Americans like having a rich class Gallup More than 6 in 10


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
:lol: Quick call 911 for the libs on the board. For all the class warfare the White House and libs have waged, they have failed miserably.

Too funny. Check it out. Especially Indies surveyed. This is just part of the article and polling data.


It gets better. :eusa_angel:

There are political differences in these views, as would be expected. A slim majority of Democrats say the U.S. benefits from having a class of rich people, while eight in 10 Republicans and almost six in 10 independents say the same.


And even better and better :eusa_whistle:

Majority of Americans Would Themselves Like to Be Rich

Not only do a majority of Americans believe that having a class of rich people is a good thing, but the majority of Americans who do not consider themselves rich now would like to be rich if they had their choice. In fact, slightly more Americans now than in 1990 or in 1996 say they would want to be rich if they had a choice.


And read this part and weep all you little commies on the board.

There are virtually no differences by partisanship in the desire to be rich. Sixty-four percent of both Republicans and Democrats say they would like to be rich, coupled with 63% of independents.



All this time, all this effort put into class warfare by this administration is an epic failure.

Americans Like Having a Rich Class, as They Did 22 Years Ago
people want money...WOW really had to dig deep to figure that gem out huh?

Holy mother fucking shit is this stupid.

What part of " more than 6 out of ten Americans like having a rich class " despite all the attempts by the Obama administration and liberals to try to demonize the wealthy don't you understand?
:lol: Quick call 911 for the libs on the board. For all the class warfare the White House and libs have waged, they have failed miserably.

Too funny. Check it out. Especially Indies surveyed. This is just part of the article and polling data.


It gets better. :eusa_angel:

There are political differences in these views, as would be expected. A slim majority of Democrats say the U.S. benefits from having a class of rich people, while eight in 10 Republicans and almost six in 10 independents say the same.


And even better and better :eusa_whistle:

Majority of Americans Would Themselves Like to Be Rich

Not only do a majority of Americans believe that having a class of rich people is a good thing, but the majority of Americans who do not consider themselves rich now would like to be rich if they had their choice. In fact, slightly more Americans now than in 1990 or in 1996 say they would want to be rich if they had a choice.


And read this part and weep all you little commies on the board.

There are virtually no differences by partisanship in the desire to be rich. Sixty-four percent of both Republicans and Democrats say they would like to be rich, coupled with 63% of independents.



All this time, all this effort put into class warfare by this administration is an epic failure.

Americans Like Having a Rich Class, as They Did 22 Years Ago

of course we like having a Rich class. The Bigger and Better. WTF do you think the American Dream is, if not striving to become part of that class. A Fundamental Fact many Liberals over look. It is people and Companies Striving to get Filthy Fucking Rich That Built this Country, and only that Can Sustain it.
:lol: Quick call 911 for the libs on the board. For all the class warfare the White House and libs have waged, they have failed miserably.

Too funny. Check it out. Especially Indies surveyed. This is just part of the article and polling data.


It gets better. :eusa_angel:

There are political differences in these views, as would be expected. A slim majority of Democrats say the U.S. benefits from having a class of rich people, while eight in 10 Republicans and almost six in 10 independents say the same.


And even better and better :eusa_whistle:

Majority of Americans Would Themselves Like to Be Rich

Not only do a majority of Americans believe that having a class of rich people is a good thing, but the majority of Americans who do not consider themselves rich now would like to be rich if they had their choice. In fact, slightly more Americans now than in 1990 or in 1996 say they would want to be rich if they had a choice.


And read this part and weep all you little commies on the board.

There are virtually no differences by partisanship in the desire to be rich. Sixty-four percent of both Republicans and Democrats say they would like to be rich, coupled with 63% of independents.



All this time, all this effort put into class warfare by this administration is an epic failure.

Americans Like Having a Rich Class, as They Did 22 Years Ago

of course we like having a Rich class. The Bigger and Better. WTF do you think the American Dream is, if not striving to become part of that class. A Fundamental Fact many Liberals over look. It is people and Companies Striving to get Filthy Fucking Rich That Built this Country, and only that Can Sustain it.

Well said. I'm thrilled to see that the constant attack on the "haves" has failed. That Americans still understand the truth and the benefits of the wealthy.

But most importantly, that Americans still dream and want to be successful.
JFC the dupes are morons. No one is against intelligent rich who realize how fortunate they are and want to give back to the great country that made it possible. Greatest Generation springs to mind. Happy with 23x their workers' pay.

But greedy stupid SSHOLES who think they did it all by themselves, want lower taxes thatkeeps them from paying their fair share, want to screw the nonrich and the country ie greedy Pub assholes, not so much. NOT happy with 350x the workers' pay! Shyttehead.
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We're also NOT happy with the jackases, BOUGHT OFF Pubs, who cling to a tax system where the richest gain 273% in wealth while the nonrich and the country suffer...Pub dupes! see sig pp1 dupe...
people want money...WOW really had to dig deep to figure that gem out huh?

