And now ANOTHER objective word about President Obama!


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
This is (if memory serves) the third time I have created a thread to be objective about President Obama in a positive way. Mostly my objectivity about his Presidency is critical and quite negative. But, I still think one is obliged to "give the devil his due."

To the extent that the Administration IS to blame for the NUMEROUS and overlapping "screwups" that ALMOST resulted in a plotted terrorist act succeeding, it is GOOD to see that President Obama is more or less now owning it.

If we cannot admit our mistakes, we cannot learn from them.

He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney. In fact, he SHOULD invite them both back to the White House for a private and serious discussion about the appropriate uses to which the Bush Administrations' well-crafted tools COULD be properly put to better effect, now.

If he did these things, the Soros uber-left wing base of the Democrat Parody would turn on him like a mad dog. But President Obama MIGHT just find that there are those of us on the right who are willing to embrace his efforts when he moves in the proper direction. Politically, it might not offset the damage he'd incur, but that's ok. It could be a Profiles In Courage display just the same.

So much for what he SHOULD do to take additional steps in the right direction.

I say the President actually DOES deserve some props for manning-up to the responsibility of HIS Administration for the near tragedy over Detroit. :clap2:

I look forward to seeing if there is a meaningful follow-through.
listening now, he sounds almost presidential wtf? was he visited by rove cheney and clinton?
listening now, he sounds almost presidential wtf? was he visited by rove cheney and clinton?

I dunno. I'm surprised. It COULD be a head-fake, I guess.

But if he has actually gotten it through his head that he is the President of the United States of America and that, as such, he is responsible to take the actions reasonably required to prepare for such anticipated attacks, then I am pleased that he is growing into the job. Surprised, but pleased.

I just HOPE that it's not a head-fake.
Here is an honest democrat


I watched Obama, and was not impressed. He talks a good talk, with zero passion for the Americans on that plane and no kudos to those who saved the day.
Dry as a freaking cracker
Drier than Phyliss Diller's Cha-Cha????

Drier than Phyliss Diller's Cha-Cha????


OMG! :lol::lol::lol:


That sounds like one of those Hollywood roasts I saw last year.

Bab Saget ( a truly vile comic ) was roasting the VERY geriatric Cloris Leachman, the old bat from the Mary Tyler Moore show. Saget and the others made references to Leachman's vagina that would make Yukon retch.
Drier than Phyliss Diller's Cha-Cha????


OMG! :lol::lol::lol:


That sounds like one of those Hollywood roasts I saw last year.

Bab Saget ( a truly vile comic ) was roasting the VERY geriatric Cloris Leachman, the old bat from the Mary Tyler Moore show. Saget and the others made references to Leachman's vagina that would make Yukon retch.

If she is alive that is one dry Cha-Cha.

Then again if she is dead, that is one dry Cha-Cha...
He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney

Please...please come back

We are sorry and Liability misses you SOOOooooooo much! :eusa_pray:
I hear you

It’s Come to This… CNN Leftist Hack Calls Obama a Liar

He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney

Please...please come back

We are sorry and Liability misses you SOOOooooooo much! :eusa_pray:

No no. That's not what I said.

In case it was as unclear to anybody else as it was to leftshitflinger, here, what I meant was only that President Obama should apologize to President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the crappy things he and his spoke's-tools have said about those two fine men.

Rather than pointing his boney finger at President Bush, and trying to pawn off ANY blame there, he SHOULD be giving his predecessor due credit.

It would be the honorable and honest thing to do.
He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney

Please...please come back

We are sorry and Liability misses you SOOOooooooo much! :eusa_pray:

No no. That's not what I said.

In case it was as unclear to anybody else as it was to leftshitflinger, here, what I meant was only that President Obama should apologize to President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the crappy things he and his spoke's-tools have said about those two fine men.

Rather than pointing his boney finger at President Bush, and trying to pawn off ANY blame there, he SHOULD be giving his predecessor due credit.

It would be the honorable and honest thing to do.

In regards to keeping our country safe after 9/11 you are absolutely correct.

