An Open Letter to Michael Steele and the Republican Party


Active Member
Sep 5, 2008
Michael, listen carefully, Rush has it right this time! I speak for the untold millions of Americans alarmed at the direction this Administration is heading, a direction caused, in part, by the weakness of the Republican Party which has been trying to mold its imagine into everything for everybody. A GOP that thinks it needs to moderate its tone and work in the middle because of a mistaken belief it needs to be more liberal to attract more diverse crowds. I used to be a Republican, in fact I am still a Reagan Republican. I’m not, however, affiliated anymore with this latest version, Democrat Lite, which tries to be everything to everybody. Why are you so apologetic for Obama? I never see Democrats ever chastise their members for insulting Republicans! There are no niceties in war and we are in a war for the heart and soul of our nation! Be a Warrior!

I agree with Rush! Let me be loud and clear when I say I don’t want to Obama to succeed! I don’t want him to inject socialism as the cure for our economic ills! I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer. Obama promises much more than economic recovery, his plans are no more than the social restructuring of our entire culture. I don’t want to see my freedoms erode, liberal social values jammed down my throat! I want the American people to see first hand that liberal policies are dead wrong and the answer is a 2nd Reagan Revolution which gets the government the hell out of our way and lets the American people and their ingenuity restore the economy!

We Americans have become so fat and lazy. We feel economic prosperity is a right, everyone should be in a two car garage house, luxury cars, college educations paid for all of our kids, paid much more than our worth at work. We have forgotten the pain it took for so many of our ancestors to make this nation what it is. We have forgotten it takes hard work and sacrifice to be successful. We know no longer look at ourselves as Americans but prefer hyphenating our culture into African-American, Hispanic-American, European-American, etc. keeping us separate. Damn it, we are just Americans! We no longer remember why our parents and grandparents left their homes when they came to these shores. It was opportunity, reward, and freedom. Reagan made us believe in ourselves over government, why is this not hard to understand? This economy is not the worst in history as Obama wants us to believe. I remember the late 70s and it was much worse, the problem here is not the downturn it is the American naivety to believe what the press and liberals are saying, all of which is a ploy to get the people to go along with the program. As World War II brought forth the greatest generation out of the ashes of the Depression, I am confident the American people can come out of any economic downturn stronger than ever.

You need to wake up and realize that low income wage earners are quite content with looking to the government for as many handouts and support as they can find. Unless the GOP decides to endorse welfare, you will NEVER get their votes so quit trying. Envy of those that are more well off has been with the human race since the notion of wealth was born, you will never get rid of it. Don’t try to pander to those who look to others to enrich themselves. The Democrats know this and use it to an art form.

Do you think they really care a whit for the poor?
Do you know of any liberal politician who grew up in poverty?
Do any ever tell us how welfare was able to pick their families up and they are the living proof it succeeds?

I can find alot more people (myself included) who can tell stories how poor they were when they grew up and crawled out of that life through hard work and opportunity. The liberals know full well that the more programs they create, the more they can hook, and the more votes they reserve for themselves, that’s the motivation. Class warfare is a classis liberal tool. Liberals crave power and the riches they generate. Socialism is their ideal tool as it entraps the citizenry to become slaves of the government.

You will NEVER get the vote of the homosexuals, or the abortionists, or the liberal professors, or the union bosses so QUIT TRYING TO APPEASE THEM! Our fundamental ideology is antithesis to their agenda so lets not pretend anymore ok? Appeal to the core who seek to benefit the most from a pure GOP agenda, show the middle and upper classes that they will gain from a conservative platform.

Show us how you will no longer raid our pockets to pay for government largess.
Show us how you will reign in the federal government.
Show us how you will fight to retain our rights.
Show us how you will reduce government in our lives.
Show us how you will not allow social engineering to intrude into our beliefs.
Show us how you will reward hard work and opportunity.

