Americans support the Presidents handling of Egypt crisis by 2:1 margin


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Poll: Obama gets high marks for handling of Egypt crisis -

Those surveyed give President Obama high marks for his handling of the unfolding situation. By more than 2 to 1, 66%-28%, they credit him with doing a good or very good job.

"It offers an opportunity as well as a challenge," Obama told reporters at a news conference Tuesday. "I think the opportunity is that, when you have the kinds of young people who were in Tahrir Square, feeling that they have hope and they have opportunity, then they're less likely to channel all their frustrations into anti-Israeli sentiment
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It must because of my Obama prayer room complete with Messiah Prayer Candles and a Golden Incense Altar. Obama blessed by thy name.
Most Americans couldn't spell Egypt, or find it on a map... so their view of how POTUS handled this INTERNATIONAL scenario is not important.
Just remember the Democrat Rule of Thumb:

If something good happens, Obama did it.

Related... the Republican Rule of Thumb:

If something bad happens, Obama did it.

The real question is, what DIDN'T Obama do?
He backed the people on national television. An easy thing to do.

OH I'm sure there were all kinds of calls to Mubarak but ultimately if Mubarak had decided to stay till elections in Sept there really wasn't much Barry could do about it. Hell. Mubarak could have told him to fuck off.

So in this case doing nothing other than what he did was the right thing.
Of course they do. In their minds they got a happy ending AND nobody butted into American Idol/Dance Your Ass Off/NCIS with any of those annoying special reports.
Here is how the far right reacts to good foreign policy.

I think they prefered the lying us into war style better.
Here is how the far right reacts to good foreign policy.

I think they prefered the lying us into war style better.

Which of Obama's foreign policies relating to the Egyptian situation are we supposed to react to? The one from Obama? The one from Clinton? The one from Wisner? Because all three had different messages. Internationally, it was commented on as a severe 'mixing of messages' from Washington. Fucking embarrassing. The idea of foreign policy is singular... policy... not policies.
Well "Good Foreign Policy?" Thats debatable.

I think the Egyptian military were the real movers and shakers in this instance.

OL'BO did nothing to screw it up so in this case he handled in correctly.
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WTF did Obama do?

Mostly....he kept himself and the United States out of Egypt's issue. Which is precisely what he should have done. Great job on this one, Obama!

Sending an envoy is keeping out of it?

Clinton making statement after statement about it is keeping out of it?

Obama saying that Murbarak should resign is keeping out of it?

We had three different messages from three different official sources. Not only did we not stay out of it.... we looked like a bunch of fucking amateurs. That may be acceptable to the Obamanation, but to the rest of us.... not so much.

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