An Independent's thoughts on solutions


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
I'm a conservative, but claim no pride in either party. But I've come to the conclusion we have to compromise on solutions to make the country great again.

I've decided a tax on the rich would be appropriate but not beyond what levels we've had in the past. And no small business man should be included in this tax increase. This is where the jobs are created if allowed to do so by the country's growth.

Discretionary spending should be cut in the Defense Dept. There's already waste in every dept. and the Defense shouldn't be spared. But allowing our country to become defenseless in an increasing hostile world is ludicrous. We cannot leave ourselves vulnerable.

We have an entitlement country that wreaks of Greece. If we cannot learn from watching others fail, when are we going to learn. Welfare handouts should be limited as in the Clinton years. Two years warning that the benefits would end for the able bodied to get the training and backbone to be productive citizens. Those who are elderly and truly disabled would not be affected.

End the aid to foreign countries and "desires" of the lobbyists for funding non essential programs. That would include, charities, Endowments for the Arts and anything that doesn't contribute to the financial growth of the US. Even NASA for the time being.

Allowing "too big to fail" to fail. They will come back after restructuring and bankruptcies to more manageable levels.

Limit unemployment benefits. It discourages the unemployed to take their time finding the perfect job. In times like these we have to take a job to survive. It's the same as never quitting a job before you have another lined up. Common sense.

Audit the Congressmen and stop giving them a pass. Pay cuts of 10% every year a budget is not voted upon.

Pass the balanced budget amendment. Again, common sense. We wouldn't be in this crisis of that had been done years ago.

Any thoughts? Tell me where I'm wrong or where you would lead to a compromise.
In the past we taxed people on up to 90% of their earnings, it is nice to know you don't want to exceed that.
I'm a conservative, but claim no pride in either party. But I've come to the conclusion we have to compromise on solutions to make the country great again.

I've decided a tax on the rich would be appropriate but not beyond what levels we've had in the past. And no small business man should be included in this tax increase. This is where the jobs are created if allowed to do so by the country's growth.

It’s very important to reduce military spending, that shuld be priority number one.
Then it’s important to increase production that is done by reducing income taxes and corporte taxes.

Consumption taxes must be raised.

US produces to little but consumes to much. So income taxes must be lowered and consumption taxes. Their is no reason to increase income taxes. When has ever a tax increase increased productivity?
Also cut overseas taxes to 0 to stimulate the export industry.

More productivity->Lower income taxes and corporate taxes. Put income taxes to 0.
Lower consumption-> Raise consumption taxes, find out whats overconsumed and tax it.
More export->Remove overseas taxes to make export industries grow.

Use high consumption taxes and low income taxes. That will create productivity and export income.

Ron Paul supports all this.
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It is great to see solutions are actually being discussed. I agree with most everyone on this matter. I believe that the social programs are beyond the scope of helping the needy and has entered into the realm of supporting the lazy. If a person is healthy and on assistance that in itself should signal that he or she can perform a much needed function we ordinarily can not afford. Bridges, roadside clean up, and any other area that a person can perform or be trained to perform should be performed at a fair rate of compensation till their assistance is paid out. If a person cleans a sewer for $8.00 in order to receive their government check or food stamps then perhaps it would motivate them to seek other means of self support. Another area that makes little sense to me is why we are supporting the children of dead beat dads. I am not suggesting allowing any child to go without however, every woman who seeks assistance should have to provide the name of the father or list of men to DNA test at no cost to them and the government should demand payment from the father by law or face mandatory work producing something that can be consumed here or sold outside the U.S.
We as Americans must draw the line. No free rides. Our elderly should spend their last years in relative comfort and little concern of affording to remain as healthy as possible.
I believe that the area of oil dependency is very important. I find it upsetting that our great country does not lead the world in alternative energy. Are we really even trying? Their is so much on this subject however my keyboard skills are very poor. It has required a great deal of time to ctreate this message. Thanks
In the past we taxed people on up to 90% of their earnings, it is nice to know you don't want to exceed that.

Well that didn't take long, lol. I was wondering who would be the first to make that point. While I am for increasing taxes on the wealthy as well as everyone else too, I don't want to see anything drastic. Ending the Bush tax cuts would be a step in the right direction.

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