Americans don’t hate immigrants


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

We hate illegal immigration.

Lawrence O’Donnell’s immigration ad is a lie and misrepresent Americans. First of all it is an insult to Americans to compare illegal immigrants of the last 100 years to immigrants which we are all descendents of who came through Ellis Island and registered or came before there were any immigration laws and built this country not asking for free healthcare, public housing and welfare and earned citizenship and define who we are. Not illegal immigration of today but what we have become. Greed for cheap labor and dirty votes. And greed on the part of illegal aliens.

The ad is a lie and offensive and should be taking off the air immediately. Illegal immigration is immoral and a crime. We are no longer into nation building but into nation survival. With the effect of illegal immigration on Americans it is hard to ask for compassion from Americans whose jobs they are taking, wages they are lowering and it add to racial tensions and acts of racism.

Americans don’t hate immigration or immigrants they hate illegal immigration. We hate what it is costing us. They take jobs, lower wages, destroy neighborhoods with gangs, drugs, crime and graffiti. Lowering property value. We want immigrants tat have some to offer like doctors, teachers, nurses, etc. We don’t need more poverty to immigrate. We have enough of our own. Homeless, unemployed, elderly and disabled. 1 in 5 Americans live at poverty level. 1-15 way below poverty.

We don’t want the border closed. We want it secure so drugs cannot enter and we don’t have to deport 400,000 dangerous criminals yearly. We won’t have to provide education, healthcare, public housing, welfare and food stamps, law enforcement, incarcerations and give Automatic Birthright Citizenship to every baby illegal aliens drop.

Lawrence O’Donnell’s immigration ad is a lie and misrepresents Americans and should be pull of the air.
Most Americans would gladly help illegals get back home. That's compassion.
If we had immigration the way we had it in the past, we wouldn't have nearly the problem with illegal immigration that we have now.

Live or die on your own. No benefits, no freebies. Nothing.
Lawrence O'Donnell and all his cronies on MSNBC are a bunch of bleeding heart liberals that would throw their mother under the bus if it meant giving away this country!!

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