Holy mother fucking shit is this stupid.

What part of " more than 6 out of ten Americans like having a rich class " despite all the attempts by the Obama administration and liberals to try to demonize the wealthy don't you understand?

Nobody is trying to demonize the wealthy you moron. Thinking that the wealthy should pay a little bit more in taxes is not demonizing them. Why you idiots on the right think that being centrist or a bit left of center means that we hate wealthy people and want to turn this country into socialist nirvana is beyond me. We're just not batshit crazy enough to believe letting the wealthy get away with paying fewer and fewer taxes is a good thing for this country as a whole. I mean look what we have done; we've reduced taxes to their lowest levels in over 60 fucking years and look where it got us. We're in a fucking recession that really won't end, wages have been stagnant for the last ten years minimum, and you guys want more tax cuts for the wealthy and bitch about poor people getting food stamps.
Granny says, "Dat's dem rich folks fer ya - first dey outsource yer job, den dey abscond with the money...
More are renouncing U.S. citizenship as IRS cracks down on foreign accounts
Sunday, 05.13.12 - As pressure from an International Revenue Service crackdown increases, the number of those giving up U.S. citizenship is also rising.
A growing number of U.S. citizens who live abroad and have bank accounts there are making a radical decision to avoid paying taxes: They’re giving up their U.S. citizenship. Last year, 1,780 Americans relinquished their citizenship to avoid disclosing foreign account information to the Internal Revenue Service. This is a sharp increase over 2010, when 1,485 renounced citizenship. In 2009, the number was 731 and in 2008 226.

The increasing numbers of Americans renouncing citizenship is the result of an IRS crackdown: Within the past three years, the agency has stepped up efforts to track down and prosecute U.S. citizens who evade taxes by hiding money and other financial assets in foreign bank accounts. Alan Weisberg, a prominent tax attorney with the Miami firm of Weisberg and Kainen, said he has noticed an increase in interest by some clients in exploring the possibility of renouncing citizenship. “I have seen more interest, but it’s not a floodgate yet,” he said.

IN 2009

The number of citizenship renunciations began rising in 2009, when one of the world’s biggest banks, UBS AG of Switzerland, agreed to give the United States the names of thousands of American clients with secret bank accounts. The landmark agreement came in the wake of charges in Fort Lauderdale federal court against Bradley Birkenfeld, a former UBS AG employee who later assisted the IRS in identifying thousands of tax evaders.

Before the IRS intensified its pressure, 200 to 400 Americans relinquished citizenship annually. The number is expected to increase even more next year when foreign banks will be required to supply information about U.S. clients’ bank accounts. Some banks abroad are already prohibiting Americans from opening accounts.

people want money...WOW really had to dig deep to figure that gem out huh?

Holy mother fucking shit is this stupid.

Yet you have the uber lefties who call for redistribution and COMPLAIN about inequality in wealth/income... because it is ok to want it from someone else in their eyes... but if they would actually earn it, it is more likely then that they would then be against the redistribution and equalized outcome....

And the lefties say that their redistribution schemes are not about greed :rolleyes:
people want money...WOW really had to dig deep to figure that gem out huh?

Holy mother fucking shit is this stupid.

What part of " more than 6 out of ten Americans like having a rich class " despite all the attempts by the Obama administration and liberals to try to demonize the wealthy don't you understand?

Nobody is trying to demonize the wealthy you moron. Thinking that the wealthy should pay a little bit more in taxes is not demonizing them. Why you idiots on the right think that being centrist or a bit left of center means that we hate wealthy people and want to turn this country into socialist nirvana is beyond me. We're just not batshit crazy enough to believe letting the wealthy get away with paying fewer and fewer taxes is a good thing for this country as a whole. I mean look what we have done; we've reduced taxes to their lowest levels in over 60 fucking years and look where it got us. We're in a fucking recession that really won't end, wages have been stagnant for the last ten years minimum, and you guys want more tax cuts for the wealthy and bitch about poor people getting food stamps.

No.. it is advocating only selective equal treatment, when it benefits you or your cause... and selective unequal treatment of others, when it benefits your cause
JFC the dupes are morons. No one is against intelligent rich who realize how fortunate they are and want to give back to the great country that made it possible.

Way to once again demonstrate just how Brainwashed you really are.

They don't have to "realize how Fortunate they are" and they don't Have to want to "give back" in order for us to Benefit from them.

There is no arguing with the Numbers no matter how many times you people try.

The Rich Pay most of the Taxes.
The Rich Buy More Products.
The Rich Spend more on Services.
The Rich Invest more Money.


Yes it's nice if they have a sense of Obligation and want to help out, and Many of them do, But we should not expect it from them. They do plenty just buy paying their Existing Taxes, and Spending money.

But you will simply never get that, No you rather go around chanting "the Dupes are Morons"

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