AmeriClaps Needs You!


Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2017
In an all too predictable move today, members of the Banana Republic Party today announced the creation of AmeriClap. The proposed organization will supply trump speeches with group members dedicated to clapping and praising our dear orange leader. The effect is to limit damage to trump's ego and to reduce his twitter outbursts. Outbursts which include claiming that people who don't clap loud enough or heap praise on the orange president (like vice president pence) as "traitors" whose actions are possibly "treason".

The actions were immediately praised by vice president pence during a pause in his clapping. Authoritarian leaders across the globe also praised the move as long overdue. Russian leader Putin commented that "it was a good first step to jailing and possibly killing political opponents." North Korean leader Kim Jung Um though a press release stated that the effects of clapping and praise would be meaningless unless a Merica had a large military parade.

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