American auto workers $71 per hr. Toyota $41 per hr. BAILOUT IS FOR UNION!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
This bailout for the auto industry is NOT for the auto industry it's for the auto UNION workers who will not cut their salaries & benefits--now estimated at a whopping $71.00 per hour per employee. The American auto union "REFUSES" to re-negotiate their pay or benefits & we're suppose to pay for them. This of course would only be a "bandaid" on an artery fix. They will be back asking for more money, when this money runs out. GUARANTEED.

They can't compete with Toyota--who is doing great in several of our southern states because they pay their employees $41.00 in salary & benefits.

So we have 3 American auto companies coming too the table asking for billions in taxpayer dollars to support what? THE AUTO UNION.

Now--guess who OWES the auto unions BIG TIME. DEMOCRATS who now run both houses & YES Obama says he'll sign the bail-out the UNION worker bill. Barack Obama owes the American Auto Workers Union BIG TIME TOO!

If they file chapter 7--like all other business's including the air-line industries, they don't go away. They re-structure their bills & negotiate with employees over salary & benefits, to remain COMPETITIVE. They do this without getting into tax payer pockets.

If our government bails out the auto workers union, there will be absolutely no stopping every other industry from A to Z asking for their share in billions of taxpayer dollars.

Enron employees did not get bailed out. Worldcom employees did not get bailed out, & millions of us who are struggling right now, there is no bailout on the horizon. WHY? Because we don't belong to a huge UNION.

"The Chickens have really come home to roost!"
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There is a lot to be said for this sentiment...

It is hard for an industry to survive when the average worker building the product makes 2 or more times what the average customer buying it makes.

I heard somewhere... I think NBC news... that $1,300 of every new car purchase price goes toward paying the medical for retired employees.

That alone is quite an anchor for any business to carry, let alone one with such extensive competition.

There is a lot to be said for this sentiment...

It is hard for an industry to survive when the average worker building the product makes 2 or more times what the average customer buying it makes.

I heard somewhere... I think NBC news... that $1,300 of every new car purchase price goes toward paying the medical for retired employees.

That alone is quite an anchor for any business to carry, let alone one with such extensive competition.


I believe it's $1600.00 for every car made. Those benefits are much more than just medical.

The auto union workers in this country is HUGE. In fact, I can't think of a stronger more member union. They pay union dues. Alot of the dues goes to the democrat party. The auto union is a huge supporter of the democrat party.

If this was just another industry that didn't have such strong ties to the democrat party we wouldn't even be discussing this. They would have already gone into chapter 7.
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I think we need to ride this wave out and let them sink if they can't get their own heads out of their own asses.

These are a bunch of spoiled brats throwing a fit because they can't get more. Fuck them. They need to unfuck themselves before I'll be OK with any of it. I've let my elected officials know (like that will do a lot of good). Brake the union, sell the jets, tighten their belts and grow up. The real word refuses to pay for their greed. Both union and executives are guilty. Union removed or put back in their place and all executives removed with no golden parachutes. If they didn't save for a rainy day it's not my fault.
The issue really is what effect it will have on the total economy. Transportation is a major industry and will effect more then just the auto-workers.
I think we need to ride this wave out and let them sink if they can't get their own heads out of their own asses.

These are a bunch of spoiled brats throwing a fit because they can't get more. Fuck them. They need to unfuck themselves before I'll be OK with any of it. I've let my elected officials know (like that will do a lot of good). Brake the union, sell the jets, tighten their belts and grow up. The real word refuses to pay for their greed. Both union and executives are guilty. Union removed or put back in their place and all executives removed with no golden parachutes. If they didn't save for a rainy day it's not my fault.

The only way for the big 3 to compete is for management to give up the million dollar salaries, private planes, golden parachutes and junkets and the UAW to get reasonable hourly wage, benefits and retirement package.

They'll never come to terms with out help from the courts; and if they can't... they should die.

The only way for the big 3 to compete is for management to give up the million dollar salaries, private planes, golden parachutes and junkets and the UAW to get reasonable hourly wage, benefits and retirement package.

They'll never come to terms with out help from the courts; and if they can't... they should die.


Would I argue that that is PART of what it will take to save them? No.... but it is going to ALSO take the corrupt unions to back off their outrageous compensation contracts.. it will also take redesigning the business model for each of the big 3, to streamline and become competitive in their niche market
I believe it's $1600.00 for every car made. Those benefits are much more than just medical.

The auto union workers in this country is HUGE. In fact, I can't think of a stronger more member union. They pay union dues. Alot of the dues goes to the democrat party. The auto union is a huge supporter of the democrat party.

If this was just another industry that didn't have such strong ties to the democrat party we wouldn't even be discussing this. They would have already gone into chapter 7.
Exactly. They should call it the UAW Bail Out, or the Democrat Party Campaign Finance Fund.

I feel bad for the management and stockholders for the Big Three, but bankruptcy is the only way to break the union that has them all in a strangle hold.
This bailout for the auto industry is NOT for the auto industry it's for the auto UNION workers who will not cut their salaries & benefits--now estimated at a whopping $71.00 per hour per employee. The American auto union "REFUSES" to re-negotiate their pay or benefits & we're suppose to pay for them. This of course would only be a "bandaid" on an artery fix. They will be back asking for more money, when this money runs out. GUARANTEED.

