America without political parties.


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
I don't see how Republicans/Democrats are benefiting the United States and I also don't see how having propaganda media networks pandering to either side (msnbc,cnn,fox news) helps to truly inform the public of the real issues facing the country.
Our political process is a circus with one side saying yes the other saying no just because the other said yes, and then opposite when it is appropriate.

This isn't government. It's a game at the expense of the American people, their tax dollars, and insulting to our intelligence.
It's time to stop it now...
I don't see how Republicans/Democrats are benefiting the United States and I also don't see how having propaganda media networks pandering to either side (msnbc,cnn,fox news) helps to truly inform the public of the real issues facing the country.
Our political process is a circus with one side saying yes the other saying no just because the other said yes, and then opposite when it is appropriate.

This isn't government. It's a game at the expense of the American people, their tax dollars, and insulting to our intelligence.
It's time to stop it now...
So describe what you'd like to see. How do we elect office-holders?
I don't see how Republicans/Democrats are benefiting the United States and I also don't see how having propaganda media networks pandering to either side (msnbc,cnn,fox news) helps to truly inform the public of the real issues facing the country.
Our political process is a circus with one side saying yes the other saying no just because the other said yes, and then opposite when it is appropriate.

This isn't government. It's a game at the expense of the American people, their tax dollars, and insulting to our intelligence.
It's time to stop it now...

The Founders pondered banning political parties for office holders. Sounds like for all the good things they did they screwed the pooch on that one. I used to believe in voting for the best candidate. I realized in the 80s that it made no difference, virtually all the votes that count they vote by party. Then in the 90s I decided they both sucked and went libertarian/third party. Maybe they would do a better job if their focus wasn't what committee they are on and that they won't get it if they defy the party bosses
I don't see how Republicans/Democrats are benefiting the United States and I also don't see how having propaganda media networks pandering to either side (msnbc,cnn,fox news) helps to truly inform the public of the real issues facing the country.
Our political process is a circus with one side saying yes the other saying no just because the other said yes, and then opposite when it is appropriate.

This isn't government. It's a game at the expense of the American people, their tax dollars, and insulting to our intelligence.
It's time to stop it now...
AMEN !!!!! -------- I TOTALLY AGREE 110% ----- I have been preaching the same sermon for decades now. American needs to wake up and smell the coffee. The situation is obvious to those with half a brain. Only the idiots would think and believe otherwise. The American voters show their stupidity each and every election day. Anyone that votes for a professional politician should be placed in an asylum and get much needed help. Thanks for posting this information. If enough of us continue to preach this message, maybe folks will start to listen one day. It's worth a shot.
I don't see how Republicans/Democrats are benefiting the United States and I also don't see how having propaganda media networks pandering to either side (msnbc,cnn,fox news) helps to truly inform the public of the real issues facing the country.
Our political process is a circus with one side saying yes the other saying no just because the other said yes, and then opposite when it is appropriate.

This isn't government. It's a game at the expense of the American people, their tax dollars, and insulting to our intelligence.
It's time to stop it now...
So describe what you'd like to see. How do we elect office-holders?

Vote for whatever candidate you want. If no one gets a majority, have a runoff for the top two
I don't see how Republicans/Democrats are benefiting the United States and I also don't see how having propaganda media networks pandering to either side (msnbc,cnn,fox news) helps to truly inform the public of the real issues facing the country.
Our political process is a circus with one side saying yes the other saying no just because the other said yes, and then opposite when it is appropriate.

This isn't government. It's a game at the expense of the American people, their tax dollars, and insulting to our intelligence.
It's time to stop it now...
So describe what you'd like to see. How do we elect office-holders?

Vote for whatever candidate you want. If no one gets a majority, have a runoff for the top two
It would be interesting to see how yanking the party machinery out of the process would change things, that's for sure.
The first step would be to end Citizens United, and get the big money out of politics. As long as it's legal for the rich to buy elections, they will do it and control the politicians they paid for.
The first step would be to end Citizens United, and get the big money out of politics. As long as it's legal for the rich to buy elections, they will do it and control the politicians they paid for.
Better yet, why not just stop electing and re-electing professional politicians to serve in government? That would be the best and easiest solution.
They should do away with having the VP on the ticket.

Winner takes the presidency, 2nd place becomes the VP
The first step would be to end Citizens United, and get the big money out of politics. As long as it's legal for the rich to buy elections, they will do it and control the politicians they paid for.
Better yet, why not just stop electing and re-electing professional politicians to serve in government? That would be the best and easiest solution.
That's a pipe dream, not a solution. It also takes away my right to vote for whomever I choose. The best way to break the power of the parties is to go to a system of public financing of elections. That way parties would be idea machines, not money machines. We'd actually save money, if our representatives didn't have to make expensive promises to get campaign contributions. They'd also have more time to read a few bills before voting on them, if they didn't spend so much time trying to amass contributions.
The first step would be to end Citizens United, and get the big money out of politics. As long as it's legal for the rich to buy elections, they will do it and control the politicians they paid for.
Better yet, why not just stop electing and re-electing professional politicians to serve in government? That would be the best and easiest solution.
That's a pipe dream, not a solution. It also takes away my right to vote for whomever I choose. The best way to break the power of the parties is to go to a system of public financing of elections. That way parties would be idea machines, not money machines. We'd actually save money, if our representatives didn't have to make expensive promises to get campaign contributions. They'd also have more time to read a few bills before voting on them, if they didn't spend so much time trying to amass contributions.

government should allot x dollars per candidate, no private funds at all.

($500,000,000 max)

use up your money, sit back and wait for election day.

