Americans still not interested in electric cars!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere

Electric cars are failing to woo the average American

Now if you talk to a climate crusader, you'd think EV's are flying out the showroom door. Nope.... Americans couldn't be any more disinterested in buying these things. Only people making more than 100k are buying them and sale #s remain laughable. FORD still sells more F150 trucks in 3 months than all EV sales COMBINED:spinner:.

What does it mean?

It means people are concerned about climate change, but have no interest in opening up their wallet to do anything about it. Clearly the science all the climate crusader bozo' s angst about is not having any effect on people in the real world. :bigbed:Tough shit on them.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.
If you really want to do something for the environment do not buy a new electric car.
Buy a used economy car that runs on gasoline and gets 40 mpg
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.

Actually the real world is.....Americans love big cars always have and always will. Nobody wants those faggy electric vehicles. C'mon now..... some people just can't think on the margin.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.

Thousands are killed and injured each year because of our CAFE standards.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.

Actually the real world is.....Americans love big cars always have and always will. Nobody wants those faggy electric vehicles. C'mon now..... some people just can't think on the margin.

"faggy" lol If you think a luxury car that will go from 0-60 in under 2.5 seconds is faggy........

The reason there are so many more F150s sold is partly the price. The Tesla is expensive. But it was the best way to enter the market.

And there has been serious pushback against them since they started. There are 13 states that will not allow Tesla to open their direct sales centers. They are required to use a separate dealership.
What I really find pitiful is the amount of shit that is given to Tesla and the people who like them. How long has it been since a new American car company started up? The Tesla was the absolute leader in EV technology worldwide. I get not wanting to spend the large amount of money, and not wanting the car. But why all the hate and vitriol spewed toward an American company who, not only led the way in the field, but allowed other companies to use their inventions and innovations. And many who have been so anti-Tesla are also the ones who scream "Buy America".
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.

Actually the real world is.....Americans love big cars always have and always will. Nobody wants those faggy electric vehicles. C'mon now..... some people just can't think on the margin.

"faggy" lol If you think a luxury car that will go from 0-60 in under 2.5 seconds is faggy........

The reason there are so many more F150s sold is partly the price. The Tesla is expensive. But it was the best way to enter the market.

And there has been serious pushback against them since they started. There are 13 states that will not allow Tesla to open their direct sales centers. They are required to use a separate dealership.

But 99.9% of Americans can't afford the 130k Tesla S and most that do spend that kind of money want a car that stands out. Let's face it the Tesla S looks like an Altima and when the road gets curvy the Tesla s ends up in the woods. Ask most American men if they'd rather have a Raptor AND a GT350 Mustang or a Tesla for their 130k, we sure as shit should know what they're going to say.

You kinda tend to the ecentric bro.... like Old Rocks.... non-conformists....which is cool enough but most Americans don't go that way.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles
For an EV where does that unsustainable energy come from? Coal fired electrical plants...Without those do you run your A/C in your house, or drive your 250 miles max with one charge?
What I really find pitiful is the amount of shit that is given to Tesla and the people who like them. How long has it been since a new American car company started up? The Tesla was the absolute leader in EV technology worldwide. I get not wanting to spend the large amount of money, and not wanting the car. But why all the hate and vitriol spewed toward an American company who, not only led the way in the field, but allowed other companies to use their inventions and innovations. And many who have been so anti-Tesla are also the ones who scream "Buy America".
What I really find pitiful is the amount of shit that is given to Tesla
Did you know that Elon Musk borrowed 5 billion dollars of our Taxes, and still cant make a fucking profit on his shite EV's. He was able to borrow the money because Obummer wanted electric cars while necessarily driving up energy costs. Stop covering for the liberal asshole who has much more uber wealth than you, you fucking hypocrite.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.

Actually the real world is.....Americans love big cars always have and always will. Nobody wants those faggy electric vehicles. C'mon now..... some people just can't think on the margin.

"faggy" lol If you think a luxury car that will go from 0-60 in under 2.5 seconds is faggy........

The reason there are so many more F150s sold is partly the price. The Tesla is expensive. But it was the best way to enter the market.

And there has been serious pushback against them since they started. There are 13 states that will not allow Tesla to open their direct sales centers. They are required to use a separate dealership.

But 99.9% of Americans can't afford the 130k Tesla S and most that do spend that kind of money want a car that stands out. Let's face it the Tesla S looks like an Altima and when the road gets curvy the Tesla s ends up in the woods. Ask most American men if they'd rather have a Raptor AND a GT350 Mustang or a Tesla, we sure as shit should know what they're going to say.