Well said.
Obama said

"We are at war, we are at war against al-Qaida," he said. "We will do whatever it takes to defeat them."

That is great, now, hopefully he will show that those words mean something.
This is (if memory serves) the third time I have created a thread to be objective about President Obama in a positive way. Mostly my objectivity about his Presidency is critical and quite negative. But, I still think one is obliged to "give the devil his due."

To the extent that the Administration IS to blame for the NUMEROUS and overlapping "screwups" that ALMOST resulted in a plotted terrorist act succeeding, it is GOOD to see that President Obama is more or less now owning it.

If we cannot admit our mistakes, we cannot learn from them.

He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney. In fact, he SHOULD invite them both back to the White House for a private and serious discussion about the appropriate uses to which the Bush Administrations' well-crafted tools COULD be properly put to better effect, now.

If he did these things, the Soros uber-left wing base of the Democrat Parody would turn on him like a mad dog. But President Obama MIGHT just find that there are those of us on the right who are willing to embrace his efforts when he moves in the proper direction. Politically, it might not offset the damage he'd incur, but that's ok. It could be a Profiles In Courage display just the same.

So much for what he SHOULD do to take additional steps in the right direction.

I say the President actually DOES deserve some props for manning-up to the responsibility of HIS Administration for the near tragedy over Detroit. :clap2:

I look forward to seeing if there is a meaningful follow-through.

Not often I disagree, but there is NOTHING here to :clap2: unless failure deserves such. They KNEW the guys name, indeed after allowing him to board, planned on questioning him when the plane came down. It did, luckily without accomplishing his goal. OTOH, they've mirandized him, gave him a lawyer and he's no longer talking. He seems to have other names and such, but WTF, his 'rights' are protected. He's not a citizen, he never should have boarded the plane.
Please...please come back

We are sorry and Liability misses you SOOOooooooo much! :eusa_pray:

No no. That's not what I said.

In case it was as unclear to anybody else as it was to leftshitflinger, here, what I meant was only that President Obama should apologize to President Bush and Vice President Cheney for the crappy things he and his spoke's-tools have said about those two fine men.

Rather than pointing his boney finger at President Bush, and trying to pawn off ANY blame there, he SHOULD be giving his predecessor due credit.

It would be the honorable and honest thing to do.

In regards to keeping our country safe after 9/11 you are absolutely correct.

Well said.

Thank you, thank-you President Bush

You kept us safe after 9-11

Except for the people killed in the Anthrax attacks
Except for the Shoe bomber
Except for the 3000 soldiers kiled in your unnecessary Iraq occupation
This is (if memory serves) the third time I have created a thread to be objective about President Obama in a positive way. Mostly my objectivity about his Presidency is critical and quite negative. But, I still think one is obliged to "give the devil his due."

To the extent that the Administration IS to blame for the NUMEROUS and overlapping "screwups" that ALMOST resulted in a plotted terrorist act succeeding, it is GOOD to see that President Obama is more or less now owning it.

If we cannot admit our mistakes, we cannot learn from them.

He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney. In fact, he SHOULD invite them both back to the White House for a private and serious discussion about the appropriate uses to which the Bush Administrations' well-crafted tools COULD be properly put to better effect, now.

If he did these things, the Soros uber-left wing base of the Democrat Parody would turn on him like a mad dog. But President Obama MIGHT just find that there are those of us on the right who are willing to embrace his efforts when he moves in the proper direction. Politically, it might not offset the damage he'd incur, but that's ok. It could be a Profiles In Courage display just the same.

So much for what he SHOULD do to take additional steps in the right direction.

I say the President actually DOES deserve some props for manning-up to the responsibility of HIS Administration for the near tragedy over Detroit. :clap2:

I look forward to seeing if there is a meaningful follow-through.

Not often I disagree, but there is NOTHING here to :clap2: unless failure deserves such. They KNEW the guys name, indeed after allowing him to board, planned on questioning him when the plane came down. It did, luckily without accomplishing his goal. OTOH, they've mirandized him, gave him a lawyer and he's no longer talking. He seems to have other names and such, but WTF, his 'rights' are protected. He's not a citizen, he never should have boarded the plane.

