American's enemies Target Democrats and Republicans


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
Bipartisan alliances have become a rarity in Washington. But this week, in a small room in the Capitol, Sen. Jospeh Lieberman, a Democrat from Connecticut, and Sen. Jon Kyl, a Republican from Arizona, joined hands to create one.

Or rather to re-create one. the committee on the Present Danger (CPD) is a familiar name to any student of 20th century foreign policy. Originally founded in 1950, it's mission was to educate Americans about the reality of Soviet Communism. It's largely forgotten now, but during the Great Depression and World War II, many Americans had come to regard Joseph Stalin not as a mass murderer but as "Uncle Joe"

In it's third incarnation, with Senators Lieberman and Kyl as honorary chairmen, the CPD is to focus on terrorism and the movements that are using terrorism to damage and, ultimately they pray, destroy America and other "infidel lands"

Could the bad guys defeat us? Sen. Kyl believes that is coneivable--if the terrorists suceed in their "strategy to terrorize, demoralize and DIVIDE AMERICA and IT'S ALLIES. "To defend ourselves, he said, "will require that we come together much as did previous generations when they faced the threats of fascism and communism."
But that will only happen if the phenomenon is properly understood. For too long, Ambassador Woolsey observed, too many policy makers have regarded terroroism as a law enforcement problem rather than A WAR. As a result, he said, "We didn't send aircraft carriers, we sent lawyers."
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Bonnie said:
Bipartisan alliances have become a rarity in Washington. But this week, in a small room in the Capitol, Sen. Jospeh Lieberman, a Democrat from Connecticut, and Sen. Jon Kyl, a Republican from Arizona, joined hands to create one.

Or rather to re-create one. the committee on the Present Danger (CPD) is a familiar name to any student of 20th century foreign policy. Originally founded in 1950, it's mission was to educate Americans about the reality of Soviet Communism. It's largely forgotten now, but during the Great Depression and World War II, many Americans had come to regard Joseph Stalin not as a mass murderer but as "Uncle Joe"

In it's third incarnation, with Senators Lieberman and Kyl as honorary chairmen, the CPD is to focus on terrorism and the movements that are using terrorism to damage and, ultimately they pray, destroy America and other "infidel lands"

Could the bad guys defeat us? Sen. Kyl believes that is coneivable--if the terrorists suceed in their "strategy to terrorize, demoralize and DIVIDE AMERICA and IT'S ALLIES. "To defend ourselves, he said, "will require that we come together much as did previous generations when they faced the threats of fascism and communism."
But that will only happen if the phenomenon is properly understood. For too long, Ambassador Woolsey observed, too many policy makers have regarded terroroism as a law enforcement problem rather than A WAR. As a result, he said, "We didn't send aircraft carriers, we sent lawyers."
Bonnie said:
But that will only happen if the phenomenon is properly understood. For too long, Ambassador Woolsey observed, too many policy makers have regarded terroroism as a law enforcement problem rather than A WAR. As a result, he said, "We didn't send aircraft carriers, we sent lawyers."

Hmmmm - want to explain to me why this is a bad idea? Perhaps we need to send a couple of divisions of shysters to Iraq. Issue them bullet proof briefcases and fully automatic pens.
One could almost make the case that this is the new propaganda committee. If there were anyone other than lieberman and kyl on it, I'd suspect that to be the case.
Let's keep sending the lawyers. We've got plenty of them. It's our secret weapon of mass injunction. We'll drop the lawyers into terrorist infested areas, and if the terrorism doesn't stop, we'll drop more lawyers, and if that doesn't work, we'll start giving the lawyers parachutes.
Hobbit said:
Let's keep sending the lawyers. We've got plenty of them. It's our secret weapon of mass injunction. We'll drop the lawyers into terrorist infested areas, and if the terrorism doesn't stop, we'll drop more lawyers, and if that doesn't work, we'll start giving the lawyers parachutes.

LMAO :rotflmao:

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