Anatomy of a Fusion smear (2)


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Anatomy of a Fusion smear (2)
Anatomy of a Fusion smear (2)

We are now in position to identify the hallmarks of a Glenn Simpson/Fusion GPS fabrication. The Fusion smear of Cleta Mitchell is illustrative. Cleta’s case offers a small example, but this is not a small matter. The Russia hoax giving rise to the appointment of Robert Mueller represents the case writ large. This is Glenn Simpson’s world. We’re just living in it. The Fusion smear follows a template with four hallmarks in the news stories that disseminate it after it has been planted:

  1. The story is based on two vaguely described anonymous sources. In the McClatchy story by Peter Stone and Greg Gordon smearing Cleta they appear as sources “who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter.”
  2. The story reports that some government authority is investigating something. The fact that the something has been planted by Fusion GPS with the government authority is kept from the reader.
  3. The story is pegged to an investigation that is itself vaguely described.
  4. The story supports the merits of the Steele/Trump dossier or some other Fusion conspiracy theory.
The scale and scope of this deception is so large and pervasive that we need a tribunal akin to the Nuremberg Trials. The guilty should be shot at sunrise, or if you don’t want to get up that early, hung on the Washington Mall at noon on the 4th of July. Yea, I’m just a bit angry about this.
The reason for “immunity granted Simpson and his confederates” are his confederates, Including everyone in government and its media knowing that the government corrupted itself and unwilling to admit it. Now Obama joins the campaign in an attempt to impeach his predecessor over the corruption under his watch.
Progressive Marxist Democrats, Mueller/FBI/CNN and their hysteria is built upon a house-of-cards.
Those involved in it need to be aware that a stiff wind is coming that will blow those cards far out to sea, along with those standing beneath them. Be very cautious Comrades, be very cautious.

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