Amerindians Came to America in Three Different Waves


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
AFP: Native Americans descended from three Asian groups: study

Native Americans spread out today from Canada to the tip of Chile descended not from one but at least three migrant waves from Siberia between 5,000 and 15,000 years ago, a study said Wednesday.

The finding is controversial among geneticists, archaeologists and linguists -- many of whom have maintained that a single Asian ancestral group populated the Americas.

But the new study, claiming to be the most comprehensive analysis yet of Native American genetics, claims to have found incontrovertible proof that there were three immigration waves -- a theory first put forward in 1986.

Most Native Americans, said the study, descend from a single group known as the "First American" which crossed from Asia via the Beringia land bridge towards the end of the last ice age some 15,000 years ago.

Their modern-day descendants include the Algonquin of Quebec, the Yaghan of Tierra del Fuego and the Kaqchikel Maya of Guatemala.

But two later migrations of people closely related to the Han ethnic Chinese were responsible for creating more groups, according to a paper published in the journal Nature.

Amd who did the first group have to kill to put them out of their way so they could get to the Americas?

All this 'Native American' bullshit is just another agit-prop lie to make Americans feel like they have no legitimacy in their own country and it is becoming more domonstrable each year, if one cares to follow the actual evidence.
But, this study overlooks the earlier Solutreans (fore-runners of the Clovis People, who were wiped out by the Asians) who came from Europe 20-30K BCE.

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