Amnesty´s naive fallacy


Nov 14, 2012
Incredible "news" emerged from the propaganda basement of Amnesty International. 5000 - 13000 inmates have been killed in another of Bashar´s millions of torture prisons according to Amnesty.
Now get prepared for Einstein´s calculation that has led to the mad claim:

“These estimates were based on the following calculations. If between seven and 20 were killed every 10-15 days from September to December 2011, the total figure would be between 56 people and 240 people for that period. If between 20 and 50 were killed every week between January and November 2012, the total figure would be between 880 and 2,200 for that period. If between 20 and 50 people were killed in 222 execution sessions (assuming the executions were carried out twice a week twice a month and once a week once a month) between December 2012 and December 2015, the total figure would be between 4,400 and 11,100 for that period. These calculations produce a minimum figure of 5,336, rounded down to the nearest thousand as 5,000, and 13,540, rounded down to the nearest thousand as 13,000.”

If, if, if. And what if not? Totally ridiculous.

The Russians assume this is part of the ongoing media campaign against the Syrian government and said it “should provide access for public activists and experts to penitentiary facilities in order to remove or at least adjust these serious accusations until this campaign becomes irreversible.” There might be "problems with democracy" but not as worse.

Dear Russians, the best is to not to pay any attention to propaganda and bomb some shit, instead. There are lots of problems with democracy, lets bomb them. Thanks for your attention. Syria is not committed to adopt western style "democracy" which has led to the Islamist war on Syria but has its own way of democracy, actually including the people in governmental decisions through referendums and direct elections.

Amnesty's Saydnaya execution statistics largely based on guesswork
Amnesty report is part of media campaign against Damascus: Russian MP
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what's your point Captain Blei? islamists will be islamists and Baathists will be baathists
what's your point Captain Blei? islamists will be islamists and Baathists will be baathists
That is true. Did you know that if Assad hangs personally in all prisons twice a week and twice a month and once a week and once a month 15 inmates every 10 days in 222 execution sessions, the globe would be rid of humankind?
Nice opinion piece:

"Amnesty International are now claiming that the Grand Mufti of Syria, Sheikh Badreddine Hassoun of all people (met him in person, lovely human being), signed off on up to 13,540 secret executions in Sednaya prison in Damascus (p. 17).

The report, titled ‘Human Slaughterhouse’, claims to have interviewed (p. 5):
– 31 men who were detained at Saydnaya
– 4 prison officials or guards who previously worked at Saydnaya
– 3 former Syrian judges
– 3 doctors who worked at Tishreen Military Hospital
– 4 Syrian lawyers
– 17 international and national experts on detention in Syria
– 22 family members of people who were or still are detained at Saydnaya

Of those 84 people they claim to have interviewed, 81 are anonymous, and only 3 come with names (p. 34).

Assuming these prisoners are being executed in complete secrecy as per the report’s claims, to the point where alleged doctors, judges and prison guards can’t provide any evidence that these prisoners even exist aside from their own testimony, how would the family members of these prisoners know they’re being held at Sednaya?

The report also alleges (p. 28) that there are secret mass graves in Damascus, only to finish up by saying, “not having access to Syria, Amnesty International has been unable to independently verify these statements”. Really, Amnesty? You couldn’t get your alleged sources, especially the prison guards, to take one photo?

The second time they use the key-word ‘verify’ or ‘verified’ in their report is in a very short section titled ‘Documented Deaths’ (p. 40) which doesn’t even refer to work they’ve done, but to allegedly verified deaths in Sednaya prison according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights which claims that 375 prisoners died of torture from March 2011 to October 2016.

But hang on, if SNHR knows enough about what happens inside Sednaya to the point where they know for certain that 375 prisoners died of “torture and other ill-treatment”, and assuming therefore that they’re capable of monitoring the transfer of prisoners to Sednaya in the first place, how on earth did they manage to miss up to 13,165 executed prisoners?

Amnesty International claims to have “obtained the names of 36 additional individuals who died as a result of torture and other ill-treatment in Saydnaya” which were “provided to Amnesty International by former detainees who witnessed the deaths in their cells”. So in other words, the people that AI either met or called told them 36 names with no evidence backing up their claims, and yet we’re supposed to believe them when they claim over 13K secret executions?

Finally, why would ‘international and national experts’ need to remain anonymous? If they really were experts they’d have literature to their name so we can check their credentials. Nope, anonymous.

If you believe this you’ll believe anything.
Jay Tharappel is a Sydney-based political commentator, and active member of the organisation Hands Off Syria."

Sednaya Prison: Who needs proper evidence when you're Amnesty International?

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