They can't compete with Toyota--who is doing great in several of our southern states because they pay their employees $41.00 in salary & benefits.

So we have 3 American auto companies coming too the table asking for billions in taxpayer dollars to support what? THE AUTO UNION.

Now--guess who OWES the auto unions BIG TIME. DEMOCRATS who now run both houses & YES Obama says he'll sign the bail-out the UNION worker bill. Barack Obama owes the American Auto Workers Union BIG TIME TOO!

If they file chapter 7--like all other business's including the air-line industries, they don't go away. They re-structure their bills & negotiate with employees over salary & benefits, to remain COMPETITIVE. They do this without getting into tax payer pockets.

If our government bails out the auto workers union, there will be absolutely no stopping every other industry from A to Z asking for their share in billions of taxpayer dollars.

Enron employees did not get bailed out. Worldcom employees did not get bailed out, & millions of us who are struggling right now, there is no bailout on the horizon. WHY? Because we don't belong to a huge UNION.

"The Chickens have really come home to roost!"

Are you a worker or a corporation? Why are you stumping for lower wages? Fucking house slave.
Are you a worker or a corporation? Why are you stumping for lower wages? Fucking house slave.

Hey let's all just pay everyone a hundred bucks an hour. who the fuck cares if businesses go bankrupt we'll just all get money from the government right?
I mean shouldn't every non college graduate who gets a job at the factory make 100k a year plus? Thats fair right?
Are you a worker or a corporation? Why are you stumping for lower wages? Fucking house slave.

The answer isn't lower wages any more than the answer is higher wages...

The answer lies in reasonable compensation for both labor and management.

Unless the union backs off and the workers and management begin to care more for the health of the company than 'getting theirs', the business should justifiably fail, releasing both labor and management to seek productivity elsewhere.

You stupid fuckers are looking at the wrong salaries to cut into. Funny how you never seem to look at the top when crying about the cost of fucking labor, eh?

GM, Ford May Set Up Caps on Executive Pay

Although GM has been losing money since 2005, CEO Rick Wagoner got a salary increase this year. At Ford, Chief Executive Alan Mulally has come under fire for a rich pay package even though the company is losing money and pulled back from a pledge to return to profitability next year.

The Securities and Exchange Commission filings reported earlier this year that gave Mr. Wagoner, the company's chairman and chief executive, a 33% raise for 2008 and equity compensation of at least $1.68 million for his performance in 2007, a year for which the auto maker reported a loss of $38.7 billion. The salary increase puts Mr. Wagoner's salary for this year at $2.2 million, compared with $1.65 million in 2007.

In addition to his base pay, Mr. Wagoner was been awarded 75,000 restricted stock units valued at $1.68 million, based on GM's closing stock price in March. He was also given stock options representing 500,000 shares

In April, Ford reported Mr. Mulally received $2 million in base salary, a $4 million bonus and more than $11 million of stock and options in 2007. His base salary was unchanged over 2006. Mr. Mulally has earned nearly $50 million in compensation since taking the helm of the auto maker.

But Chrysler said it plans to keep multimillion dollar retention bonuses promised to executives last year when the auto maker was taken over the private equity firm, Cerberus Capital Management. Those bonuses which pay out in August 2009 were valued at $30 million, according to a Chrysler spokeswoman, but have been reduced because some executives have already left the company without being able to cash out their bonus.

GM, Ford May Set Up Caps on Executive Pay -

As usual, you fucking near sighted house ******* are too busy looking to please your capitalist masters than comprehend how beneficial UAW members have been for this nation. Hell, who needs a fucking supportive wage when wal mart is paying 8 dollars a fucking hour to hock cheap plastic shit from the ghettos of mexico and china!

Way to look both ways before crossing the road you stupid road apples in training.
Noone is saying to pay them as much also you moron.

Gotta make cuts across the board, from the top on down
Funny how a well paid middle class is always inflationary, but spiking PE ratios on Wall Street is a sign of economic prosperity, isn't it?

But hey, thank god there's no inherent classism in our economic world view, eh?
Noone is saying to pay them as much also you moron.

Gotta make cuts across the board, from the top on down

yea we see fucking cuts happening across the board, don't we? One can almost SEE ceo salaries being cut every time one of you silly fuckers start pitchfork thronging UAW contracts.
Yeah... because you have to pay those autoworkers such a high wage... I mean you can't find anyone capable of working on an assembly line :rolleyes:

I mean... that's not an easy job like running a corporation :rolleyes:

Honestly, shogun.... I don't think you see anyone defending abuses by executives.... but you sure as hell see defenders of union abuses
haha, I love how you assume that I am for CEO's making millions. I am not.

Should they make the most?

Yes, its called levels of success, the factory worker shouldn't make as much as the CEO, sorry.

However should these guys be making HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS? No, to be honest I think there should be a CEO cap limit at some point once you have a publicly shared company. call it 25 million a year. I mean if you can't live off 25 mill a year you have some issues. Let the rest of the money go to Researchand Development, new employees and better pay.

However, the guy putting my steering wheel on shouldn't be making 150 grand either.

How many of factory workers are hold GED's never went to college or high school drop outs?

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