No more buying elections

Candidate spends the money he is allotted, he gets no more
The first step would be to end Citizens United, and get the big money out of politics. As long as it's legal for the rich to buy elections, they will do it and control the politicians they paid for.
Better yet, why not just stop electing and re-electing professional politicians to serve in government? That would be the best and easiest solution.
That's a pipe dream, not a solution. It also takes away my right to vote for whomever I choose. The best way to break the power of the parties is to go to a system of public financing of elections. That way parties would be idea machines, not money machines. We'd actually save money, if our representatives didn't have to make expensive promises to get campaign contributions. They'd also have more time to read a few bills before voting on them, if they didn't spend so much time trying to amass contributions.
How does it take away your right to vote for anyone you choose to vote for? You're free to vote for anyone of your choice. How does your way stop government corruption? Taking away campaign financing, or changing campaign financing has nothing to do with the entire system of embedded corruption in Washington politics. Campaign financing is a very small part of the total scope of government corruption.
How does it take away your right to vote for anyone you choose to vote for? You're free to vote for anyone of your choice. How does your way stop government corruption? Taking away campaign financing, or changing campaign financing has nothing to do with the entire system of embedded corruption in Washington politics. Campaign financing is a very small part of the total scope of government corruption.
When people talk about not re-electing the same people over and over, they're usually talking about term limits. Sorry, if that wasn't your intent. While campaign contributions may not be the whole story when it comes to corruption, it is a big contributor. Special interests contribute most heavily to incumbents, regardless of party. They are drawn to power, not to ideology or the chance of power provided by the challenger. Take away the natural advantage of incumbents and fewer will be re-elected, greatly cutting down on the opportunity for corruption to grow.
The first step would be to end Citizens United, and get the big money out of politics. As long as it's legal for the rich to buy elections, they will do it and control the politicians they paid for.

That is stupid. Money isn't the problem, corrupt politicians are the problem. the only way to deal with corrupt politicians is with term limits, get them out before they do too much damage. That way also cuts out the money, they have to keep buying new politicians, and the fact that there would be no more entrenched politicians would mean more normal people would run for office and have a chance of winning. Now, with guys who have been in office 20 years, you need a freaking crow bar to get them out of their seats.

Money isn't the problem, and allowing people to give money to the people they want to represent them is free speech.
How does it take away your right to vote for anyone you choose to vote for? You're free to vote for anyone of your choice. How does your way stop government corruption? Taking away campaign financing, or changing campaign financing has nothing to do with the entire system of embedded corruption in Washington politics. Campaign financing is a very small part of the total scope of government corruption.
When people talk about not re-electing the same people over and over, they're usually talking about term limits. Sorry, if that wasn't your intent. While campaign contributions may not be the whole story when it comes to corruption, it is a big contributor. Special interests contribute most heavily to incumbents, regardless of party. They are drawn to power, not to ideology or the chance of power provided by the challenger. Take away the natural advantage of incumbents and fewer will be re-elected, greatly cutting down on the opportunity for corruption to grow.
Well then, please explain the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress. Explain the corruption associated with government no-bid contracts such as Halliburton and GE. Explain the giving away of tax dollars to corrupt foreign governments. Explain the supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists. Explain the building of mosques on foreign soil. Explain the care and support of illegal immigrants. How would campaign finance reform change government corruption? Government corruption is embedded to the extent that the only real solution is to never ever vote for, nor re-elect, a professional politician, and set service to a "one-term" term limit.
The first step would be to end Citizens United, and get the big money out of politics. As long as it's legal for the rich to buy elections, they will do it and control the politicians they paid for.

When you prevent free speech by limiting campaign donations you are increasing the power of the guy already in office...which is why so many politicians hate Citizens takes away a big advantage that they had...that advantage was simply being in office.

When you are already in office you have tax payer staff, you get to be on the news shows, you get to interact with the community on the tax payers expense, thereby getting your face and name out in the general already have an organization up and running and you can play with your tax payer paid for budget, all things the new guy doesn't have....and you also have a pile of money that from the last election and from sitting in office for 2-6 years that the new guy just won't have.

The new guy has to start from scratch and he won't have a war chest built up...and by limiting donations, you keep them from getting the money they need to take on incumbent politicians.

That is also how you get rich guys winning offices, they can fund their own campaigns.

The people need to be able to donate as much as they want to whoever they want. That way a good guy can be backed by wealthy people and take on incumbents...if he has that support. Then the school teacher, the cop, the nurse, can actually run a viable campaign....but limit donations...and they will never have the resources to attack an entrenched, experienced political operative in office.
Having no political parties is a attractive fantasy but absolutely unreal. Like minded people will always group together and vote in unison wether they have a name or not. America vote stupidly massively and regretfully. As usual.
Well then, please explain the Lobbyists' control of the U.S. Congress. Explain the corruption associated with government no-bid contracts such as Halliburton and GE. Explain the giving away of tax dollars to corrupt foreign governments. Explain the supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists. Explain the building of mosques on foreign soil. Explain the care and support of illegal immigrants. How would campaign finance reform change government corruption? Government corruption is embedded to the extent that the only real solution is to never ever vote for, nor re-elect, a professional politician, and set service to a "one-term" term limit.
So you ARE telling me who I can vote for. Makes your earlier response seem somewhat disingenuous. All those things are easily explained. They were all in some way desired by special interests. Take away their ability to fund elections and it takes away a lot of their power. Nothing's perfect, but if that's what you're looking for, you don't understand human nature. Nothing's going to change it, but you can introduce stumbling blocks.

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