American Weirdness: Observations From an Expat


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I donā€™t know whether sheā€™s whining or just making comparisons. And, as she seems to find living in Paris enjoyable, I have to wonder about her sanity.

The one thing she points out is time. So different elsewhere in the world than it is here in the USA. No appointments until 10am. Taking an hour to leisurely eat a meal and always with wine. Trains that run on time and are cheap to use.

She also points out how so many American things have crept into the rest of the world. Fast food and massive supermarkets.

Still, I often miss being surrounded by the American enterprising spirit, a spirit I hope Iā€™ll never shake. Occasionally, Iā€™ll have hankerings for tastes from my childhood: corn on the cob; blueberries; Junior Mints; Thanksgiving stuffing. Everyone living in a new context has moments like this.

More @ Living Abroad as an American Is Different Under Trump - The Atlantic

I donā€™t know whether sheā€™s whining or just making comparisons. And, as she seems to find living in Paris enjoyable, I have to wonder about her sanity.

The one thing she points out is time. So different elsewhere in the world than it is here in the USA. No appointments until 10am. Taking an hour to leisurely eat a meal and always with wine. Trains that run on time and are cheap to use.

She also points out how so many American things have crept into the rest of the world. Fast food and massive supermarkets.

Still, I often miss being surrounded by the American enterprising spirit, a spirit I hope Iā€™ll never shake. Occasionally, Iā€™ll have hankerings for tastes from my childhood: corn on the cob; blueberries; Junior Mints; Thanksgiving stuffing. Everyone living in a new context has moments like this.

More @ Living Abroad as an American Is Different Under Trump - The Atlantic

And I thought the title of your thread was American Werewolves. Dang it, I was just getting ready to howl like it was the harvest moon. Identifying as a fanged lunar cycle driven 300 pound whirling dervish of fang and tooth and talon is becoming so heavy a cross to bear these days.

Anyway, I enjoyed the thread, even if it wasn't werewolf friendly. I think she's whining while blogging. She's middle of the road.

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