And that's the way it is...

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
On September 11, 2001 the United States was attacked by 19 men, most Saudi Nationals, trained and funded by OBL, also a Saudi. The attack killed approximately 3,000 people, representing nations from around the world.
On the watch of George W. Bush.
On Sept. 12, 2001 we had an opportunity to lead the civilized world in an effort to greatly eradicate terrorism, and bring to justice the criminals who engage in terror. By defining terrorism as a war, we set a course which lead to our invasion and occupation of two countries at a much greater cost in lives and treasure than we suffered at the hands of 19 criminals and those who lead them.
Taking this course of action was not by whim; it was the stated goal of many of those in the Bush Administration as early as 1997. See: Statement of Principles
Take note of the names of those who signed this document.

Nearly ten years after the horror of 9-11, we remain engaged in a Kafkaish war on a noun (terror). The alleged and admitted leader of the attack remains free. Because of the arrogance of GWB and Cheney, our relationship with the rest of the nations of the world became strained and our greatest foe of this new century - China - holds our economy in their hands.
Under Bush&Co the regulation of Banking and Wall St. was for the most part absent, based on ideology and a belief that markets and Wall St. would somehow self-regulate. A giant, legal - for the most part - ponzi scheme enriched the few and harmed the many bringing our nation to the brink of economic collapse.
Today there is great effort to re-write history, helped along by rightwing members of the idiot fringe who reside on this MB daily. Proudly they echo each others lies & half-truths, spreading rumors and damning with inuenndos while they monger hate and fear.
Yes Virginia, and Texas, Wisconsin and Idaho and each state across our union, we have met the enemy and he is us.
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Don't let hatred get in the way of historic perspective. Democrats approved boots on the ground to enforce UN sanctions in Iraq and then they sat back and undermined the mission. The late Pa, congressman John Murtha called Marines "murderers" and democrat senator Kerry called Soldiers "terrorists". Democrats snickered about a full page ad in the NY Times calling the US commander "betray-us". We can't win the war in Afghanistan the way the politicians have handcuffed the Military so why doesn't Barry Hussein pull the Troops out?
It was all spelled out in PNAC.

In their defining document “Rebuilding America's Defenses,” written in September of 2000, a full year before the 9/11 attacks, they acknowledged:

“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor. ...”

One year later, that event would arrive...

Signatories to Statement of Principles
Elliott Abrams[5]
Gary Bauer[5]
William J. Bennett[5]
John Ellis "Jeb" Bush[5]
Richard B. Cheney[5]

Eliot A. Cohen[5]
Midge Decter[5]
Paula Dobriansky[5]
Steve Forbes[5]
Aaron Friedberg[5]
Francis Fukuyama[5]
Frank Gaffney[5]
Fred C. Ikle[5]
Donald Kagan[5]
Zalmay Khalilzad[5]
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby[5]
Norman Podhoretz[5]
J. Danforth Quayle[5]

Peter W. Rodman[5]
Stephen P. Rosen[5]
Henry S. Rowen[5]
Donald Rumsfeld[5]
Vin Weber[5]
George Weigel[5]
Paul Wolfowitz[5]

Signatories or contributors to other significant letters or reports[15]
Elliott Abrams[9][11]
Kenneth Adelman[55]
Richard V. Allen[19]
Richard L. Armitage[11]

Gary Bauer[19][55]
Jeffrey Bell[19][55]
William J. Bennett[9][11][19][55]
Jeffrey Bergner[9][11][19]
John Bolton[9][11]
Ellen Bork[55]
Rudy Boschwitz[19]
Linda Chavez[55]
Eliot Cohen[14][19][55]
Seth Cropsey[19]
Midge Decter[19][55]
Paula Dobriansky[9][11]
Thomas Donnelly[14][19][55]
Nicholas Eberstadt,[19][55][56]
Hillel Fradkin[19][55][57]
Aaron Friedberg[19]
Francis Fukuyama[9][11][19]
Frank Gaffney[19][55]
Jeffrey Gedmin[19][55]
Reuel Marc Gerecht[19][55]
Charles Hill[19][55]
Bruce P. Jackson[19][55]
Eli S. Jacobs[19]
Michael Joyce[19]
Donald Kagan[14][19][55]
Robert Kagan[9][11][14][19][55]
Stephen Kantany
Zalmay Khalilzad[9][11]
Jeane Kirkpatrick[19]
Charles Krauthammer[19]
William Kristol[9][11][14][19]

John Lehman[19][55]
I. Lewis Libby[14]
Tod Lindberg[55][58]
Rich Lowry[55]
Clifford May[19][55]
John McCain[59]
Joshua Muravchik[55]
Michael O'Hanlon [60][61]
Martin Peretz[19][55]
Richard Perle[9][11][19][55]
Daniel Pipes[55]
Norman Podhoretz[19][55]
Peter W. Rodman[9][11][19]
Stephen P. Rosen[14][19][55]
Donald Rumsfeld[9][11]
Randy Scheunemann[19][55]
Gary Schmitt[14][19][53][55]
William Schneider, Jr.[9][11][19][55]
Richard H. Shultz[19][62]
Henry Sokolski[19]
Stephen J. Solarz[19]
Vin Weber[9][11][19]
Leon Wieseltier[19]
Marshall Wittmann[19][55]
Paul Wolfowitz[9][11][14]
R. James Woolsey[9][11][55]
Dov Zakheim[14][63]
Robert B. Zoellick[9][11]
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I'd say we should export all our Progressives but who the fuck would take them? They're miserable fucks, stupid and they only thing they produce is complaints
I'd say we should export all our Progressives but who the fuck would take them? They're miserable fucks, stupid and they only thing they produce is complaints

Such an AMERICAN view you have Cruiser................:cuckoo:

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