An open letter to Mitt Romney


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Stanley Weiss: An Open Letter to Mitt Romney

All of them are gone from Congress now. If polls are to be believed, the only remaining senator from either party who readily fits into their company -- who earned the title of "statesman" more than two decades ago, and who has played THE central role for the U.S. on arms control the past 30 years -- is about to lose his seat today to a candidate that has charitably been described as a "tea party hothead."

The shame of it is not that six-term Indiana Senator Dick Lugar is on the ropes because his lifetime 77 percent rating from the American Conservative Union is now judged as "too liberal" for the increasingly right-leaning politics of Indiana. That is a judgment for the voters to make. The shame of it is that the challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, has been allowed to turn "statesman" into a dirty word.

He mocks Lugar for his work to build a bipartisan coalition to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists, stating flatly that "The time for being collegial is past -- it's time for confrontation." Never mind that Lugar's "collegiality" is what helped protect Americans from weapons of mass destruction for 36 years, or that Lugar actually served in the U.S. military while Mourdock avoided service and now believes that "some branches of the U.S. military might not be necessary in the 21st Century." In the new Republican party, America's real enemy isn't Tehran or Beijing -- it's the Democratic National Committee. We've finally reached a point where the Tea Party believes its own bumper stickers.

As a World War II veteran who wore a Wendell Wilkie button to school and remembers when Republicans like Dwight Eisenhower embodied American foreign policy competence, I was willing to look past it when Sarah Palin called Africa a "country" four years ago. I was willing to look past Minnesota congresswoman (and Tea Party favorite) Michele Bachmann's assertion that her first act as president would be to close the U.S. embassy in Iran (which isn't hard, since it's been closed since 1980). I was willing to give former Senator Rick Santorum a pass for implying that he wanted to go to war with China and bomb Iran; Herman Cain for appearing like he'd never heard of Libya; and Newt Gingrich for envisioning a foreign policy that extended to a colony on the moon.

But slapping Dick Lugar for being a statesman is a step too far.

It's a good read. I hope somebody gets it into Romney's hands.
Stanley Weiss: An Open Letter to Mitt Romney

All of them are gone from Congress now. If polls are to be believed, the only remaining senator from either party who readily fits into their company -- who earned the title of "statesman" more than two decades ago, and who has played THE central role for the U.S. on arms control the past 30 years -- is about to lose his seat today to a candidate that has charitably been described as a "tea party hothead."

The shame of it is not that six-term Indiana Senator Dick Lugar is on the ropes because his lifetime 77 percent rating from the American Conservative Union is now judged as "too liberal" for the increasingly right-leaning politics of Indiana. That is a judgment for the voters to make. The shame of it is that the challenger, state Treasurer Richard Mourdock, has been allowed to turn "statesman" into a dirty word.

He mocks Lugar for his work to build a bipartisan coalition to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of terrorists, stating flatly that "The time for being collegial is past -- it's time for confrontation." Never mind that Lugar's "collegiality" is what helped protect Americans from weapons of mass destruction for 36 years, or that Lugar actually served in the U.S. military while Mourdock avoided service and now believes that "some branches of the U.S. military might not be necessary in the 21st Century." In the new Republican party, America's real enemy isn't Tehran or Beijing -- it's the Democratic National Committee. We've finally reached a point where the Tea Party believes its own bumper stickers.

As a World War II veteran who wore a Wendell Wilkie button to school and remembers when Republicans like Dwight Eisenhower embodied American foreign policy competence, I was willing to look past it when Sarah Palin called Africa a "country" four years ago. I was willing to look past Minnesota congresswoman (and Tea Party favorite) Michele Bachmann's assertion that her first act as president would be to close the U.S. embassy in Iran (which isn't hard, since it's been closed since 1980). I was willing to give former Senator Rick Santorum a pass for implying that he wanted to go to war with China and bomb Iran; Herman Cain for appearing like he'd never heard of Libya; and Newt Gingrich for envisioning a foreign policy that extended to a colony on the moon.

