America's healthcare proxy war


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
New York, NY
The current debate over healthcare being exhibited in townhall meetings with congresspeople and senators alike, isn't a bunch of individuals who watched the 6:30 news and started to form an opinion about it.

Both sides -- left and right, are organizing their lobbyists, their unions, their corporations, their talk show listeners to go out and disrupt town hall meetings with either pro or against viewpoints.

Some examples of this taking effect are:

Glenn Beck's 9-12 Project
Obama's Unions
The insurance industry lobby, America's Health Insurance Plans
Conservatives for Patients' Rights.
Americans for Prosperity

This is just a small sample of left and right wing organizers who are arming people with a script or talking points of what to and not to say.

Unfortunately, few, if any people are educated about the REAL healthcare bills being presented in the House and Senate because none of the proposed bills are under 500 pages. One bill in the House is over 1,000 pages long! How can people properly process this much information? So they rely on other people such Sarah Palin for information. Sarah Palin, incorrectly, stated that there would be some kind of "Obama Death Panel" which would determine her son's right to existence based upon his social value to society. Other talk show hosts, including Sean Hannity and O'Reilly are discussing Nationalized Health Insurance and dubbing it Obamacare.

What's the truth? I don't know, actually. And the real victims here are people like me -- I've just been diagnosed with a terrible disease that could become life threatening if I don't treat it properly. I am a small business owner and my premiums are too expensive and there are few, if any choices for sole proprietors. Unfortunately, if I were to gain health insurance today, my disease would be considered a pre-existing condition and my health insurance company would not cover it.

The real victims here are the uninsured and the insured but deal with rising premiums and insurance companies denying claims for others who have insurance. We absolutely, NEED reform. Our healthcare system is completely screwed up because of private corporations. What we do not need is some gigantic, over-bloated bill in the House and Senate that has the government interfering with your healthcare.

But here's the thing: No matter what version of the bill is created, 90-100% of the Republicans will vote against it and 90-100% of the Democrats will vote for it. The best thing to do right now is be an advocate for the uninsured and set price limits on premiums. Also, we need some kind of health insurance plan that will reimburse you a percentage of your fee if the doctor you are seeing, mostly specialists, don't accept insurance. Are either of these provisions in the healthcare bills right now? I have no idea. I haven't sat down and looked at it. I haven't had time to read 500+ pages. Who does?? It's nuts.

Congress needs to reform itself before it can reform the entire healthcare industry. Why does one bill need so many pages????
Look, DavidS, you Nazi Prick: Let me put it in real simple terms; health care is a luxury. If you can't afford it, you don't get it. That's what the magic of the market is for. We ALL believe in the unobjectionable "magic"; the unquestioning power of the marketplace. So if someone doesn't succeed in it; if an entire remote town cannot afford this luxury, THEY DON'T GET IT. Ok? They don't fucking deserve it because it's not in the constitution; my holy, prefect, unquestionable bible; the constitution of the great AMERICA. If those old guys didn't see it coming 230 years ago, it is irrelevant. You will be judged by GOD in judgement day for even pretending to disimulate the fact that you support a Nazi Commie Pinko plan to cover uninsured lazy fucking poor people. Go fuck yourself with your facscist commie pinko plans. No ******'s gonna tell me what to do with my tax dollars.

C'mon guys. We don't need this "socialized medicine" scheme. What we need is for them to leave MEDICARE alone, and follow the example of real success stories like Somalia and Ecuador in their health plans, not socialist third world shitholes like Norway, Sweden or the United Kingdom. In places like the advanced industiralized powerhouses like SOmalia and Ecuador and El Salvador, those who can pay get health insurnce, just like in AMEIRCA. That means that industry is strong and everyone is happy. In third world shitholes like France and Finland, everyone is murdering each other mercilessly for health care and doctors. It's chaos there. It's a failure. We should never follow that example because it's useless compared to success stories like Mexico and Togo.

Fuck these socialists who are trying to turn AMERICA into Russia!!!!
I've just been diagnosed with a terrible disease that could become life threatening if I don't treat it properly.

I am hoping for the best for you. HR3200 isn't that hard to slog through. It's pretty plain. Your situation is exactly why we need health care reform.

Epsilon: had me going for a minute there.......:eek:
David S does not have a link posted to his post. It damn sure wasn't written by him.
Damn. Sorry to hear that.

