Americans Apparently Approve of Murder Based on Political Party


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012

Americans Apparently Approve of Murder Based on Political Party

Washington’s Blog
Thursday, February 9, 2012
By leading anti-war activist David Swanson, author of Day Break and War Is A Lie, who runs the websites and (formerly

A poll published on Wednesday at the Washington Post finds that a majority of even “liberal Democrats” approves of Obama killing US citizens. Of course, this would almost certainly be different if Obama were a Republican.

What if an organization with money but no partisanship (are there some?) were to commission a poll from a pollster willing to face a firestorm of attacks from the political parties (are there any such pollsters?), a poll that would ask people all their demographic info, including politics and party identification if any, and ask some of them:

If President Obama had to kill a US citizen to protect the nation, based purely on the word of the President, would you approve?

If President Obama had to imprison a US citizen with no trial to protect the nation, based purely on the word of the President, would you approve?

If President Obama had to launch a war without congressional authorization in order to protect the nation, based purely on the word of the President, would you approve?

If President Obama determined it to be necessary to deploy a nuclear bomb and did so, would you approve?

The poll would ask those questions of a large enough sample to be well represented in each demographic category. Then a similar sample would be asked the same questions with Romney substituted for Obama. Then others would be asked the questions about a President Santorum, and others with Gingrich.

The results would almost certainly show that many in the United States do indeed place loyalty to political parties or elected officials above matters of life and death — at least the lives and deaths of others.


Comment: Thats some pretty sad stuff

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