But slapping Dick Lugar for being a statesman is a step too far.

It's a good read. I hope somebody gets it into Romney's hands.

Screw this guy.. who the fuck is he? His comments on the Tea Party show he's either:

1. Woefully ignorant, or
2.. A hack.

Now Romney's has to denounce anyone Weiss doesn't agree with? Fuck him.
This guy salaciously mocks and attacks people in the Tea Party, but whines to Romney because Lugar's opponent is mocking and attacking?

Huffo Puffo Fluffo....

Yeah... I'm sure that's FULL of objective thought and should get RIGHT INTO THE HAND OF Romney... LMAO

What a tool

Talk about a thoughtless knee-jerk response. Do you even know who Stanley Weiss and the Business Executives for National Security organization are? BENS's membership is mostly conservatives. Defense contractors and the like.

You just proved him right.
Business Executives for National Security (BENS) | Public Intelligence

Business Executives for National Security (BENS) is a nationwide, non-partisan organization which describes itself as the “primary channel through which senior business executives can help enhance the nation’s security.”2 The organization is largely conservative in membership, with a large number of its members coming from private defense contractors. In the 1980s BENS was instrumental in passing the Base Realignment and Closure Act with the help of Rep. Dick Armey.3 The organization also advocates and works in support of a number of different issues, including Secret Service Human Capital Reform, Cyber Security, and the formation of Business Response Task Forces around the country.4

BENS was founded in 1982 by business executive and entrepreneur Stanley A. Weiss, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a Bilderberg Attendee.

Ooooooh. Bilderberg! Cue the leftie doom music!
Screw this guy.. who the fuck is he? His comments on the Tea Party show he's either:

1. Woefully ignorant, or
2.. A hack.

Hilariously ironic post.

You don't know the first thing about Weiss and paint HIM as the ignorant one! :lol:

You guys saw a Huffington Post link and just made a running LEAP to the wrong conclusions.
I showed your letter to Gov. Romney who replied:
"Fuck you, I only do what the RNC and the Bankers who finance me TELL me to do! Wait, is that mic on?"
Weiss is correct. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Enjoy your Obama presidency, GOP. You guys worked really hard for it, and earned it.
Screw this guy.. who the fuck is he? His comments on the Tea Party show he's either:

1. Woefully ignorant, or
2.. A hack.

Hilariously ironic post.

You don't know the first thing about Weiss and paint HIM as the ignorant one! :lol:

You guys saw a Huffington Post link and just made a running LEAP to the wrong conclusions.

No, I read the article where he is bitching about Lugar being attacked and then goes on to attack the tea Party and demand Romney denounce the attacks on Lugar.

It's motherfucking absurd.
Who the hell is Stanley Weiss? Is he the furniture salesman or the professional poker player or maybe the professor of psychology. He is certainly entitled to his opinion but the only opinion that means anything is the one that comes out of the voting booth.
Okay, how many disagree with this point he made?

Americans deserve an honest debate about our role in the world.

Sure, whatever.... when have Progressives EVER been interested in honest debate? What ever happened to the health care debate? Oh yeah, done under cover of the dead of night and the Holidays.
Senator Lugar isnt conservative. The man supports trading our national sovereignty away to the UN and ICC. I hope he loses big because we need representatives who fight for us and not give away our power.
Huffo Puffo Fluffo....

Yeah... I'm sure that's FULL of objective thought and should get RIGHT INTO THE HAND OF Romney... LMAO

What a tool

From the article:

The author is Founding Chairman of Business Executives for National Security, a nonpartisan organization based in Washington, D.C. This is a personal comment.
Senator Lugar isnt conservative. The man supports trading our national sovereignty away to the UN and ICC. I hope he loses big because we need representatives who fight for us and not give away our power.

So you prefer a polarized, doctrinaire society that doesn't seek to find common ground?

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