The energized middle and upper income population is way more powerful than any voting block in this nation. We just aren’t as noisy as the liberal neocon screamers as we are too busy working for a living to go out and protest. We are there though, quiet and waiting for you to give us a reason to vote for you. You want us to have faith in you, why not have faith in us? Bring us the 2nd Contract with America and not let the corrupt politicians who get elected abuse it again.

My daddy used to say you are defined more by your failures than your successes. Let the last two elections serve as that education. People don’t care about complaints liberals make whenever we challenge their agenda. That can call us “haters” all they want. Remember, conservatives vote on principle, liberals vote to win. Give us the reason to vote and we will retake our country.
Goddamned right. Just ditto everything that ol' Limpbaugh suggests. 70 Dem Senators in 2010. At least 30 more Dem Representatives.

You people gave us two failed wars. You created the Second Great Republican Depression. You let a madman kill 3000 Americans on American soil, and then let Bin Laden remain alive for over seven years, demonstrating that you can indeed strike America a grevious blow, and get away with it. Yessirreee, you have such a good record!
I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer

Okay, so you are officially an Enemy of america.

You would rather see the nation crash and burn than to see liberal policies succeed and your failed rightwing ideology consigned to the dust bin of history.

at least you're honest.
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Michael, listen carefully, Rush has it right this time! I speak for the untold millions of Americans alarmed at the direction this Administration is heading, a direction caused, in part, by the weakness of the Republican Party which has been trying to mold its imagine into everything for everybody. A GOP that thinks it needs to moderate its tone and work in the middle because of a mistaken belief it needs to be more liberal to attract more diverse crowds. I used to be a Republican, in fact I am still a Reagan Republican. I’m not, however, affiliated anymore with this latest version, Democrat Lite, which tries to be everything to everybody. Why are you so apologetic for Obama? I never see Democrats ever chastise their members for insulting Republicans! There are no niceties in war and we are in a war for the heart and soul of our nation! Be a Warrior!


My daddy used to say you are defined more by your failures than your successes. Let the last two elections serve as that education. People don’t care about complaints liberals make whenever we challenge their agenda. That can call us “haters” all they want. Remember, conservatives vote on principle, liberals vote to win. Give us the reason to vote and we will retake our country.

As a true conservative Republican, I would like to kindly ask you to shut the fuck up. Rush Limbaugh wouldn't know conservative it was an OxyContin dildo the size of a saturn rocket poised to shoot straight up his homophobic ass.

Rush is a blowhard. That is all, he will say anything to get ratings. He could give two shits about this country or the GOP. He wants ratings. I saw his speech. In person. He was dressed like Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny. Alot of the time he was incoherent and if he cared so god damned much about the party he would have run for office years ago. Instead he would rather sit on the radio and throw bricks and stir shit up for the rest of us clean up.

Compromise is what makes this country operate. Compromise is governing. Every major intiative in this country since its inception has been a compromise. If Rush had been able pass any college course whatsoever, he would know this. However, he is an academic idiot and it shows. He is a political idiot and it shows. His lack of intellectual curiosity deems him unfit to be the voice of any party. So if you want to follow Rush into the abyss that he is leading you into, then be my guest, but leave us true conservatives out of it.
The problem is that Rush is part right, but not completely right. The Republican Party has a big problem. The problem is that social conservatives rule the party but not all Republicans agree with the social conservative agenda. To make matters worse, the social conservatives aren't always the ones who are fiscally conservative. Social conservatives value moral issues over economic issues, and their wanting to legislate morals translates into something very unconservative.

The problem is if social conservatives don't get their way on everything, they stay home and refuse to support their party. At the same time, they have helped to drive off many moderate Republicans. Last of all, they are preventing the recruitment of fiscally conservative independents who don't hold so tightly to their moral convictions.

I'm not saying they are right or wrong, but they are causing a dilemna within the party.
I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer

Okay, so you are officially an Enemy of america.

You would rather see the nation crash and burn than to see liberal policies succeed and your failed rightwing ideology consigned to the dust bin of history.

at least you're honest.

Id love to see the government crash and burn.....finally.

