An examination of left-wing “logic”


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
In the aftermath of the Parkland, FL shooting we have learned that law enforcement had been engaged 39 times regarding the dangers posed by the shooter - includng the F.B.I. themselves. They failed miserably all 39 times.

In addition - their were government employee armed and on site at the school. Instead of going in, they were instructed to hold their positions outside of the building while the carnage continued inside. It was unimaginable failure by government officials.

Finally, it was government that dictated that firearms were banned from the school. They said firearms were “dangerous” and that outlawing them from school grounds would keep the children “safe”. Once again - their policy failed.

So what is the left’s solution to the problem? More government. Disarm the people. More control and power by government over the people. It defies all logic and reason. No rational person would look at the catastrophic failure of government in this incident and insist that more government is the solution.
The government solution sure seems solid doesn't it? Cradle to grave they will take care of you. They do of course get to decide if you get to the cradle through abortion or when you get to occupy the grave due to their inaction on your behalf. But they have taken care of you.
In the aftermath of the Parkland, FL shooting we have learned that law enforcement had been engaged 39 times regarding the dangers posed by the shooter - includng the F.B.I. themselves. They failed miserably all 39 times.

In addition - their were government employee armed and on site at the school. Instead of going in, they were instructed to hold their positions outside of the building while the carnage continued inside. It was unimaginable failure by government officials.

Finally, it was government that dictated that firearms were banned from the school. They said firearms were “dangerous” and that outlawing them from school grounds would keep the children “safe”. Once again - their policy failed.

So what is the left’s solution to the problem? More government. Disarm the people. More control and power by government over the people. It defies all logic and reason. No rational person would look at the catastrophic failure of government in this incident and insist that more government is the solution.

Patriot, you fail to realize that liberalism is a mental disorder! If we had a computer system that worked like a liberal thinker, it would launch the Apollo astronauts to the Moon but aim them into the China Sea. If we had a cash register that worked like a liberal thinker, you would pay for a $1.23 bill with a five, and end up owing three more. It's not that liberals are stupid, just that curves look like straight lines to them and they see spheres as having four sides. You can't convince them of anything with any proof you have because your rules of reality simply do not exist in their world. A liberal can come up with a totally wrong result, then stand there all day long and PROVE to you it is right------ and believe it.
The Obama administration was aware of the dangerous and possibly treasonous relationship between U.S. Army Major Nadal Hason and radical jihad leaders and his increasingly jihadist fundamentalist attitude but chose to ignore it.The administration already disarmed Ft. Hood M.P.'s so when Nadal opened fire on his own men they had to call 9-11. The liberal media pretty much wasn't interested in investigating Hasan's history or the negligence of the Obama administration at the time even when 12 Soldiers were killed and 30 were wounded. A democrat operative and radical Sanders supporter drove to Washington D.C. and may have been in contact with high profile democrat politicians while he was living out of his van for a month before he opened fire on a Republican baseball team last spring. The liberal media never investigated whether he contacted members of the democrat party or how he came up with a list of conservative republicans which was found in his pocket. It should have been a major scandal but the media preferred to sweep it under the rug. The investigation of the Vegas shooter has strangely been blacked out since a CBS exec spilled the beans when she claimed that she had no sympathy for the victims because they were Trump stooges. The point is that the Fla. shooter may have been motivated by the same crazy off the charts insane hatred as James Hodgkinson, the baseball shooter and Stephen Paddock the Vegas shooter but democrats would rather talk about guns.
In the aftermath of the Parkland, FL shooting we have learned that law enforcement had been called 39 times to the residence of the shooter. The F.B.I. themselves had been called about the shooter, but he was still a good guy in the eyes of the NRA and president trump.

In addition - there was a government employee armed and on site at the school with just a pistol instead of an AR-15. Instead of going in, he was instructed to hold his position outside of the building while waiting for don trump to rush in unarmed. But the president never showed. It was unimaginable failure by the president.

Of course, as with other public events it was the trump administration that dictated that firearms be banned from events and schools. The administration claims that only trump can save us from danger and that only he can make our children “safe”. Once again - his policy of only trump can keep America safe failed.

So what is the rights solution to the problem? More deterrence from president.. Arm trump with a bigger bully pulpit to respond to active shooters across America. Does it defy all logic and reason? No rational person would look at the catastrophic failure of the president in this one incident and insist that less presidential bully pulpit deterrence is needed when clearly more trump verbal deterrence is called for.
Vintage left-wing "logic"
Franklin Delano Roosevelt suggested that “true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence”—and proceeded to make more Americans dependent on government than ever before in American history.
There is nothing "independent" about being dependent on government. Only a liberal is unable to see the lack of logic.

Freedom From Consequences Isn't Freedom
The Democrat Party...
  • Joe Biden lives in the largest mansion in his state and just bought another mansion in DC.
  • Bernie Sanders owns four houses.
  • Obama just got his third mansion.
  • Nancy Pelosi is worth $140 million.
All of this money was made from lecturing you about so-called “income inequality”.

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