An Asian Union between China and Russia


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
It would be a nice work if like Russia and China establish an Union like EU with united currency, army, citizenship and economical rules.And a huge secure border with EU the Union of Nordic Caliphates in the future.
A win-win situation for both states.


No. As an American, I don't like that idea. :funnyface:

LOL "Union of Nordic Caliphates" ..That's pretty good! :113:
Bizzare. A future land-grab of Siberian lands is in the cards though. A huge population and an economy finally finding itself and in need of raw materials could well lead to an eye being cast to a sparsely-populated continent-sized swath of land which woulld be logistically difficult for the Russians to protect. Frankly, of the European Russians, not that many would care much. Threre would be little the Mongols could do too.
No. As an American, I don't like that idea. :funnyface:

LOL "Union of Nordic Caliphates" ..That's pretty good! :113:

The meaning of European and American citizens is of interest for nobody inn Russia.
In ten - twenty years EU will dissolved in an 'Union of Nordic Caliphates', whites became persecuted minority in the U.S.
Only in an Russia-China Union whites can survive as population.
Otherwise we all get killed latest in thirty- forty years.

Look South Africa, it is the future of whites.
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Bizzare. A future land-grab of Siberian lands is in the cards though. A huge population and an economy finally finding itself and in need of raw materials could well lead to an eye being cast to a sparsely-populated continent-sized swath of land which woulld be logistically difficult for the Russians to protect. Frankly, of the European Russians, not that many would care much. Threre would be little the Mongols could do too.

There are many minorities in China and they survived longer as 6,000 years.
In difference to western countries Chinese are not dumb, for example look the relationship between Hong -Kong and China.
Together with Chinese Russians can very pretty survive next thousands years in a Super-Power state.

India and Pakistan put aside their long-running tensions, as they were officially confirmed as members of the increasingly influential Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO),. SCO now includes almost half of the all world population.

The convention aims to combat the increasingly sophisticated methods used by jihadists, such as online recruitment and propaganda, and is dedicated to addressing the root social causes of terrorism.

It also dedicates particular attention to combating internal destabilization and regime change among the member states, whether by local militant organizations, or wider political forces.

Then there were 8: Eurasian powerhouse SCO expands after India & Pakistan join

India and Pakistan put aside their long-running tensions, as they were officially confirmed as members of the increasingly influential Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO),. SCO now includes almost half of the all world population.

The convention aims to combat the increasingly sophisticated methods used by jihadists, such as online recruitment and propaganda, and is dedicated to addressing the root social causes of terrorism.

It also dedicates particular attention to combating internal destabilization and regime change among the member states, whether by local militant organizations, or wider political forces.

Then there were 8: Eurasian powerhouse SCO expands after India & Pakistan join

Russia does not need stinky EU whore, Russia gets up to new friends

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