Who wants to see socialist policies succeed??......and please dont deny that its socialism.
i want to see our country has nothing to do with being fat or lazy but it has a lot to do with being mislead for the last decade by both parties..i think both parties need to move away from the extremes
I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer

Okay, so you are officially an Enemy of america.

You would rather see the nation crash and burn than to see liberal policies succeed and your failed rightwing ideology consigned to the dust bin of history.

at least you're honest.

Remind us how opposing Bush blindly and being called on it was ok. Ohh wait I forgot, you lot whined like stuck dogs when called on your bullshit. Remind us how calling those that opposed Bush traitors was unamerican but calling those that oppose YOUR policies are now Traitors? Fucking Hypocrites one and all.
I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer

Okay, so you are officially an Enemy of america.

You would rather see the nation crash and burn than to see liberal policies succeed and your failed rightwing ideology consigned to the dust bin of history.

at least you're honest.

Id love to see the government crash and burn.....finally.

Who wants to see socialist policies succeed??......and please dont deny that its socialism.

It's not socialism. Now what?
I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer

Okay, so you are officially an Enemy of america.

You would rather see the nation crash and burn than to see liberal policies succeed and your failed rightwing ideology consigned to the dust bin of history.

at least you're honest.

Id love to see the government crash and burn.....finally.

Who wants to see socialist policies succeed??......and please dont deny that its socialism.

So a fellow with a AK for an avatar would like to see America in even worse shape that it is in today. Yes, I do want to see some socialist policies succeed. Universal Health Care is working in all the other industrial nations. That is why they have longer life spans on the average, a much lower rate of infant mortality, and their health care system costs about half of what ours does per capita. I would also like to see our returning wounded Vets getting much better care than they do at present. That too, is a socialist program.

There are areas that socialism is definately superior to capitalism. And areas where the reverse is true. And even areas where a mix produces the best results. Capitalism and Socialism are economic tools, not religions. The goal is the best results for the greatest number of our citizens, not creating an ideological hair shirt for our nation.
The fact that Limbaugh is an issue at all speaks volumes about the current leadership in the GOP, and the Dems for that matter.
I would rather this country go through 4 years of pain than have socialism be seen as the answer

Okay, so you are officially an Enemy of america.

You would rather see the nation crash and burn than to see liberal policies succeed and your failed rightwing ideology consigned to the dust bin of history.

at least you're honest.

Id love to see the government crash and burn.....finally.

thanks for the honesty. You are rooting for your nation's government to crash and burn. Republicans need more people like you in the party.

quWho wants to see socialist policies succeed??......and please dont deny that its socialism.

got it. You hate liberalism so much, you would rather see your country go down in flames than see liberal policies succeed.

that's pretty treasonous, but I appreciate the honesty.
Pelosi and Reid called Bush's budgets "dangerous" and "unpatriotic," but with Obama, they've changed their tune Back in 2006, when Democrats were hoping to win control of the House and Senate, party leaders worked themselves into a righteous outrage over the issue of out-of-control federal spending. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called the Republican budget “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic” because it increased the amount of U.S. debt held by foreign countries. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., accused Republicans of going on “an unprecedented and dangerous borrowing spree” and declared GOP leadership “the most fiscally irresponsible in the history of our country … no other president or Congress even comes close.”

President Barack Obama, accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden, are seen in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Monday, Feb. 23, 2009, before they addressed the National Governors Association regarding the economic stimulus package. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak) You won’t find too many defenders of George W. Bush’s record on spending these days, even among Republicans. But a check of historical tables compiled by the Office of Management and Budget shows that the spending that so distressed Pelosi and Reid seems downright modest today. After beginning with a Clinton-era surplus of $128 billion in fiscal year 2001, the Bush administration racked up deficits of $158 billion in 2002, $378 billion in 2003, $413 billion in 2004, $318 billion in 2005, $248 billion in 2006, $162 billion in 2007, and $410 billion in 2008.