You kinda tend to the ecentric bro.... like Old Rocks.... non-conformists....which is cool enough but most Americans don't go that way.

The reason I say the Tesla marketed it the right way is because who can afford a 2nd (or 3rd) car with no track record? The higher end car buyer. They did not market the Tesla to people who would want a Raptor and a Mustang. They went after the customers who were buying high end BMWs, Mercedes, and Land Rovers.

And I don't know why you think the Tesla can't drive a curvy road. I have driven one, and it drove the curves like it was on a rail. And the acceleration made it feel like a ride at Six Flags, but with comfortable seats.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.

You didn’t mention in your post what type of EV you own, or were you talking about yourself in that post?
What I really find pitiful is the amount of shit that is given to Tesla and the people who like them. How long has it been since a new American car company started up? The Tesla was the absolute leader in EV technology worldwide. I get not wanting to spend the large amount of money, and not wanting the car. But why all the hate and vitriol spewed toward an American company who, not only led the way in the field, but allowed other companies to use their inventions and innovations. And many who have been so anti-Tesla are also the ones who scream "Buy Ame

The answer to that is easy dude....Tesla represents an infringement on tradition. What I don't get is the people who don't understand that. Americans who see people all giddy about electric cars also believe them to be the same kind of people who want to get rid of all the statues and do away with the 2nd Amendment. Many people out there truly believe there are those who want an end to traditional American culture.... electric cars are somewhat representative of that. I know a boatload of men who wouldn't be caught dead in electric car. Millions and millions of people attend car shows every year.... and how many of them would champion the electric car. Maybe 17? There is just a pronounced misunderstanding by some about cars and their relation to the American culture..... I'm just glad those people are part of the vast minority.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.

Actually the real world is.....Americans love big cars always have and always will. Nobody wants those faggy electric vehicles. C'mon now..... some people just can't think on the margin.

"faggy" lol If you think a luxury car that will go from 0-60 in under 2.5 seconds is faggy........

The reason there are so many more F150s sold is partly the price. The Tesla is expensive. But it was the best way to enter the market.

And there has been serious pushback against them since they started. There are 13 states that will not allow Tesla to open their direct sales centers. They are required to use a separate dealership.

The luxury model was the only way they could start because the underlying technology is so expensive, but it has always bothered me that Tesla started by the government giving tax credits to millionaires to buy a luxury car. It Just doesn’t sound right.
What I really find pitiful is the amount of shit that is given to Tesla and the people who like them. How long has it been since a new American car company started up? The Tesla was the absolute leader in EV technology worldwide. I get not wanting to spend the large amount of money, and not wanting the car. But why all the hate and vitriol spewed toward an American company who, not only led the way in the field, but allowed other companies to use their inventions and innovations. And many who have been so anti-Tesla are also the ones who scream "Buy America".
What I really find pitiful is the amount of shit that is given to Tesla
Did you know that Elon Musk borrowed 5 billion dollars of our Taxes, and still cant make a fucking profit on his shite EV's. He was able to borrow the money because Obummer wanted electric cars while necessarily driving up energy costs. Stop covering for the liberal asshole who has much more uber wealth than you, you fucking hypocrite.

I am not covering for anything. The key word is "Loans". The gov't didn't GIVE Tesla anything. They loaned money to help an innovative company survive.

And how much of the loans you are crying about were paid back?

And having 26% of the states not allowing a car manufacturer to sell their cars directly didn't help.

Electric cars are failing to woo the average American

Now if you talk to a climate crusader, you'd think EV's are flying out the showroom door. Nope.... Americans couldn't be any more disinterested in buying these things. Only people making more than 100k are buying them and sale #s remain laughable. FORD still sells more F150 trucks in 3 months than all EV sales COMBINED:spinner:.

What does it mean?

It means people are concerned about climate change, but have no interest in opening up their wallet to do anything about it. Clearly the science all the climate crusader bozo' s angst about is not having any effect on people in the real world. :bigbed:Tough shit on them.

Not sure I see the connection between concern for climate change and buying an electric car. One pollutes only when I start the engine, the other pollutes when the electricity is generated to charge the batteries and the batteries are a major source of pollution in manufacturing and recycling.

Electric cars are limited in range and you can't find anywhere to charge them.

Assuming the above are solved, what would make the electric car worthwhile is that since an electric motor can last almost forever (no friction, rubbing parts or wear), and the batteries replaceable, make the bodies plastic so that the cars have a minimum 30 years life expectancy. Make them that rather than outright purchase them, you lease them from the state or somewhere. One key to making them more affordable is to remove them as a "consumable" which must be replaced every few years.

