An easily disprovable myth - Children growing up too fast


VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
This is my attempt to debunk the myth passed around by older generations of adults, that children are growing up too fast today.

First of all, this myth is but a myth, it is plausible in that it could possibly happen given the correct circumstances, but it simply is not actually happening.

What is happening is that children are growing up much slower than they did years ago in generations past.

This is dependent on several things, the differences in the law between generations, the locale in which the peers of a single generation reside, the culture of the population, the resources available to a generation, and the politics of a population, as well as what is the definition of "growing up" at all.

By and large in the United States of America, the "Greatest Generation" grew up the fastest.
Because they had the hardest time, grew up much more impoverished than what would be acceptable today, they were often raised on farms and were made to work before their time.
They often lacked educational knowledge because they were forced to work, and not attend school.

They also fought world war 2, which made their time on earth even worse.

They also lived in a world without pediatricians, advanced psychology letalone "Child Psychology" and they grew up in Adult oriented environments that do not consider children as being separate from adults.
So they were exposed to Adult behavior, Adult environment, Harsh environments.
They were also exposed to severe punishments for wrongdoing that would be child abuse today.

The Greatest generation spent actually very little time with their parents, because they were forced to work at an early, premature age, were not well supported by their parents, and often traveled completely on their own as young children.

The Greatest Generation were also subject to brutal, and simple, and mean, and uncaring parents that would allow their children to use adult substances i.e. smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol.

The Boomers and the Generation X grew up at roughly the same pace, in nearly the same environments.
More advanced than the Greatest Generation, but not as advanced as we are today.

However they were also exposed to Adult environments, premature employment, severe penalties by their parents, and adult activities and behavior.

X however, grew up in slightly more poverty than the Boomers, because of the right wing policies of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s that has always in history whenever implemented, ruined industrialized economies.

Generation Y grew up painfully slow.
Generation Y was legally prevented from working, did not grow up at all impoverished as a collective generation, but rather grew up in the best economy America ever had, the 1990s.

Generation Y grew up with modern medicine, modern conveniences, modern child psychology, and high standards from professionals that are expected to be proficient.
Grew up in two car households, grew up in "The Burbs"...

So while there are exceptions, generation Y for the most part didn't have the heavy burdens and the adult oriented environments that previous generations grew up in, and were also legally barred from independent travel until age 14.

Generation Y was legally prevented from driving until at least age 16, and in some states as old as 18.

My niece who is a Generation Y like me, but a much younger Generation Y person, didn't even have boomer parents like I had...
She grew up with much, much, much more and better than I had by and large.

She is also much more restricted than even I was.

She is 15 years old, she is the most immature person that I ever met who was 15 so far.

While todays generations have more educational knowledge, their maturity is way off.

So the idea that children "grow up" faster today, is a blatant myth that needs to be put into the dumpster where it belongs.
I think they are referring to stories like this:
Montgomery Co. teen s death pushes alarm button about synthetic drugs - Houston Chronicle

or this:
Washington School Shooter Jaylen Fryberg Happy Popular Students - NBC News

When they see kids getting a hold of drugs and guns, they are thinking we didn't have problems like that before.

I remember when elementary school kids could walk several blocks to school with older siblings,
but now I wouldn't even let college kids go out alone.

Sure, there used to be child labor with young kids working in unsanitary unsafe conditions
until this got outlawed. So in some ways, it used to be worse on kids forced to work in the fields
and farms to support their families.

Today, with 9 year old girls getting pregnant from incest and rape,
and 11 year old girls gang raped in prostitution, either this stuff was
always going on and we just didn't hear about it like we do today; or criminal rings
have more access to guns and drugs to force trafficking on poor communities
and are more dangerous today than the incest and abuse of children and teens of the past.

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