The current administration would kill to have such small numbers. President Barack Obama is unveiling his budget this week, and, in addition to the inherited Bush deficit, he’s adding his own spending at an astonishing pace, projecting annual deficits well beyond $1 trillion in the near future, and, in the rosiest possible scenario, a $533 billion deficit in fiscal year 2013, the last year of Obama’s first term.

And what about the national debt? It increased from $5 trillion to $10 trillion in the Bush years, leading to dramatically higher interest costs. “We pay in interest four times more than we spend on education and four times what it will cost to cover 10 million children with health insurance for five years,” Pelosi said in 2007. “That’s fiscal irresponsibility.”

Now, under Obama, the national debt — and the interest payments — will increase at a far faster rate than during the Bush years.

“We thought the Bush deficits were big at the time,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, told me this week as he prepared to attend Obama’s Fiscal Responsibility Summit. “But this is going to make the previous administration look like rank amateurs. We could be adding multiple trillions to the national debt in the first year.”

At some point last week, the sheer velocity of Obama’s spending proposals began to overwhelm even experienced Washington hands. In the span of four days, we saw the signing of the $787 billion stimulus bill, the rollout of a $275 billion housing proposal, discussion of Congress’s remaining appropriations bills (about $400 billion) and word of a vaguely-defined financial stabilization plan that could ultimately cost $2 trillion. When representatives of GM and Chrysler said they might need $21 billion more to survive, it seemed like small beer.

The numbers are so dizzying that McConnell and his fellow Republicans are trying to “connect the dots” — that is, to explain to the public how all of those discrete spending initiatives add up to a previously unthinkable total. Obama’s current spending proposals, Republicans point out, will cost more than the United States spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the general war on terror and Hurricane Katrina in the last seven years. And that’s before you throw in the $2 trillion fiscal stabilization plan.

“This is big government, man,” McConnell exclaimed, his matter-of-fact manner giving way to sheer amazement. “It makes previous attempts at big government pale in comparison — they’re going to go beyond the New Deal and the Great Society by far.”

The new spending guarantees that the problems that so disturbed Pelosi and Reid just a couple of years ago — high interest payments and an increasing number of foreign debt-holders — will get worse. Yet so far, the Democratic leaders have refrained from using words like unpatriotic, irresponsible and dangerous to describe Obama’s budget.

Of course, they would never use such phrases to attack their own team. But the most important thing to understand about Pelosi and Reid is that while their rhetoric has changed, their substance hasn’t. Back in the Bush days, when they were denouncing Republican over-spending, they were also pushing the congressional leadership to spend more, not less, on just about everything. Now, returned to power, they’re doing the same thing. Only bigger.....

.As I have said many times......the only time Democrats are concerned about spending..... when a Republican is spending it....
If Republicans spent (x)......Democrats can spend 3X(x).........
Give a lib a fish--he eats for a day

Teach a lib to fish--he is back the next day asking for more free fish
Bush spent 2.7 trillion that he kept off the books through some creative book keeping. Not only that but the war that in Iraq will cost us over 3 trillion by the time all the bills are paid. When Bush took office, the National Debt, compared as a per centage of the GDP was declining. When he left office, it was going straight up, and our economy had just crashed as completely as it did in 1929.

Obama is dealing with the devastation left in all realms by eight years of Bush incompetance.
Michael, listen carefully, Rush has it right this time! I speak for the untold millions of Americans alarmed at the direction this Administration is heading, a direction caused, in part, by the weakness of the Republican Party which has been trying to mold its imagine into everything for everybody. A GOP that thinks it needs to moderate its tone and work in the middle because of a mistaken belief it needs to be more liberal to attract more diverse crowds. I used to be a Republican, in fact I am still a Reagan Republican. I’m not, however, affiliated anymore with this latest version, Democrat Lite, which tries to be everything to everybody. Why are you so apologetic for Obama? I never see Democrats ever chastise their members for insulting Republicans! There are no niceties in war and we are in a war for the heart and soul of our nation! Be a Warrior!


