An example of what Sunni Man wants for the US.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Morocco sex debate rages after imam's death call - Yahoo! News

Meanwhile people like sky defend Islamist and attack Christians. of the two which advocates murdering homosexuals again?

Islam would make the blue laws the height of liberal freedoms if it took root in the US. And that is exactly what Muslims want. They do not want to live peacefully within the laws of the lands they move to, they want to take over those Governments and change the laws to Islamic.

People need to wake up.
that is exactly what Muslims want. .

Are you saying all Muslims are exactly the same?

Perhaps you could comment on how you know this and how many Muslims you actually know.

Could you, just for good measure, explain how some Muslim women wear full coverings while others wear only a simple head scarf that doesn't fully cover the hair.
They're all the same ... remember?
that is exactly what Muslims want. .

Are you saying all Muslims are exactly the same?

Perhaps you could comment on how you know this and how many Muslims you actually know.

Could you, just for good measure, explain how some Muslim women wear full coverings while others wear only a simple head scarf that doesn't fully cover the hair.
They're all the same ... remember?

You can be as stupid as you want. Look to France, Sweden, England Belgium and want Sunni man said here. Everywhere that Muslims have moved in great numbers they have or are attempting to have Sharia law implemented. They riot and protest.

Islam TEACHES that the goal is for the world to be ruled BY MAN under Islamic law. The religion teaches that the goal is to take over every Country not currently ruled by Islam. By definition that means any one that is a practicing Muslim wants that goal.

Now before we here the "but Christians" bullshit.... Christians belief that God will send an army of angels lead by Jesus to destroy Satan and that GOD not man will rule after the battle. There is no call by Christians nor by the religions of Christians to take over and rule Countries. Man is not destined to rule according to Christians God is.
People like "IndoFred" are what's known as Dhimmis.

One things fer certain. When and if Islam takes over (which I think is possible) Americans will either revolt or fall to their knees and obey as they do with the Cops and TSA.

RGS, its' going to be one or the other, guaranteed.
I've often found that it is the goofy converts who are the most vocal about wanting sharia. These are the self-haters who have been raised in the West and have no conception of religious totalitarianism that defines Islamic ideology. It's easy to be a convert to Islam in the West because the converts are literally protected from the very Islam they think should be forced on others.

My gut feeling is that Sunni man is nothing more than a scammer who provokes people to demonstrate the real insanity of the wannabe convert.
but sgt would be good with a christian ran always amazes me that people see the evil in others religions but never the evil in their own

sgt you really need to decide if you are an witness....none of this should matter....if you are a mormon you simply want to have mormons in charge? isnt that true?
but sgt would be good with a christian ran always amazes me that people see the evil in others religions but never the evil in their own

sgt you really need to decide if you are an witness....none of this should matter....if you are a mormon you simply want to have mormons in charge? isnt that true?

He used to be a mormon, I think he's a scientologist now.
but sgt would be good with a christian ran always amazes me that people see the evil in others religions but never the evil in their own

sgt you really need to decide if you are an witness....none of this should matter....if you are a mormon you simply want to have mormons in charge? isnt that true?

Christians do not seek to rule a Country via the religion. Pretty simple concept. Sunni man is the one spouting the Islamic view that Islam should rule America. I notice you haven't commented on that. Islam teaches that the religion MUST rule the world. All Governments all people. If one practices Islam they believe that as well. Christians do not believe that, do not teach that and do not attempt to create theocracies.
that is exactly what Muslims want. .

Are you saying all Muslims are exactly the same?

Perhaps you could comment on how you know this and how many Muslims you actually know.

Could you, just for good measure, explain how some Muslim women wear full coverings while others wear only a simple head scarf that doesn't fully cover the hair.
They're all the same ... remember?

You can be as stupid as you want. Look to France, Sweden, England Belgium and want Sunni man said here. Everywhere that Muslims have moved in great numbers they have or are attempting to have Sharia law implemented. They riot and protest.

Islam TEACHES that the goal is for the world to be ruled BY MAN under Islamic law. The religion teaches that the goal is to take over every Country not currently ruled by Islam. By definition that means any one that is a practicing Muslim wants that goal.

Now before we here the "but Christians" bullshit.... Christians belief that God will send an army of angels lead by Jesus to destroy Satan and that GOD not man will rule after the battle. There is no call by Christians nor by the religions of Christians to take over and rule Countries. Man is not destined to rule according to Christians God is.

Actually, Saddam slaughtered Sufis, the mystical branch of Islam. In the end however, you are correct; we need no theocracy. An attack on Christians is ALSO an attack on Islam & Judaism. The three beliefs are entwined, like it or not.
Morocco sex debate rages after imam's death call - Yahoo! News

Meanwhile people like sky defend Islamist and attack Christians. of the two which advocates murdering homosexuals again?

Islam would make the blue laws the height of liberal freedoms if it took root in the US. And that is exactly what Muslims want. They do not want to live peacefully within the laws of the lands they move to, they want to take over those Governments and change the laws to Islamic.

