American's deserve Bush's profound apology



'Americans deserve Bush's profound apology'
Date: Monday, February 02 @ 10:11:33 EST

By G. Jefferson Price III, Baltimore Sun

Imagine that you are the parent, or the brother or sister, or the wife, husband or child of a young man or woman killed in Iraq - one of the 138 who died in the march on Baghdad, or one of the 384 who have died there since May 1, when major combat was pronounced over.

Imagine, for that matter, that your loved one is among the almost 3,000 men and women who have been wounded in Iraq since the war began - many of whom will forever bear their horrible injuries as a reminder of where they were and why.

The why of it was torn apart last week.

Now, imagine how appalled the friends and the beloved of Iraq's casualties must have been last week to hear David Kay, the recently retired chief U.S. weapons inspector in Iraq tell the world, "It turns out we were all wrong."

Or to hear President Bush - who ordered the war in Iraq on the basis of "wrong" intelligence - changing his story, saying now that it was still a justified war because Saddam Hussein was such a bad guy and just the sort who would have developed and used weapons of mass destruction as only he could have.

Or Sen. John W. Warner of Virginia, the Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, badgering Kay into acknowledging the very remote possibility that some day, somewhere, someone just may find evidence that Iraq had some sort of weapons program to justify the invasion and the cost in American lives and resources.

Or Vice President Dick Cheney still handing out the baloney about some trailers found in Iraq being tied to production of weapons of mass destruction even though Kay and all others have said it isn't so.

Imagine how the loved ones of the dead may feel as they watch the spectacle of political jockeying over who should take the blame for a war being started on the basis of flawed intelligence, over whether there will be an investigation, and over the effect the timing of such an investigation may have on Bush's campaign to get himself re-elected.

If I were such a parent, or spouse, or child, or wounded soldier, I expect my fury would be visceral and overwhelming. I would not let these men forget what they had done to my family. Blood is on their hands.

Beyond those Americans who have lost - and continue to lose - relatives and friends in the war in Iraq, the rest of America should be appalled. For what the architects of the war in Iraq have done to individual families, they also have done to the whole American family, diminishing the nation's dignity and stature, and its safety.

Bush occasionally refers to the integrity of one of his Democratic predecessors, Harry S. Truman. Now is a good time for Bush to think of the sign in Truman's office reminding the president "The buck stops here."

This administration was hellbent on taking out Saddam Hussein when it came to power, even before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks against the United States. Those attacks provided a specious cover for the invasion of Iraq. When added to the false intelligence on Hussein's WMD, Bush and the men in his administration who wanted to make over the Middle East had their cause for war.

Plenty of voices were raised against going to war - including from the intelligence community. Plenty of voices - including some high-ranking Iraqis ---said there were no WMD anymore. United Nations inspectors in Iraq thought Hussein might be hiding something, but they wanted more time to find out for sure. Many, many voices were raised against the notion of a tie between Hussein and al-Qaida.

But these voices were ignored - even ridiculed - in the Bush administration's gathering momentum for war. The U.N. inspectors - ironically a chief source of U. S. intelligence on what weapons Hussein still might have - were withdrawn. There was no more time as far as Bush was concerned.

The facts as presented to them were conclusive and could not be doubted. Bush and his people could not wait to bring it on.

And bring it on they did. They surged all the way to Baghdad without encountering a single milligram of poison gas, anthrax or any other element of the vile stash Hussein was supposed to have. And they still haven't found any. The brutal dictator's statue was hauled down in the center of Baghdad. The president of the United States stood in his flyboy suit beneath a sign proclaiming "Mission Accomplished," and basked in the glory of it all.

But America was now trapped in Iraq, unprepared for the war's aftermath. It is a complex and deadly trap. The war on terrorism, meanwhile, was emphatically not over. Underlying the mess was the ugly suspicion that the only people to get any lasting benefit from the war will be Bush's friends with multibillion dollar contracts.

No wonder there is rage in America. That rage won't die down just because Howard Dean, its chief spokesman, is failing in the polls.

It will abide as long as the truth keeps coming out about how flawed America's security and intelligence apparatus is, and how Bush liked what he was hearing because it suited his own and his political coterie's ambitions. So not only did they not question what they heard; they encouraged it and emphasized it.

The most enraged Americans must be the families and friends of the men and women who have died in Iraq because of this huge error. Bush owes then a profound apology and a persuasive reassurance than it won't ever happen again - with or without him.

Copyright © 2004, The Baltimore Sun

Reprinted from The Baltimore Sun:

biased opinion...wait till the independent investagation is over and then see where the blame should not get on the bandwagon so fast might have to jump off...:)
I guess all the other people should apologize too (Democrats talking about the threat Iraq posed, anyone from the UN who thought Iraq was a threat, etc). But people like that would never ask them too because it's more important to have it both ways.
hahaha! independent investigation??!!

what a load of crap. i'll admit that i had high hopes for the bush admin to do the right thing, however:

lumping together the ENTIRE AXIS OF EVIL is not what we are asking for.

not releasing the findings until AFTER the (s)election is NOT what we are looking for.

but i gotta say, my hopes were not all that high. just when the bush admin was about to set things right, they never fail to lower the bar! :laugh:
"Imagine that you are the parent, or the brother or sister, or the wife, husband or child of a young man or woman killed in Iraq - one of the 138 who died in the march on Baghdad, or one of the 384 who have died there since May 1, when major combat was pronounced over."

