’s to “soften” the FBI’s probe into Hillary’s mishandling of classified information. Earlier, sure-thing Democratic neophyte Jon Ossoff lost a special election in Georgia that he was supposedly guaranteed to win, leading America’s least—preferred party of overly brazen corporatists to an embarrassing 5-0 defeat, and stoking calls for Nancy Pelosi - the Dem’s longtime leader in Congress - to step aside.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, revelations that Russian hackers targeted voting systems in 21 states – and the Obama administration did nothing about it – have inspired the president’s fellow Democrats to turn on their once-revered leader.

As the Hill reports, Democrats are criticizing no-drama Obama for being too cautious with his disclosures about “the Russia problem” in the run-up to the 2016 election, claiming that he shouldn't have hesitated to inform the public about the allegations:

“The Obama administration is under fresh scrutiny for its response to Russian meddling in the election after new details emerged this week about how the White House weighed its actions against the 2016 political environment.

Then-President Obama was too cautious in the months leading up to the election, frustrated Democratic lawmakers and strategists say.

“It was inadequate. I think they could have done a better job informing the American people of the extent of the attack,”
said Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee who co-chairs the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee."
Meanwhile, Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan, who recently challenged Pelosi for leadership of the party, is leading a small group of Congressional Dems in criticizing Chuck Schumer, Pelosi and the rest of the Democratic leadership's irrational focus on the Russia investigations. Ryan believes the focus on making the Dems appear out of touch to working Americans who care more about economic issues than the Trump witch hunt, as the Hill reports. Ryan's attempt to lead from behind comes as some of his peers push for the creation of a 9/11-style Commission to launch what would be the fourth investigation into the Trump campaign.

Even though the contradiction here is obvious - Dems are complaining that the party is too focused on Russia, while criticizing Obama for not releasing more scurrilous details about alleged interference -at least Ryan recognizes that the focus on Russia will hurt the Dems where it counts: In next year's midterms.

"We can't just talk about Russia because people back in Ohio aren't really talking that much about Russia, about Putin, about Michael Flynn,” Rep. Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) told MSNBC Thursday. “They're trying to figure out how they're going to make the mortgage payment, how they're going to pay for their kids to go to college, what their energy bill looks like.

“And if we don't talk more about their interest than we do about how we're so angry with Donald Trump and everything that's going on,” he added, “then we're never going to be able to win elections.

Angry Dems Turn On Obama, Pelosi, Schumer: "Talk Less About Russia" | Zero Hedge

Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.

And lets not forget this was during a government shutdown. But hey, still have time to et his dome polished while his old lady is dusting off Vince Foster

Good times

Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
If a president does not want to have the indescretion of cheating on his wife broadcasted to the nation on live TV, then he should not receive BJs from an intern from in the Oval Office.
The MSM doesn't make a big deal about it but the special election in Georgia was supposed to be the turning point for the leaderless incoherent democrat party to get it's act together. The Polls said the democrat would win (sound familiar?) and left coast liberal money poured into the campaign and the independent investigation looked real good. Democrats lost and the investigation is collapsing or leaning toward the Obama administration and a freaking Sanders supporting gun toting white guy shot a republican congressman and four others. The MSM seems to backing away from the Trump Russia fantasy that the cool aid drinkers were depending on and democrats seem even more incoherent as they eat their own. Good riddance.
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
Imo the probes into Bill Clinton were a witch hunt. The Hillary & Obama probes into Benghazi and Gun Running were appropriate based on the fact that we had dead Americans involved. This nonsense with Trump is off the charts absurd.
At minimum, Bill Clinton used his position and authority as president to get a bj from an intern in or very close to the Oval Office....and then cover it up by lying under oath. These are fire-able offenses for executives in the private sector and for republicans in elected positions.
In the over all scheme of things I just can't get myself to give a fuck.
My employee on the job? Fired instantly. But a live in job? Yeah, I just don't care enough to think it was worth wasting my tax dollars on. In his personal life Bill was a scumbag but as a politician he was very effective and was the last Democrat that I've seen in my lifetime who was willing to listen to both sides without first inserting ear plugs.
Props to the man for a job pretty well done all things considered.
I can agree on the perspective. However, not giving a fuck is not equal to witch hunt.
They impeached him for lying. A lie which was intended to do what he couldn't do in real life, protect his wife, himself and child from total humiliation because of his PERSONAL conduct.

I'm not condoning his actions but his reaction when confronted was not any different than that of any other man under the same circumstances.

If you cheat on your wife should it be broadcast to the nation on live tv & have your job & career placed in jeopardy?
If a president does not want to have the indescretion of cheating on his wife broadcasted to the nation on live TV, then he should not receive BJs from an intern from in the Oval Office.
I've gotten blowjobs at work. She was an adult dude. Look at Hillary then look at her.

Case closed.

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