an advocate for the banned or about to be banned etc


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...
why not could be public....we could have a massive fight over each and every little thing? you are not for this?
the appeal system is a good idea.

I was banned from here by a mod who ended up getting banned himself for the action

I do agree this site seems to have gotten much fairer of late
perhaps it is just a lame idea that is no longer needed with the mods that are currently herding cats....

i just love this damned video....

[ame=]‪cowboys herding cats‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
While I do enjoy a good fight, I prefer them to be drama-free.

Also, and I mean no offense to the staff here as I'm just speaking in generalities, once the staff gets an idea that a poster is bad for the board and needs a break or is chronically bad, I see the appeals process as an effort in futility. The TOS state that the staff really can do anything they want.

And, if it's public? I see a major drama-fest.

Most of us have seen posters who are so blinded by their emotions that they toss objectivity to the wind. It's not uncommon here. Even posters who have a reputation for being objective sometimes lose that objectivity.

So, I see the pals and the enemies of the 'accused' not being too objective or even not at all. That is when the drama really starts.

Anyway, the staff has the power to do what they want. I hope they consider putting free speech as the highest consideration in their actions, but they still can do as they wish in the end. So, it seems like just another source of drama.

I'm willing to change my position on it, though, and look forward to what others have to say.
drama? you think this would cause drama? no way......


the public thing was a joke more or less.....

now are you saying that the mods have a bias against certain posters who have been branded as bad or trolls? i dont see that would have to hand it to the mods for making the transition as smooth as it was
You have no idea what it was like to be a left leaning poster on this board in the past.

There was no fair for us.

I was told to fuck off by a mod once when I asked for help with something.

I had my words Changed repetedly to insult me.

I had threads dissapeared.

Over and over any ask for help was answered with "gee I just dont know ,Ill ask so and so later, then nothing would ever happen.

I had threads dissapeared so only I could not see them.

Everyone else could go post in them and I would get the "your not allowed to see this information" gig.

There was NO ONE to talk to about it because they were all in cahoots and complaining on the board would get you banned.

I think whoever owned this site must have found out what they were doing.

Now I think the rules will be applied evenly to all sides.

REAL fair and blanced instead of what right wingers think is fair and balenced
I have determined that if you wear socks with your sandals, you are accepted with open arms by the majority of the mods.
At the risk of MOAR DRAHMAH!

This sounds like a good idea to me. Except I think it should be done in PM's and not in an actual thread.

That will save us all some dignity.

Why can't you be a mod? You seem fair and level headed to me. We will all just need to remember it's 'wicker' not 'whicker'. :)
You have no idea what it was like to be a left leaning poster on this board in the past.

There was no fair for us.

I was told to fuck off by a mod once when I asked for help with something.

I had my words Changed repetedly to insult me.

I had threads dissapeared.

Over and over any ask for help was answered with "gee I just dont know ,Ill ask so and so later, then nothing would ever happen.

I had threads dissapeared so only I could not see them.

Everyone else could go post in them and I would get the "your not allowed to see this information" gig.

There was NO ONE to talk to about it because they were all in cahoots and complaining on the board would get you banned.

I think whoever owned this site must have found out what they were doing.

Now I think the rules will be applied evenly to all sides.

REAL fair and blanced instead of what right wingers think is fair and balenced
Did you know that if you highlight a misspelled word (the one's with the red lines under them) and right click on it, that you'll get spelling suggestions?

There are plenty of good online dictionaries as well. Just a thought.
drama? you think this would cause drama? no way......


the public thing was a joke more or less.....

now are you saying that the mods have a bias against certain posters who have been branded as bad or trolls? i dont see that would have to hand it to the mods for making the transition as smooth as it was
I really don't know if they do or don't. It's a big board, so a lot of stuff gets by me, thankfully. ;)

I was more speaking in generalities, and what are common occurrences among smaller groups.
You have no idea what it was like to be a left leaning poster on this board in the past.

There was no fair for us.

I was told to fuck off by a mod once when I asked for help with something.

I had my words Changed repetedly to insult me.

I had threads dissapeared.

Over and over any ask for help was answered with "gee I just dont know ,Ill ask so and so later, then nothing would ever happen.

I had threads dissapeared so only I could not see them.

Everyone else could go post in them and I would get the "your not allowed to see this information" gig.

There was NO ONE to talk to about it because they were all in cahoots and complaining on the board would get you banned.

I think whoever owned this site must have found out what they were doing.

Now I think the rules will be applied evenly to all sides.

REAL fair and blanced instead of what right wingers think is fair and balenced
TM, if you can't see a thread, how do you know others are posting in it? How do you know it exists if it's hidden from just you?

Just curious.
At the risk of MOAR DRAHMAH!

This sounds like a good idea to me. Except I think it should be done in PM's and not in an actual thread.

That will save us all some dignity.

Why can't you be a mod? You seem fair and level headed to me. We will all just need to remember it's 'wicker' not 'whicker'. :)

wellllllllllll i tend not to be the most objective person....piss me off and i can get wicked.....mods need to be level headed...(not me) and even tempered (again just not me) and they seem to have well thought out reasons for what they say and do....
the general group of mods that to be a mod....i would think one would need clear and precise communication....(again not me)

and people whine to ya.....whine whine whine.....i would just snap....

now truth are you aware i am a liberal.....

guess your not.....i just always go to the liberal mod, elvis :eusa_shhh::eusa_shhh:
I think it's a good idea to be open about why someone is banned. What's the harm if the reasons are legit?
well.....seems changes at this board are ongoing and rather nice.....while on my 32 day hiatus.....i bounced around here and there....and discovered a political board with an appeal system for those facing being banned. i guess one might call it a cyber court. now i am well aware that the banning wagon has pretty much come to a halt and that is nice....but would admin and mods (stop shaking your heads and muttering nasty stuff) consider this?

how do you as a poster feel about this?

since i cant be mod...i have decided to be an advocate for the banned or about to be banned...

What about the ones who really deserve it? If you're to be the decider, that's a heavy load.
why not could be public....we could have a massive fight over each and every little thing? you are not for this?

Sorry, but I become engaged in far too many massive fights that are legitimate. I wouldn't want to enter that arena.
I have determined that if you wear socks with your sandals, you are accepted with open arms by the majority of the mods.

If I should give up my socks with sandals, then I think it's only fair that you give up wearing cowboy boots with bermuda shorts.

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