Electric cars are failing to woo the average American

Now if you talk to a climate crusader, you'd think EV's are flying out the showroom door. Nope.... Americans couldn't be any more disinterested in buying these things. Only people making more than 100k are buying them and sale #s remain laughable. FORD still sells more F150 trucks in 3 months than all EV sales COMBINED:spinner:.

What does it mean?

It means people are concerned about climate change, but have no interest in opening up their wallet to do anything about it. Clearly the science all the climate crusader bozo' s angst about is not having any effect on people in the real world. :bigbed:Tough shit on them.
I think it just means that EV's are not yet at the stage where they can replace a internal combustion vehicle. They don't have the same range and power for the same price. If money was no object I'd have an electric car for commuting and a big internal combustion vehicle for moving stuff and long trips. If I had to pick only one vehicle I'd have to pick the one that can do it all, a internal combustion vehicle.

Hybrids have done much better and get better mileage in cities than internal combustion vehicles. When gas prices go back up hybrids and EV's will grab ever larger market share.
Americans (and other nationalities, unfortunately) still interested in unsustainable energy consumption by unnecessarily over sized/heavy vehicles for no practical purpose. Ego trumps sense, again. Somehow, the estimated millions who did from air pollution do not weigh on the moral conscience of accelerator crushing motorists. Worse, there are those that ridicule reasonable people for a more modest choice.
That's the "real" world.

Actually the real world is.....Americans love big cars always have and always will. Nobody wants those faggy electric vehicles. C'mon now..... some people just can't think on the margin.

"faggy" lol If you think a luxury car that will go from 0-60 in under 2.5 seconds is faggy........

The reason there are so many more F150s sold is partly the price. The Tesla is expensive. But it was the best way to enter the market.

And there has been serious pushback against them since they started. There are 13 states that will not allow Tesla to open their direct sales centers. They are required to use a separate dealership.

But 99.9% of Americans can't afford the 130k Tesla S and most that do spend that kind of money want a car that stands out. Let's face it the Tesla S looks like an Altima and when the road gets curvy the Tesla s ends up in the woods. Ask most American men if they'd rather have a Raptor AND a GT350 Mustang or a Tesla, we sure as shit should know what they're going to say.

You kinda tend to the ecentric bro.... like Old Rocks.... non-conformists....which is cool enough but most Americans don't go that way.

The reason I say the Tesla marketed it the right way is because who can afford a 2nd (or 3rd) car with no track record? The higher end car buyer. They did not market the Tesla to people who would want a Raptor and a Mustang. They went after the customers who were buying high end BMWs, Mercedes, and Land Rovers.

And I don't know why you think the Tesla can't drive a curvy road. I have driven one, and it drove the curves like it was on a rail. And the acceleration made it feel like a ride at Six Flags, but with comfortable seats.

You would probably think any of the Lexus IS luxury models handle well too!!:113:
What I really find pitiful is the amount of shit that is given to Tesla and the people who like them. How long has it been since a new American car company started up? The Tesla was the absolute leader in EV technology worldwide. I get not wanting to spend the large amount of money, and not wanting the car. But why all the hate and vitriol spewed toward an American company who, not only led the way in the field, but allowed other companies to use their inventions and innovations. And many who have been so anti-Tesla are also the ones who scream "Buy Ame

The answer to that is easy dude....Tesla represents an infringement on tradition. What I don't get is the people who don't understand that. Americans who see people all giddy about electric cars also believe them to be the same kind of people who want to get rid of all the statues and do away with the 2nd Amendment. Many people out there truly believe there are those who want an end to traditional American culture.... electric cars are somewhat representative of that. I know a boatload of men who wouldn't be caught dead in electric car. Millions and millions of people attend car shows every year.... and how many of them would champion the electric car. Maybe 17? There is just a pronounced misunderstanding by some about cars and their relation to the American culture..... I'm just glad those people are part of the vast minority.

And Tesla is a threat to all car manufacturers? What a load of shit. If you don't want an EV, don't buy one. But to claim that all the effort to see Tesla gone is simply to support the American tradition of V8s and car shows is pure bullshit.

What about the American tradition of innovation? I guess that isn't important now?
What about the American tradition of supporting American companies? Is that just not as much fun?

EVs will not be going away, even if Tesla goes under. But if Tesla goes under, the better EVs will be sold by Mercedes and BMW, not by American car manufacturers. So, even if they are built here, the profits leave the country.

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