And There Was Twenty-five

Justin Richardson

Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2019
It seems that the evergrowing list of Democrats running for President in 2020 seems to get longer by the week. We are up to now 25! That isn't even including Joe Biden (yet).

And I may just add....not one doesn't seem potential enough to go up against Trump. The only reason why they are even running against him is solely for one purpose: They know they can't impeach him for anything, so one way to go after him is at the polls.
But one thing they (The Democrats) don't realize is the fact, not one truly have nothing to run on. Look at their records. Look at their status. And look at some of the things they have said in the past few days and weeks. And you will probably say:

"Seriously? This is who I want running the country? This is all they have - to stand for? This is what they are running on?"

I have to honestly's going to be so laughable when it comes to the debates. Especially, when they have to go up against Trump.

Can you say Deja vu?? Lol

Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
16 vs 25
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
16 vs 25
Another category in which the left has the numbers on you cultists
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
fake news 1.jpg
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
View attachment 257463
Yeah bro Trump is actually young and middle class? Too stupid.
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
View attachment 257463
Yeah bro Trump is actually young and middle class? Too stupid.
More off topic trolling and failed deflection.
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
View attachment 257463
Yeah bro Trump is actually young and middle class? Too stupid.
More off topic trolling and failed deflection.
The irony
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates,

Big difference, Babble-breath, most any of those GOP candidates in any other year would have easily been well-established presidential material. Most of the people on the Dem list now are "Who the hell? Never heard of them!!!" to: "You gotta be kidding me!" :auiqs.jpg: The best you got is Fossil Biden who twenty years ago his mind was so far gone he was putting his foot in his mouth, and now is laughing at his issue with not being able to keep his hands off women and children!!!
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Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.

They elected a non politician who had good economic policies.
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.

They elected a non politician who had good economic policies.
Big fed gubmint spending into trillion dollar deficits despite a recovered economy, and massive socialist tariffs and subsidies. Economic brilliance right there.
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.

Observe the Democrat field, huge in coming 2020. They've already spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they've ended up with not only the oldest, stupidest white boys and girls as candidates, along with the crop of ersatz SWJ pudlets cloaking themselves in the diversity of America. All of them - all - presenting their brownness (or gayness, as if either matters) as an important selling point while fully enjoying what they derisively call "white privilege". It's actually damned funny and you'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
Remember when the GOP field was huge in 2016, they spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they selected the oldest, richest white man in the race as their candidate? It actually wasn't that funny and we'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.

Observe the Democrat field, huge in coming 2020. They've already spent countless hours bragging about the diversity of their candidates, and then predictably they've ended up with not only the oldest, stupidest white boys and girls as candidates, along with the crop of ersatz SWJ pudlets cloaking themselves in the diversity of America. All of them - all - presenting their brownness (or gayness, as if either matters) as an important selling point while fully enjoying what they derisively call "white privilege". It's actually damned funny and you'll be facing consequences because of it for decades to come.
^ :cuckoo:
The reason Trump was able to get the Republican nomination in '16 was because he had a hard core of 25% of the Republican primary voters, who were going to stick with him no matter what. Against 13 equally-qualified people all trying to round up a share of the remaining 75%, it proved an insurmountable advantage.

At the end, Real Republicans had one chance to oust Trump, and that was to get Trump and Ted Cruz in a one-on-one debate, BUT JOHN KASICH REFUSED TO BOW OUT, and the debate never happened. I wonder if Kasich was actually working for a Trump candidacy, or he was so egotistical that he thought he really had a chance.

Now we have a score of Democrats all trying to out-socialist each other, with a party platform that antagonizes 75% of the American public. At this point it resembles a Circular Firing Squad. With all the talk of reparations, amnesty, baby-killing, socialized medicine, killing Coal (etc), and gender fluidity, Trump will win in a landslide.

Paraphrasing VDH, Trump doesn't have to be perfect or "Great"; he just has to be the best alternative. It's not a high bar against this field of Democrats.

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