And so it begins: Crowder hires police to protect family from threats

Union Meeting


Hitler banned all labor unions, said the government was all the protection workers needed which mirrors the current RW viewpoint of labor rights but of course it was not in the end and furthermore, fuck you.


Hitler Didn’t Outlaw Unions – As a National Socialist, He Went Double-Down On Them

When Hitler came to power, he moved to correct this hyperinflation while keeping his national socialist views front and center. In 1933, the Nazis disbanded the Weimar unions and replaced them with the new and improved union, the German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF), which was comprised of 2 primary entities, the National Socialist Factory Organization and the National Socialist Trade and Industry Organization. The labor contracts that were Weimar contracts were now DAF-honored contracts. The Nazi’s funded the DAF’s coffers with the Weimar unions’ stockpile of wealth (the existing unions were part of that inflation problem). One of the new unions’ most popular programs was the Strength through Joy (Kraft durch Freude, KdF)) program, which developed the KdF-wagen, that later became the Volkswagen, or People’s Car.

The primary goal of Germany’s national socialists was to “create a classless” society. Hitler’s unions were central in this cause. In fact, Hitler gave the unions their long-awaited demand, one that the Weimar unions were never able to pull off, a National Labor Day, May 1, 1933.

The Nazi unions even had this nifty little logo.

the military arm of the DNC makes news again, nothing much changes.
Brown Shirts were ruffians pure and simple, started out as beer hall bouncers- they're still there. What labor unions in the USSR? You've been listening to Prof. Beck's drivel again...

How are the thugs in the video mentioned in the OP any different, they don't drink beer? It looks to me like they spend quite a lot of time in bars drinking beer.
Brown Shirts were ruffians pure and simple, started out as beer hall bouncers- they're still there. What labor unions in the USSR? You've been listening to Prof. Beck's drivel again...

How are the thugs in the video mentioned in the OP any different, they don't drink beer? It looks to me like they spend quite a lot of time in bars drinking beer.

Better they drink alone in their basement like you....
Union Meeting


Hitler banned all labor unions, said the government was all the protection workers needed which mirrors the current RW viewpoint of labor rights but of course it was not in the end and furthermore, fuck you.

Stalin did the same thing. That's what happens with labor unions: lefties use them until the gain power then find they are inconvenient.

You recall that during the Nigh of the Long Knives that Hitler destroyed the Brown shirts my murdering all their leaders.

Stalin was the most favorite "uncle Joe" of the mental/physical cripple, FDR.
Both were stinking heavy smokers.
Brown Shirts were ruffians pure and simple, started out as beer hall bouncers- they're still there. What labor unions in the USSR? You've been listening to Prof. Beck's drivel again...

How are the thugs in the video mentioned in the OP any different, they don't drink beer? It looks to me like they spend quite a lot of time in bars drinking beer.

Better they drink alone in their basement like you....

Take your Thorazine and keep off the institution's computers.
Nice publicity stunt.

I guess he couldn't go with the fake neck brace, because that was already used, by Kenneth Gladney, back in 2009.

So you're admitting that the unions use bullying thugs to physically attack those they oppose. How nice of you. Hope you get caught in the middle someday and the whop you good.
Brown Shirts were ruffians pure and simple, started out as beer hall bouncers- they're still there. What labor unions in the USSR? You've been listening to Prof. Beck's drivel again...

How are the thugs in the video mentioned in the OP any different, they don't drink beer? It looks to me like they spend quite a lot of time in bars drinking beer.

Better they drink alone in their basement like you....

I'm a diabetic. I can't drink at all.

You, on the other hand, are clearly off your medication.
Fuck Crowder. He's a Fox News thug.

Yeah, you are probably right. Shoot, why not put a bullet in the back of every head who disagrees with you, right? Those FOX news jerks.....

Then again, why not follow Harry Belafonte's idea and just throw anyone who disagrees with Obama into jail.

I seem to recall stories of folks just like you called "Brown Shirts".

You sound as nuts as Belafonte.

Sorry, but I disagree. You see, your ideology says "Fuck Crowder. He's a fox news thug".

That's nothing more than character assassination by you in an attempt to destroy. That's the way cowards like you work. You'd love to run fox news off the air because they DARE to disagree with your idea of the "truth".

The only difference between you and a Nazi is that THEY wore uniforms.

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