Americans + Bailouts = REVOLUTION


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2009
America's Home Town
This lady hits the nail right on the head. I know i've posted the video before within a thread but i think she deserves her own thread.

[ame=]YouTube - Americans + Bailout = REVOLUTION[/ame]
Bravo!! Kaptur for President? I especially enjoyed the part where she talks about the Fear Mongering and controlling the Media. Every thing's a "Crisis" or an "Emergency" these days. I'll never forget when Hopey Changey said in one of his Stimulus speeches that all the bridges in America were going to collapse if he didn't get all that "Stimulus" Cash right away. It's real simple in the end...First you gotta scare the Sheep and then you can ram almost any agenda through. Our MSM has become a mere tool for the corrupt Fear Mongering politicians. They are now just taking a page out of the Goebbels handbook at this point. I'm sure we're gonna start hearing about how we're all gonna die from that dreaded "Global Warmng" Monster any day now too. Yup,you just gotta scare the Sheep first. After that it's smooth sailing. :(
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I remember a time in my life when the only thing you ever bailed out was the water in the bottom of your fishing boat. Times have sure changed.
Revolution? By whom? The whacko three percent far right loony wingnuts? That group of great revolutionaries? LOL
Revolution? By whom? The whacko three percent far right loony wingnuts? That group of great revolutionaries? LOL

The American revolution was carried into effect by just over 30% of the English subjects living in America. Just so you have a sample threshold.

As SNL has so humorously pointed out, NOTHING has happened yet, except the ungodly stimulus. If the things that are in the pipeline actually come to fruition, the number will not be 3%, I can assure you. To my mind, it's amazing to me that so many Americans are actually awake to the potential of the policies being attempted. Normally, Americans tend to be like that soldier in Patton that's asleep on the floor and doesn't wake up until Patton starts kicking him. This time there appears to be a vigilant vanguard the will serve to awaken the people BEFORE the boot of government starts kicking them.

We'll see. The Dems haven't seemed too adept at getting out of their own way, so we'll see if they can keep it together enough to actually pass oppressive policies that will inflame the populace.
Yea but what is a "Rightie" or "Leftie" anymore? Just can't tell anymore. It seems to me that both parties are taking this nation down the Socialist path. I'm just not seeing any real differences between the two at this point. Time for a Third Party? You bet!
Her criticism is based on the idea that TARP was too conservative. Namely, that the public didn't seize control of the banks as condition for aid.
Jake listen to what she says in the video.

I'd vote for that democrat in 2012 if she could run against an incumbent president from her own party.

I'd vote for any democrat like her who tells you what is truly going on.

I think jake just wants my nuts on his forehead again, i swear he enjoys it when I teabag him :lol:
The righties are rallying around Kaptur. O irony of ironuies.

What I find Ironic is your baseless assumption that people who self-identify as conservatives wouldn't rally around this lady purely because she is part of the democrat party.

You fail to comprehend that conservatives/righties rally around peope who tell it like they see it, regardless of party. If a person seems outwardly dishonest or deceptive then the cons/righties will whine and bitch all day long (for example the obama administration).

And yeah you will probably want to say "what about bush" but that comment would further enforce my opinion that you dont comprehend the very people you disparage.
So conservatives are going to rally around a very liberal Democrat just because she opposed aid to banks because she feels it's a handout to banks (as opposed to conservatives just opposing any government spending they don't propose).
So conservatives are going to rally around a very liberal Democrat just because she opposed aid to banks because she feels it's a handout to banks (as opposed to conservatives just opposing any government spending they don't propose).
A lot of conservatives will rally around anyone who tells it like it is.

Partisan idiots find that concept foreign.
So conservatives are going to rally around a very liberal Democrat just because she opposed aid to banks because she feels it's a handout to banks (as opposed to conservatives just opposing any government spending they don't propose).
A lot of conservatives will rally around anyone who tells it like it is.

Partisan idiots find that concept foreign.

So you agree with Congresswoman Kaptur that the government should have nationalized troubled banks and that persons evicted from their homes should squat in them?
So conservatives are going to rally around a very liberal Democrat just because she opposed aid to banks because she feels it's a handout to banks (as opposed to conservatives just opposing any government spending they don't propose).
A lot of conservatives will rally around anyone who tells it like it is.

Partisan idiots find that concept foreign.

So you agree with Congresswoman Kaptur that the government should have nationalized troubled banks and that persons evicted from their homes should squat in them?
I agree with what she said above. Why do you ask?
So conservatives are going to rally around a very liberal Democrat just because she opposed aid to banks because she feels it's a handout to banks (as opposed to conservatives just opposing any government spending they don't propose).
A lot of conservatives will rally around anyone who tells it like it is.

Partisan idiots find that concept foreign.

So you agree with Congresswoman Kaptur that the government should have nationalized troubled banks and that persons evicted from their homes should squat in them?

I wouldn't rally around that specific position you stated. I do rally around what she said in the youtube clip.

Do you rally around 100% of anything that any politician says and believes? I hope not I know I dont.

Its like when Obama gives a good speech or does something I agree with and I recognize it and give him kudos for doing so, just because I may rally around one speech of his doesn't mean I support everything he says/does/dreams of doing.

When have I EVER done this you may be about to ask....well here you go

And Just because i dislike the majority of obama's decisions and policy ideas doesn't mean I cant wish him well either

So in conclusion, most people can rally around something a person does/says that they agree with, even if they disagree with other things that person has done/said. The ones who can't do this are the partisan hacks that not only ruin political debate discussions on forums but also allow the politicians to play their divide and conquer games.

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