An old white anthropologist on the crimes of whites

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Earnest Hooton, who's anthropological views the Bass doesn't agree with fully, got one thing right for sure:

From immemorial antiquity hereditary variations of bodily form have been made the basis of charges of racial inferiority in mentality and in capacity for civilization. With this contemptible subterfuge our European ancestors justified their enslavement of the Negro and their virtual extermination of the Indian and of many other primitive peoples. The "White man's burden" has been mainly one of hypocrisy. With no more savage worlds left to conquer (save only Ethiopia), the White man has turned this same vicious argument to use against his own kind, committing more crimes in the name of race than have ever been perpetrated in the name of liberty.

This is a white man saying this now, funny how no one would think him to be an anti-white racist, but when the Bass says essentially the same things the Bass is a racist, how hypocritical.
Did you know that there are at least 6 countries, most in Africa, that still practice slavery?
I think black people were only put here on the Earth so white people would have somebody to fuck with. At least that's the impression I get whenever I read a Charlie Bass post...
Did you know that there are at least 6 countries, most in Africa, that still practice slavery?

Racially based chattel slavey? No.

Yeah, it's still black on black slavery like it was back in Colonial American times. Do they get newspapers in Africa? Do they realize it's 2009?

Slavery in Africa and slavery in the Americans were two very different types of slavery, they cannot be compared.
Racially based chattel slavey? No.

Yeah, it's still black on black slavery like it was back in Colonial American times. Do they get newspapers in Africa? Do they realize it's 2009?

Slavery in Africa and slavery in the Americans were two very different types of slavery, they cannot be compared.

TWO types of slavery? Oh, really? So, what is the difference? One practiced by Americans/Europeans that ended 145 years ago, the other as practiced and maintained by Africans to this day. Yes, there is a BIG difference there, Waldo. Past tense, present tense.
There are many types of slavery. The Europe-Africa-Caribbean-North America slave trade was an economic form. The sort of slavery we see today is similar but more diversified, running the gamut from slaves for labour (not just in Africa but in Asia and the sub-continent) to sexual slavery which is happening just about everywhere.

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