Image you are the a friend, relative, spouse, or sibling to one of the thousands that lost their lives on September 11th. Would you want the U.S. government to sit on their butts all day trying to protect us from terrorism, or attack terrorists before they can attack us. The horrific event that took place in New York cannot be forgotten, maybe if you lost a loved one your opinion might be different bam.
Okay, I've had a couple of glasses of wine - but this is really a crock of shit.

And I do believe I will come to the same conclusion in the morning after I have had my coffee.
I for one am not enraged. And my husband is one of those men. Lets think of when this began over twelve years ago and let us not forget all the men and women who have risked their lives to enforce the no fly zone in that last twelve years. And have had to do so because Saddam constantly ignored the peace treaty he signed. (And why did he sign a peace treaty? Because he declared war on the U.S. a little bit of history we all tend to forget.)
In the beginning I was torn, was this the right thing to do? Being a child born to a father who fought in WWII and was on Iwo Jima. My mother talked of how my father would wake screaming on hearing the Fourth of July fire works. I did not want my child living in a world of war (or lets be real, a war that he was involved in.) So I wanted peace as much as anyone. But then one day I was listening to a live BBC radio show in my car with my daughter in the foriegn country we now live in since my husband is proudly one of those men. It was the day of the first peace march in London they were interviewing people there and we were able to hear what they had to say. It was all very compelling and maybe my mind could have changed. But then a women came to the front. She was from Iraq so they let her on to speak. She told them she had come that day to tell them that they did not understand what they were doing. She had grown up in Iraq and had only recently escaped. She told them they had no idea what it was like and how many thousands of people had died and were dying to free themselves from Saddam and his followers. She told them that the Iraqi people wanted their help and needed someone to help them. Then the radio announcer described how these peace marches physically took her off the stage and back into the crowd. I guess they disagreed. From that day on I did not doubt that we were doing the right thing. You don’t need weapons of mass destruction to be destructive.
Originally posted by sportzter5
Image you are the a friend, relative, spouse, or sibling to one of the thousands that lost their lives on September 11th. Would you want the U.S. government to sit on their butts all day trying to protect us from terrorism, or attack terrorists before they can attack us. The horrific event that took place in New York cannot be forgotten, maybe if you lost a loved one your opinion might be different bam.

Well, It would be relevant if there were ANY documented ties between Iraq and Al Quaeda...But there are none...Linking Saddam to Bin Laden was a canard on the part of Dubbyuh's adninistration. Dubbyuh has closer ties to the Bin Laden family than Saddam ever did.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Well, It would be relevant if there were ANY documented ties between Iraq and Al Quaeda...But there are none...Linking Saddam to Bin Laden was a canard on the part of Dubbyuh's adninistration. Dubbyuh has closer ties to the Bin Laden family than Saddam ever did.

Saddam trained and supported terrorists.

She didn't claim anything about Al Qaeda or Osama. Your post is the one that is irrelevant.
There is plenty of documented evidence the Saddam paid off suicide bombers' families in Israel. This has been frequently covered in the news. You can even google it up.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Saddam trained and supported terrorists.

She didn't claim anything about Al Qaeda or Osama. Your post is the one that is irrelevant.

Dubbyuh has tried to link Saddam with Al Quaeda and its terrorist activities since the Fall of the World Trade Center in order to justify war with Iraq. He has had no success. (relevancy)

I'm certain that you'll find more than a little Saudi money has also made its way into the hands of suicide bombers...And Bush Family coffers.
Dubbyuh has tried to link Saddam with Al Quaeda and its terrorist activities since the Fall of the World Trade Center in order to justify war with Iraq. He has had no success. (relevancy)

His links with terrorism alone are enough. Add that with the very long list of atrocities he committed. Justification has been served!

I'm certain that you'll find more than a little Saudi money has also made its way into the hands of suicide bombers...And Bush Family coffers.

If any Saudi's did bribe terrorists, what bearing does that have on what Saddam has done? NONE!
Very good article. Exactly how I feel. The Bush/Cheney white house knows what is coming in the elections. The people will speak and this country will finally go back to the fork in the road and go the other direction. It's just hard to beleive the democrats have to clean up another republican mess. We should kiss Bill Clinton's ass cause those were prosperous times.
Originally posted by modman
It's just hard to beleive the democrats have to clean up another republican mess. We should kiss Bill Clinton's ass cause those were prosperous times.

You're kidding me, right? What an absolute joke! :laugh:

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