An ordinary american I WILL RUN for POTUS in 2012

Communists and socialists use the shallow superficial divisioning and separation of a society by categorizing and separating based on surface and superficial physio biological differentiations to create what they call race divisioning,sell it,make people belive in the victimization of themselves because of this,and use dividing and conquering of a society to create governmental inclusive dependance to benefit only the architects of a divisional structure,and continue to lie to a society by this divisioning. The left and socialists are responsible for the racist and facist hate groups,claiming they are rightwing,and using this deception to fuel further divisioning and superficial separation from the unity of all amwrican people,slowly taking away independance,merit,and true freedom.

That doesnt really answer my questions.... it doesnt really answer anything.
Be more specific on ypur questions so i can narrow it down.
I understand that progressivism is a cancer on our society. No doubt. But you really aren't clear on how you eliminate it.
Scientifically,we are,unlike the left categorizes us as puppwts and robots,each all individual with our own DNA imprint and chromosome structure,looking at it from a spiritual perspective,god created us all individuals,each and everyone.proofof the left being the racists are their beloved robert kkk byrd. Hope that hypocrute is burning in hell. Look at the civil rights voting records that president johnson fought against,99% of republicans voted in favor.

Divisioning and entitlements are progressive engineering to create communist wealth distribution and using this victimization by stereotyping to take cobtrol of its vision of a nation. This being said-

The progressive policies of wilson and FDR end.
the mantra and structure of political correctness it initself is racist,not accepting americans as americans.

I will eliminate affirmative action,and create THE WORKPLACE MERIT PLACEMENT ACT,which instead of forcing businesses to place superficial divisioning into jobs,but will allow businesses to truly match prospects to jobs based on MERIT AND QUALIFICATIONS,without fear. This encourages a competitive employment market,and will encourage people to better educate themselves and develop skills,regardless of race color and creed,if you qualify for a job,you do,if not,you dont. This will improve the quality and efficiency of our product and a better american workforce,a rebirth if the american economy.

And there is the God card, Folks.

You know what. Just get rid of the entire government. Fuck it all. Destroy the infrastructure of the United States so we aren't even a country anymore, just a land of no laws.
Communists and socialists use the shallow superficial divisioning and separation of a society by categorizing and separating based on surface and superficial physio biological differentiations to create what they call race divisioning,sell it,make people belive in the victimization of themselves because of this,and use dividing and conquering of a society to create governmental inclusive dependance to benefit only the architects of a divisional structure,and continue to lie to a society by this divisioning. The left and socialists are responsible for the racist and facist hate groups,claiming they are rightwing,and using this deception to fuel further divisioning and superficial separation from the unity of all amwrican people,slowly taking away independance,merit,and true freedom.

That doesnt really answer my questions.... it doesnt really answer anything.
Be more specific on ypur questions so i can narrow it down.

How can I get more specific than asking you how you intend to impliment your programs? Especially with no taxation.
You really have no freakin clue what fascism is, do you?

Do you? I see a lot of arbitrary federal level force in that list and sealing the borders means a militarized border.

You do realize that if you eliminate taxation you have no money to enforce jack right?

Taxation imposition will evolve to public citizen investment account budgets,at every level of government,local,county,state,and federal. Can only be acted upon and plaved with the citizens majority vote,so citizens can control,directly,the appropriations and the of their government investment budgets. They will be run in a business type fasion,and if profitability exists,then refund will be returned back to the people. The term taxpayer will evolve to the term of public government investor,and citizens can vote to change at anytime,but theres a level of responsibility to each and every citizen.
Taxpayers will become public government investors,with at every level of government,complete control and authority of the investment disbursements. Elected officials can only act upon the collective majority vote of the people,and not unto itself.

Elected officials are entitled,as public servants,as stated via the constitution,to return investment profits,and cannot create disbursements unto themselves.the government woll be run like,profitable and independant for all citizens at all levels of givernment. A true capitalist society.
Communists and socialists use the shallow superficial divisioning and separation of a society by categorizing and separating based on surface and superficial physio biological differentiations to create what they call race divisioning,sell it,make people belive in the victimization of themselves because of this,and use dividing and conquering of a society to create governmental inclusive dependance to benefit only the architects of a divisional structure,and continue to lie to a society by this divisioning. The left and socialists are responsible for the racist and facist hate groups,claiming they are rightwing,and using this deception to fuel further divisioning and superficial separation from the unity of all amwrican people,slowly taking away independance,merit,and true freedom.

Bullshit, address the fact that your ideas are an insane mix of libertarian pipe dreams and unconstitutional ironfisted domestic military intervention.

Its called elected officials and leadership working for the people,by the and of the people.scary,but my solutions WILL work. The handout days are over.
Ppwer to the people. If the citizens of a certain level of government jurisdiction decide programs or anything,then its people power thats makes that decision,not interventionalist government.
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There will be no more days of government shipping billions to some african or foreign nation at the expense of the people,especially countries like pakistan.
People dont need the government telling them who or how to disperse or spend their money. Thats interventionalist socialism and imperialism.
There wouldnt be this deadlock,because the citizens would have the final call say on federal budget matters in my system.PEOPLE WILL HAVE THE POWER TO VETO,AND CHANGE ANYTHING SEE FIT TO THE MAJORITY VOTE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. THE PEOPLES MAJORITY VOTE WOLL BE THE FINAL CALL IN ALL MATTERS GOVERNMENT RELATED,AND CANNOT BE DECIDED OR ACTED ON WITHOUT SUCH.the elected officials represent directly,and follow,the will of the people.
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If by nothing, you mean everything, then yes you're correct.

If by nothing you meant something else, then sorry you're not.

Would you care to substantiate such a position?

How would the source of Truth and Freedom be irrelevant to either?

Giving you one thing, that a God is the Source of Truth and Freedom, which God? Who's God did this, and why?

Not giving you that, what evidence leads you to the conclusion that it was a God that gave us such things?

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