An Offering to Eots...

there should be little question at this point of Barry Seotoro is a communist

[ame=]YouTube - President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2[/ame]
^ He's alive! Eots, I thought something happened to ya . . .

He obvioulsy got tired of reasoning with Bush/Obama dupes who only see what they want to see.gotta take a break away from loons like them once in a while.
there should be little question at this point of Barry Seotoro is a communist

YouTube - President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2

unfortunately Eots,they wont watch that video and listen to the words of out last REAL president we had John Kennedy who wasnt a puppet for the military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned the american people to be aware of in his farewell address speech.

They dont want to know the truth that the CIA killed Kennedy because he was planning to get rid of them after the disasterous bay of pigs invasion publicly saying that he would splinter them into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the four winds.

They dont want to know the truth that the reason kennedy was killed was because he stepping on some very powerful toes in washington and wasnt doing what they told him to do and thats the reason every president since haim HAS stayed alive because they have been willing puppets of the military industrial complex and did what they were told to do by them.

They dont want to know the truth that Kennedy was a man of peace trying to establish peaceful relations with our enemies around the world,that we cant have peace because war means big business for us corporations.

and they will plug their ears to that video and wont even listen to the first words in the first 30 seconds of that video he says where he did not believe in a government that we had at the time where the government keeps secrets from the people and should be open to the people and that he was trying to change that as well which is another reason they killed him.they will continue to plug their ears and cover their eyes when these videos are presented like the monkeys they are.

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