People need to wake up.

I'm happy with the laws where I live. Or certainly I have no use for Sharia.
but sgt would be good with a christian ran always amazes me that people see the evil in others religions but never the evil in their own

sgt you really need to decide if you are an witness....none of this should matter....if you are a mormon you simply want to have mormons in charge? isnt that true?

Christians do not seek to rule a Country via the religion. Pretty simple concept. Sunni man is the one spouting the Islamic view that Islam should rule America. I notice you haven't commented on that. Islam teaches that the religion MUST rule the world. All Governments all people. If one practices Islam they believe that as well. Christians do not believe that, do not teach that and do not attempt to create theocracies.

Not all Christians and I agree that radical Muslims make radical Christians look like Mickey Mouse compared to their slaughtering of innocent lives.
But believe me when I tell you that within a half mile of the Dawg Estate here in Jawja there are Christians that fully support a Christian theology running every part of our government. They do not want women in government, want creationism taught as science in high school, believe gays and lesbians are the scum of the earth, would ban girls wearing makeup and pants to school, would ban card playing and alcohol would never be sold anywhere.
Just as starters.
Morocco sex debate rages after imam's death call - Yahoo! News

Meanwhile people like sky defend Islamist and attack Christians. of the two which advocates murdering homosexuals again?

Islam would make the blue laws the height of liberal freedoms if it took root in the US. And that is exactly what Muslims want. They do not want to live peacefully within the laws of the lands they move to, they want to take over those Governments and change the laws to Islamic.

People need to wake up.

A select few Muslims would support this, and a select few Muslims want Sharia Law imposed across the United States and other countries. But it won't happen. They are welcome to follow their own religion, as long as they don't force it on others.

People have been saying for years that Muslims will take over the world but nothing has happened.
Morocco sex debate rages after imam's death call - Yahoo! News

Meanwhile people like sky defend Islamist and attack Christians. of the two which advocates murdering homosexuals again?

Islam would make the blue laws the height of liberal freedoms if it took root in the US. And that is exactly what Muslims want. They do not want to live peacefully within the laws of the lands they move to, they want to take over those Governments and change the laws to Islamic.

People need to wake up.

A select few Muslims would support this, and a select few Muslims want Sharia Law imposed across the United States and other countries. But it won't happen. They are welcome to follow their own religion, as long as they don't force it on others.

People have been saying for years that Muslims will take over the world but nothing has happened.

No, only many thousands of deaths. I guess that's nothing to you.
The problem is Islam, not people. Islam is a hateful murderous doctrine hiding behind the mask of religious freedom. If Islam was a secular doctrine, it would be attacked by everyone for it's hateful and murderous doctrine.
Sunni Man is only telling you the truth. He is an ordinary muslim convert who believes what other ordinary muslims believe whether they have converted from something else or not. He is an average representative of the muslim faith.
but sgt would be good with a christian ran always amazes me that people see the evil in others religions but never the evil in their own

sgt you really need to decide if you are an witness....none of this should matter....if you are a mormon you simply want to have mormons in charge? isnt that true?

There is that nonsensical equivalence....

A lesson in history and religion:

Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America. Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science. The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.” Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.

a. There are five schools of sharia. Middle Eastern countries of the former Ottoman Empire favor Hanafi school doctrine, while North African countries prefer Maliki doctrine; Indonesia and Malaysia favor Shafi'i doctrine; Saudi Arabia adheres to Hanbali doctrine; and Iran follows the Shiite Jaafari school. Islam: Governing Under Sharia | #1 News Site on the Threat of Radical Islam

b. The 1992 Basic Law of Saudi Arabia states that the nation's constitution consists of the Quran and the sunna, the actions and sayings of the prophet as recorded in the hadith. Article IV of the Iranian constitution states that "all civil, penal, financial, economic, administrative, cultural, military, political, and other laws and regulations must be based on Islamic criteria." And Article 227(1) of the Pakistani constitution reads, "All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and sunna ... and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such injunctions." Ibid.
Sunni Man is only telling you the truth. He is an ordinary muslim convert who believes what other ordinary muslims believe whether they have converted from something else or not. He is an average representative of the muslim faith.

You think so? I had a Muslim friend in high school his parents were refugees from Bosnia, he was Muslim but we used to smoke together, drink together and chase skirts together. Doesn't remind me of Sunni man much.
Morocco sex debate rages after imam's death call - Yahoo! News

Meanwhile people like sky defend Islamist and attack Christians. of the two which advocates murdering homosexuals again?

Islam would make the blue laws the height of liberal freedoms if it took root in the US. And that is exactly what Muslims want. They do not want to live peacefully within the laws of the lands they move to, they want to take over those Governments and change the laws to Islamic.

People need to wake up.

Why do total demented old fucks like you go around saying, "liberal poliies are going to give us Islamic law here"? When you know it is impossible, that liberals do not want a Christian nation dominating us, mush less Islam.
you spout that stupid shit like you just heard it on fox and have to post it.
It makes you look like a total tool douchebag.
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