And Now The Bell Tolls


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Those addicted to "progressive" fake and vegan news are hereby put on notice: if you are still reading Salon Silliness there is something desperately wrong with you. Whatever media value Salon had in its early years has been erased by the anti-US hatemongers who "work" there. One can only hope it's the first in a flood of useless media (Buzzfeed? CNN?) - many of which rode the Internet wave - that now find themselves on the bitter shores of Bankruptcy. Having lost 96% of it's market value, one can only wonder what assets it has left to liquidate? Some SJW keyboards? :lol:
Salon Media Group, a one-time digital darling, has fallen on hard times... “There can be no guarantee that the asset sale will be completed and, if not completed, we may have to file for bankruptcy and liquidation.”
...The left-leaning Web site was launched in San Francisco in 1995, staffed largely by refugees from a newspaper strike at the San Francisco Examiner. It went public in June 1999 valued at $107 million, but has lost money ever since.
Those addicted to "progressive" fake and vegan news are hereby put on notice: if you are still reading Salon Silliness there is something desperately wrong with you. Whatever media value Salon had in its early years has been erased by the anti-US hatemongers who "work" there. One can only hope it's the first in a flood of useless media (Buzzfeed? CNN?) - many of which rode the Internet wave - that now find themselves on the bitter shores of Bankruptcy. Having lost 96% of it's market value, one can only wonder what assets it has left to liquidate? Some SJW keyboards? :lol:
Salon Media Group, a one-time digital darling, has fallen on hard times... “There can be no guarantee that the asset sale will be completed and, if not completed, we may have to file for bankruptcy and liquidation.”
...The left-leaning Web site was launched in San Francisco in 1995, staffed largely by refugees from a newspaper strike at the San Francisco Examiner. It went public in June 1999 valued at $107 million, but has lost money ever since.
/---/ I'll buy Salon --- for $3 and a Hersey bar. I can fix it overnight.
Those addicted to "progressive" fake and vegan news are hereby put on notice: if you are still reading Salon Silliness there is something desperately wrong with you. Whatever media value Salon had in its early years has been erased by the anti-US hatemongers who "work" there. One can only hope it's the first in a flood of useless media (Buzzfeed? CNN?) - many of which rode the Internet wave - that now find themselves on the bitter shores of Bankruptcy. Having lost 96% of it's market value, one can only wonder what assets it has left to liquidate? Some SJW keyboards? :lol:
Salon Media Group, a one-time digital darling, has fallen on hard times... “There can be no guarantee that the asset sale will be completed and, if not completed, we may have to file for bankruptcy and liquidation.”
...The left-leaning Web site was launched in San Francisco in 1995, staffed largely by refugees from a newspaper strike at the San Francisco Examiner. It went public in June 1999 valued at $107 million, but has lost money ever since.
/---/ I'll buy Salon --- for $3 and a Hersey bar. I can fix it overnight.
In my experience only solid firms manage to recover - my R.E development company for instance - and Salon would need to either find a new niche or a "progressive" sugar daddy unconcerned with losing money.

Meanwhile the precipitous slide on which fake media outlets like Salon have put our media continues apace, much to our detriment:

Most Americans say they have lost trust in the media
Yet another case of "Get Woke, Go Broke".

Salon's problems are all of their own making.
Talk facts and reality to the American people and they will give you good ratings. CNN and MSNBC ratings plummet; Fox News triumphs in wake of 'no collusion'
In the real world people learn from their mistakes. Unfortunately much of our media does not operate in the real world. Salon only lasted this long because a few deep-pocketed "progressive" benefactors were very generous. CNN only exists because it is part of virtually all cable packages.
Yet another case of "Get Woke, Go Broke".
Salon's problems are all of their own making.
Which can be said of much of our media impressed with their own "brilliance" and caught up in spreading their narrative rather than real news.
People are realizing so much of the media are just fucking liars.

Love seeing this stuff.
Yet another case of "Get Woke, Go Broke".

Salon's problems are all of their own making.
/——/ I up my offer to buy Salon to $3, a Hersey bar and a bag of Sour Patch Kids.

I'll take the Ransom of Little Red Chief approach. They can pay me $100 to take the company. Every day of delay increases the price by 2X.
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How is Vox doing? Their band space should be given away to an elderly couple posting videos of their grandkids
playing polka music.
Yet another case of "Get Woke, Go Broke". Salon's problems are all of their own making.
/——/ I up my offer to buy Salon to $3, a Hersey bar and a bag of Sour Patch Kids.
The problem isn't the price you pay but rather how much you are prepared to lose on operations going forward.
Their ad revs are "deplorable" and even the prospective $5mil buyer admits Salon will need a lot more clicks to stay out of bankruptcy liquidation. Wanna buy some used SJW keyboards cheap?
Those addicted to "progressive" fake and vegan news are hereby put on notice: if you are still reading Salon Silliness there is something desperately wrong with you. Whatever media value Salon had in its early years has been erased by the anti-US hatemongers who "work" there. One can only hope it's the first in a flood of useless media (Buzzfeed? CNN?) - many of which rode the Internet wave - that now find themselves on the bitter shores of Bankruptcy. Having lost 96% of it's market value, one can only wonder what assets it has left to liquidate? Some SJW keyboards? :lol:
Salon Media Group, a one-time digital darling, has fallen on hard times... “There can be no guarantee that the asset sale will be completed and, if not completed, we may have to file for bankruptcy and liquidation.”
...The left-leaning Web site was launched in San Francisco in 1995, staffed largely by refugees from a newspaper strike at the San Francisco Examiner. It went public in June 1999 valued at $107 million, but has lost money ever since.
/---/ I'll buy Salon --- for $3 and a Hersey bar. I can fix it overnight.

You'd have to assume their debt.

Oddly, even though they are communists, the employees wanted to be paid...
Those addicted to "progressive" fake and vegan news are hereby put on notice: if you are still reading Salon Silliness there is something desperately wrong with you. Whatever media value Salon had in its early years has been erased by the anti-US hatemongers who "work" there. One can only hope it's the first in a flood of useless media (Buzzfeed? CNN?) - many of which rode the Internet wave - that now find themselves on the bitter shores of Bankruptcy. Having lost 96% of it's market value, one can only wonder what assets it has left to liquidate? Some SJW keyboards? :lol:
Salon Media Group, a one-time digital darling, has fallen on hard times... “There can be no guarantee that the asset sale will be completed and, if not completed, we may have to file for bankruptcy and liquidation.”
...The left-leaning Web site was launched in San Francisco in 1995, staffed largely by refugees from a newspaper strike at the San Francisco Examiner. It went public in June 1999 valued at $107 million, but has lost money ever since.
/---/ I'll buy Salon --- for $3 and a Hersey bar. I can fix it overnight.

You'd have to assume their debt.

Oddly, even though they are communists, the employees wanted to be paid...
Not necessarily. By moving the assets into a new corp entity -, LLC - the debts will remain with Salon Media Group which will have to pay them from the proceeds of the sale. Either way the latter will be dropped into bankruptcy liquidation in short order. :)
It started with the Weekly Standard never Trump dickheads.

They died quickly.

No Audience

What til Hufpo fails
It started with the Weekly Standard never Trump dickheads.
They died quickly. No Audience. What til Hufpo fails
It's the beauty of the free market … if a firm does not have a viable product, no one buys it. Of course that doesn't mean a G Soros type won't adopt it as his pet. So much for the integrity of our 4th Estate.
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