American education?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
I think to fix society we must start with the youth. In high school students learn to stereotype others. I believe this is unAmerican. We should look at each other as Americans not jocks or nerds. This leads to a divided society. I think a united America is stronger. I think school uniforms are a good idea.
The daily recital of the Pledge not enough brain washing?

It would just be easier if we just slapped the heck out of the parents and other adults.
I think to fix society we must start with the youth. In high school students learn to stereotype others. I believe this is unAmerican. We should look at each other as Americans not jocks or nerds. This leads to a divided society. I think a united America is stronger. I think school uniforms are a good idea.

Also firearms training at say... grade 7? I mean, we're basically a nation at continuous war. It's now a war economy and why wait for age 18 to start your military training.
I think to fix society we must start with the youth. In high school students learn to stereotype others. I believe this is unAmerican. We should look at each other as Americans not jocks or nerds. This leads to a divided society. I think a united America is stronger. I think school uniforms are a good idea.

Humans learn "to stereotype others," much earlier than high school.
What is your point?

Teenagers are only partly-formed humans and can't be expected to have the perception, discretion, or understanding of adults. They want more than anything else to be popular, and are willing to do whatever is necessary to be popular. That includes wearing the appropriate clothes, adopting the current "hip" jargon, mocking non-conformers, and associating only with people considered "cool," (if they will have you).

Like it or not, "stereotyping" is a valid form of learning by experience (just like "profiling" in the context of criminal justice). If you see people with a certain characteristic and they all (or mostly all) behave or think in a certain way, then you logically conclude that they are "all" that way. There is not enough time in life to interview everyone who is different from yourself to see if their views are exactly what you have guessed them to be, based on race, religion, association, neighborhood, or whatever.

When I was in high school, the biggest ass-holes in the school were on the football team. They were the ones who played tricks on Freshmen, mocked people who were actually intelligent, and tried to get out of doing work (school work or otherwise), so I CONCLUDED that all football players were ass-holes. It may not have been literally true, but true enough for my purposes. If I met a football player who turned out not to be an asshole, I didn't change my general opinion, I just saw this one person as an exception.

BTW, I agree with you that school uniforms are a good idea. They eliminate one source of conflict and preoccupation. But teens will still act like teens, and no amount of teacher effort will change that.
When I was in high school, the biggest ass-holes in the school were on the football team. They were the ones who played tricks on Freshmen, mocked people who were actually intelligent, and tried to get out of doing work (school work or otherwise), so I CONCLUDED that all football players were ass-holes. It may not have been literally true, but true enough for my purposes. If I met a football player who turned out not to be an asshole, I didn't change my general opinion, I just saw this one person as an exception....

Too bad you developed more insecurity than logic at a young age.

Too bad you didn't try out for the football team. You might have had a better attitude.
best thing for kids is for parents to teach kids from birth to about 5 or 6 then formal education should start . That's how it was for me when I was born and growing and my kids got the same thing . Now I see young mothers sending babies in diapers to some kinda pre pre school and then its pre school , then kindergarden . Excellent recipe for indoctrination IMO !! GUNS , I started learning at home from Dad about guns from 5 - 6 years of age when I started to notice them or my Dad showed me how to shoot a .22 . School uniforms are ok with me !!
yeah teenagers are partially formed but allowed to vote . Probably gave us our current president and various politicians [al frankin as one example ] .

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