An open letter to Michael Mann


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
An Open Letter to Dr. Michael Mann | Watts Up With That?

While I dislike the strident tone and personal attack of this piece, I believe it brings up many salient points that need to be discussed.

"Forgive my bluntness, but that is absolute hogwash. Hand-picked groups of your myopic friends have gotten together, consulted the auguries, studiously looked away, and declared you and Phil and Gene and the rest to be pure as the driven snow. But not one of the “thorough investigations” has spoken to one single person other than you and your friends and supporters. How thorough is a “thorough investigation” that only interviews your friends? “Exonerated”? Don’t make me laugh. You haven’t even been investigated, much less exonerated."
Watts was not the author. Nor have you shown that he is a liar. Nor have you explained why the investigations that avoided all of the major issues and only communicated with the main culprits should be considered 'exhoneration'.

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