My daddy used to say you are defined more by your failures than your successes. Let the last two elections serve as that education. People don’t care about complaints liberals make whenever we challenge their agenda. That can call us “haters” all they want. Remember, conservatives vote on principle, liberals vote to win. Give us the reason to vote and we will retake our country.

As a true conservative Republican, I would like to kindly ask you to shut the fuck up. Rush Limbaugh wouldn't know conservative it was an OxyContin dildo the size of a saturn rocket poised to shoot straight up his homophobic ass.

Rush is a blowhard. That is all, he will say anything to get ratings. He could give two shits about this country or the GOP. He wants ratings. I saw his speech. In person. He was dressed like Joe Pesci in My Cousin Vinny. Alot of the time he was incoherent and if he cared so god damned much about the party he would have run for office years ago. Instead he would rather sit on the radio and throw bricks and stir shit up for the rest of us clean up.

Compromise is what makes this country operate. Compromise is governing. Every major intiative in this country since its inception has been a compromise. If Rush had been able pass any college course whatsoever, he would know this. However, he is an academic idiot and it shows. He is a political idiot and it shows. His lack of intellectual curiosity deems him unfit to be the voice of any party. So if you want to follow Rush into the abyss that he is leading you into, then be my guest, but leave us true conservatives out of it.


This country IS BASED on compromise. Rush is exactly whats WRONG with this country
Okay, so you are officially an Enemy of america.

You would rather see the nation crash and burn than to see liberal policies succeed and your failed rightwing ideology consigned to the dust bin of history.

at least you're honest.

Id love to see the government crash and burn.....finally.

Who wants to see socialist policies succeed??......and please dont deny that its socialism.

So a fellow with a AK for an avatar would like to see America in even worse shape that it is in today. Yes, I do want to see some socialist policies succeed. Universal Health Care is working in all the other industrial nations. That is why they have longer life spans on the average, a much lower rate of infant mortality, and their health care system costs about half of what ours does per capita. I would also like to see our returning wounded Vets getting much better care than they do at present. That too, is a socialist program.

There are areas that socialism is definately superior to capitalism. And areas where the reverse is true. And even areas where a mix produces the best results. Capitalism and Socialism are economic tools, not religions. The goal is the best results for the greatest number of our citizens, not creating an ideological hair shirt for our nation.

What the hell does my Avatar have to do with anything.....I suppose it wouldnt matter if My avatar was the easter bunny.

I never said I want the country to fail......I want this government that no longer WORKS FOR US to crash and burn.

Dont twist my words. And fuck your Avatar comment. Stupid liberal.
Okay, so you are officially an Enemy of america.

You would rather see the nation crash and burn than to see liberal policies succeed and your failed rightwing ideology consigned to the dust bin of history.

at least you're honest.

thanks for the honesty. You are rooting for your nation's government to crash and burn. Republicans need more people like you in the party.

quWho wants to see socialist policies succeed??......and please dont deny that its socialism.

got it. You hate liberalism so much, you would rather see your country go down in flames than see liberal policies succeed.

that's pretty treasonous, but I appreciate the honesty.

Our country IS going down in flames due to an over powered left-wing minded liberal/socialist government ruled by Dems and Repubs alike. So if this government fails (at its goals) belief is that the country will obtain freedom again. The constitution is continually trampled on.....and it is done by our government , fueled by voters of your mindset.

And.....once again....where have I said I want this country to crash and burn????

Or is it quite simply that all you fucktards associate the greatness of this country in YOUR GOVERNMENT????

I could do without the Repubs as much as I could lose the dont even attempt to box me up into a little category.

Thomas Jefferson warned of these times....and they are here. He would have wanted this government to fail and , Yes....I want this government to fail too....yes I sure do.

Why??? For the people.
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There have been those of us in here all along that have always said that Rush is an entertainer.. playing to a target audience... and not some political leader... he's great at providing exactly what his core audience wants to hear... and I am glad I am not in his audience... and I AM a conservative

But those things always get brushed aside

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