That just stops me cold. They planned to question him after the plane landed? That lacsadasical attitude almost cost 300 people their lives.
This is (if memory serves) the third time I have created a thread to be objective about President Obama in a positive way. Mostly my objectivity about his Presidency is critical and quite negative. But, I still think one is obliged to "give the devil his due."

To the extent that the Administration IS to blame for the NUMEROUS and overlapping "screwups" that ALMOST resulted in a plotted terrorist act succeeding, it is GOOD to see that President Obama is more or less now owning it.

If we cannot admit our mistakes, we cannot learn from them.

He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney. In fact, he SHOULD invite them both back to the White House for a private and serious discussion about the appropriate uses to which the Bush Administrations' well-crafted tools COULD be properly put to better effect, now.

If he did these things, the Soros uber-left wing base of the Democrat Parody would turn on him like a mad dog. But President Obama MIGHT just find that there are those of us on the right who are willing to embrace his efforts when he moves in the proper direction. Politically, it might not offset the damage he'd incur, but that's ok. It could be a Profiles In Courage display just the same.

So much for what he SHOULD do to take additional steps in the right direction.

I say the President actually DOES deserve some props for manning-up to the responsibility of HIS Administration for the near tragedy over Detroit. :clap2:

I look forward to seeing if there is a meaningful follow-through.

Not often I disagree, but there is NOTHING here to :clap2: unless failure deserves such. They KNEW the guys name, indeed after allowing him to board, planned on questioning him when the plane came down. It did, luckily without accomplishing his goal. OTOH, they've mirandized him, gave him a lawyer and he's no longer talking. He seems to have other names and such, but WTF, his 'rights' are protected. He's not a citizen, he never should have boarded the plane.

Wait. The President is busy admitting that there were a series of massive "screw-ups" that NEARLY led to the successs of a terrorist plot. I am not offering him kudos for the tremendous job he's done. I am offering him kudos, instead, for accepting the blame for such massive screw-ups.

It is my belief that his tone and tenor have set the stage. HE needs to start taking this threat seriously. Too often too many liberals (like the President) use "terrorism" as a punchline for their dismissive commentary.

But if he is starting to appreciate that the threat is real, not a rhetorical buzz word for the use of the leftists, then he HAS made some significant progress.

And I still think it takes a man to accept responsibility for fucking up something this important. It's HIS year old Administration. He was right to take the blame. I think he deserves to have that stand-up commentary of his acknowledged. But then, I want to see what he DOES now that the words have gotten past his lips.
This is (if memory serves) the third time I have created a thread to be objective about President Obama in a positive way. Mostly my objectivity about his Presidency is critical and quite negative. But, I still think one is obliged to "give the devil his due."

To the extent that the Administration IS to blame for the NUMEROUS and overlapping "screwups" that ALMOST resulted in a plotted terrorist act succeeding, it is GOOD to see that President Obama is more or less now owning it.

If we cannot admit our mistakes, we cannot learn from them.

He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney. In fact, he SHOULD invite them both back to the White House for a private and serious discussion about the appropriate uses to which the Bush Administrations' well-crafted tools COULD be properly put to better effect, now.

If he did these things, the Soros uber-left wing base of the Democrat Parody would turn on him like a mad dog. But President Obama MIGHT just find that there are those of us on the right who are willing to embrace his efforts when he moves in the proper direction. Politically, it might not offset the damage he'd incur, but that's ok. It could be a Profiles In Courage display just the same.

So much for what he SHOULD do to take additional steps in the right direction.

I say the President actually DOES deserve some props for manning-up to the responsibility of HIS Administration for the near tragedy over Detroit. :clap2:

I look forward to seeing if there is a meaningful follow-through.

Not often I disagree, but there is NOTHING here to :clap2: unless failure deserves such. They KNEW the guys name, indeed after allowing him to board, planned on questioning him when the plane came down. It did, luckily without accomplishing his goal. OTOH, they've mirandized him, gave him a lawyer and he's no longer talking. He seems to have other names and such, but WTF, his 'rights' are protected. He's not a citizen, he never should have boarded the plane.