Far too many Americans are just one diagnosis away from bankruptcy. Over 50% of those going bankrupt because of medical bills actually have insurance that is not adaquete to handle the bills. If you have a pre-existing condition, and lose your job and health insurance, you will not be covered for that condition on your next job.

Small businesses cannot afford to compete for the best in talent, even though most would prefer to work in a small business atmosphere. I quit a job that I really liked because of the lack of insurance for my family. And within a year and a half, my wife had two major operations, and my daughter major orthedontal surgery. The insurance I had through the company that I was working for at the time covered 80%. The remaining 20% kept me from saving anything for six years.

In those horrible "socialistic" nations, such as Japan, Canada, or Germany, nobody goes bankrupt because of medical bills. And small businesses compete on a much more level playing field.
Here in the UK we have a National Health service that is free at the point of delivery. It's not great, as some members of my family would agree if they were still living, but I wholeheartedly agree with Mr Obama's ideas.

This is a great man who has - at last for a US President - a social conscience.
Here in the UK we have a National Health service that is free at the point of delivery. It's not great, as some members of my family would agree if they were still living, but I wholeheartedly agree with Mr Obama's ideas.

This is a great man who has - at last for a US President - a social conscience.

Yeah, here's the guy who wants to be your Health Care Proxy

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Gaffe[/ame]
Well, Frank, your fellow was so impressive from 2001 to 2009 that President Obama got 365 electorial votes, we have 60 Dem Senators, and 265 Dem Representatives. Once we get the Health Care Bill put together and passed, we will address global warming and energy.
Well, Frank, your fellow was so impressive from 2001 to 2009 that President Obama got 365 electorial votes, we have 60 Dem Senators, and 265 Dem Representatives. Once we get the Health Care Bill put together and passed, we will address global warming and energy.

And then those people with pitchfork who were supposedly after the bankers will scour the hills to find the last living Democrat
Well, Frank, your fellow was so impressive from 2001 to 2009 that President Obama got 365 electorial votes, we have 60 Dem Senators, and 265 Dem Representatives. Once we get the Health Care Bill put together and passed, we will address global warming and energy.

Just to be clear, Bush was never my boy. He's as big a traitor as Aldrich Ames or Robert Hanson and if Dante were still consigning people to the Inferno Dubya would be under Satan's ass where he would be burined under bit of Judas, Cassius and Brutus for all eternity
It's a luxury, you gotta be kidding, what planet do you live on???? A Mercedes is a luxury, health insurance is a necessity All Americans have health care, no one, no one is ever turned away from getting care, even those that don't have insurance and even illegal immigrants get the treatment that they require. No hospital ever turns people away.

Health insurance needs to be reformed but it does not need to be taken over by a bunch of morons who would not know how to make a profit out of a neighborhood lemonade stand.

The Government's resume.
Medicare- bankrupt.
Medicaid- bankrupt.
Social Security- bankrupt.
The postal service- bankrupt.

And you want to hire these people to run 7% of our economy and dictate the health care you and your family are gonna get. NO THANK YOU, I WILL MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS ABOUT MY OWN HEALTH CARE.
A Mercedes is a luxury

I think so. But they are very practical and last a long time. I have 2. So actually they are quite conservative. If you have an accident you are more likely to make it than with any other car. You can always buy another car, but you can't buy health. Mercedes are cheaper than shock trauma too.
Old Rocks, good luck to you on that health care bill and cap and trade, but it's my bet that your own party is going to be jumping ship on your President and in effect lame ducking him even before the 2010sunami that's going to take place in congress, the senate and governerships around the country.

The polling data does not support your posts and neither do the facts. Of course, you and your ilk have a tendency to pay absolutely no attention to facts because they get in the way of your la la land ideology. Unfortunately, the President ignores his own CBO (congressional budget office) the official number crunchers of this country, and is still out there pitching a national health care plan that the cbo states will increase costs, not reduce them.

It is not reasonable to a sane person, that you can give health insurance to an ADDITIONAL 50 million people and at the SAME time REDUCE costs and NOT have rationing. Roll that around in your brain for a while.

When you come up with that answer Old Rocks, report back. I am very curious as to how that could be done.
if you can afford to buy two mercedes, I am sure you could also purchase on your own a nice little health care plan and take responsibility for yourself and your family.
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if you can afford to buy two mercedes, I am sure you could also purchase on your own a nice little health care plan and take responsibility for yourself and your family.

What makes you think I don't? The Mercedes were thrifty choices for me. Both used. In fact I've never bought a new car. I'm a bit of a car nut.

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