Amnesty will not fix illegal immigration and


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The Dream Act fixed the election but it will not fix the economy. Jobs taken by Illegal Aliens and their children are jobs taken from Americans. Amnesty will not fix a broken immigration system, enforcement and border security will. We already have a very generous legal immigration system that works and allow over a million to immigrate to this country each year and 20 million have immigrated illegal and they are not contributing to the economy because they are the poorest of the poor and strain the social services system and the legal system with crime that comes with poverty. Gangs and drugs. Crime is a lucrative business in America for gangs and drugs, etc and the criminal element of illegal immigration is taking full advantage of it.
Granny says, "Now GOP gonna suck up to the Hispexicans so's dey don't get spanked inna next election...
GOP mulling change in immigration stance
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10,`12 (UPI) -- Republicans are reconsidering immigration policy in light of the role Latino voters played in re-electing U.S. President Barack Obama, political analysts said.
Latinos favored Obama over Republican nominee Mitt Romney by 40 percent, and many within the GOP are reconsidering their tough stance on touchy issues such as amnesty, The Hill reported Saturday. Right-wing talk show host Sean Hannity said Thursday he had evolved on the issue, while House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said the party was "long overdue" in developing a "comprehensive approach."

Washington Post columnist and Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer wrote Friday that Republicans must consider "full legal normalization (just short of citizenship) in return for full border enforcement." Some Republicans aren't convinced that change is needed, The Hill said. Rush Limbaugh argued on his radio talk show Friday that Hispanics were moving to the Democratic Party because of its positions on taxes and welfare, not immigration.

Rep. John Fleming, R-La, Friday chastised Boehner for "getting ahead" of House Republicans on immigration. Fleming said there had been "zero discussion" on the issue. Republican inaction on immigration reform is "unsustainable," said Al Cardenas, president of the American Conservation Union. "Conservatives cannot advocate the status quo," he said. "It's indefensible."

Read more: GOP mulling change in immigration stance after election loss -
California did the amnesty thing way back when..

It did NOT make it better.... it made the illegal problem here worse. It was the open cattle call for illegals to come to CA..... they new nothing would happen to them...and they could get all the free stuff!

The Dream Act fixed the election but it will not fix the economy. Jobs taken by Illegal Aliens and their children are jobs taken from Americans. Amnesty will not fix a broken immigration system, enforcement and border security will. We already have a very generous legal immigration system that works and allow over a million to immigrate to this country each year and 20 million have immigrated illegal and they are not contributing to the economy because they are the poorest of the poor and strain the social services system and the legal system with crime that comes with poverty. Gangs and drugs. Crime is a lucrative business in America for gangs and drugs, etc and the criminal element of illegal immigration is taking full advantage of it.

Yeah; it will. They'll no longer be illegal. That's how it works. Just make it legal for folks to come here. Problem solved.
LOL, do you have any idea how many illegals are here? How many INS agents we have? We do not have the resources to get everyone. We should go after those that just arrived, and go after the criminal elements first, and that will keep our hands quite full.
LOL, do you have any idea how many illegals are here? How many INS agents we have? We do not have the resources to get everyone. We should go after those that just arrived, and go after the criminal elements first, and that will keep our hands quite full.

What you just suggested is impossible to implement and an unfathamably in cost. You sound like some one at the entrance of the pearly gates. The only "resource" we need is mandatory E-Verify with a fine or jail time if not implemented. It would pay for it's self. WE would not need agents because if they cannot work they will self-deport.

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