Wait. The President is busy admitting that there were a series of massive "screw-ups" that NEARLY led to the successs of a terrorist plot. I am not offering him kudos for the tremendous job he's done. I am offering him kudos, instead, for accepting the blame for such massive screw-ups.

It is my belief that his tone and tenor have set the stage. HE needs to start taking this threat seriously. Too often too many liberals (like the President) use "terrorism" as a punchline for their dismissive commentary.

But if he is starting to appreciate that the threat is real, not a rhetorical buzz word for the use of the leftists, then he HAS made some significant progress.

And I still think it takes a man to accept responsibility for fucking up something this important. It's HIS year old Administration. He was right to take the blame. I think he deserves to have that stand-up commentary of his acknowledged. But then, I want to see what he DOES now that the words have gotten past his lips.

I am not complaining about your right to give him kudos. I just disagree that saying, "It's my fault," when that's been obvious even before knowing that they'd known about this guy and still allowed him to board, doesn't deserve anything.

OF COURSE IT'S HIS FAULT! It was his appointees' minions that allowed this to happen. Have you caught the Jillian posts about it being Bush's fault for 9/11, because they KNEW al Queda wanted to attack and planes figured into the scenario? Problem was, no data had gotten far other than threats about planes.

I will say all; Clinton, Bush, and Obama wished to be 'domestic' presidents, see a trend here?
This is (if memory serves) the third time I have created a thread to be objective about President Obama in a positive way. Mostly my objectivity about his Presidency is critical and quite negative. But, I still think one is obliged to "give the devil his due."

To the extent that the Administration IS to blame for the NUMEROUS and overlapping "screwups" that ALMOST resulted in a plotted terrorist act succeeding, it is GOOD to see that President Obama is more or less now owning it.

If we cannot admit our mistakes, we cannot learn from them.

He should go further, now. He SHOULD takes some pains to give due credit to the prior Administration, acknowledge that some of his (and his Administration's) criticisms of the prior Administration were misguided and unfair. He SHOULD damn well offer an apology to President Bush AND to Vice President Cheney. In fact, he SHOULD invite them both back to the White House for a private and serious discussion about the appropriate uses to which the Bush Administrations' well-crafted tools COULD be properly put to better effect, now.

If he did these things, the Soros uber-left wing base of the Democrat Parody would turn on him like a mad dog. But President Obama MIGHT just find that there are those of us on the right who are willing to embrace his efforts when he moves in the proper direction. Politically, it might not offset the damage he'd incur, but that's ok. It could be a Profiles In Courage display just the same.

So much for what he SHOULD do to take additional steps in the right direction.

I say the President actually DOES deserve some props for manning-up to the responsibility of HIS Administration for the near tragedy over Detroit. :clap2:

I look forward to seeing if there is a meaningful follow-through.

Not often I disagree, but there is NOTHING here to :clap2: unless failure deserves such. They KNEW the guys name, indeed after allowing him to board, planned on questioning him when the plane came down. It did, luckily without accomplishing his goal. OTOH, they've mirandized him, gave him a lawyer and he's no longer talking. He seems to have other names and such, but WTF, his 'rights' are protected. He's not a citizen, he never should have boarded the plane.

Wait. The President is busy admitting that there were a series of massive "screw-ups" that NEARLY led to the successs of a terrorist plot. I am not offering him kudos for the tremendous job he's done. I am offering him kudos, instead, for accepting the blame for such massive screw-ups.

It is my belief that his tone and tenor have set the stage. HE needs to start taking this threat seriously. Too often too many liberals (like the President) use "terrorism" as a punchline for their dismissive commentary.

But if he is starting to appreciate that the threat is real, not a rhetorical buzz word for the use of the leftists, then he HAS made some significant progress.

And I still think it takes a man to accept responsibility for fucking up something this important. It's HIS year old Administration. He was right to take the blame. I think he deserves to have that stand-up commentary of his acknowledged. But then, I want to see what he DOES now that the words have gotten past his lips.

You are on the mark today!!!

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