America Is The Eagle


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Not trying to flood the board but when I found this I have to bring it here.
You judge..













I have not seen anything that speaks to the need of change as well as this.

Jefferson stated that we needed a revolution every generation. He was not talking about French style revolutions, with mindless violence, but the revolution that changes society and enables it to move down the road to a better life for the generations coming after. Now in this election we have the choice between and experianced politician that wants to improve the nation with a real health care system, and provide us with energy from sources that do not poison us. And, on the other hand, a demagogue that would set each group of citizens against the other. One with no experiance in government, the other with a life time of experiance.

Yes, the eagle needs to renew itself and reduce the burden of the oligarchs on the working people. Trump represents old con men that bully their way to vast wealth. His statements show exactly the kind of man he is. And that man is not at all admirable.
Jefferson stated that we needed a revolution every generation. He was not talking about French style revolutions, with mindless violence, but the revolution that changes society and enables it to move down the road to a better life for the generations coming after. Now in this election we have the choice between and experianced politician that wants to improve the nation with a real health care system, and provide us with energy from sources that do not poison us. And, on the other hand, a demagogue that would set each group of citizens against the other. One with no experiance in government, the other with a life time of experiance.

Yes, the eagle needs to renew itself and reduce the burden of the oligarchs on the working people. Trump represents old con men that bully their way to vast wealth. His statements show exactly the kind of man he is. And that man is not at all admirable.
you can have both of them rocks....hillary aint going to improve nothing unless her handlers get something out of it....otherwise its the same old shit...
It is a shame that the greatest killer of eagles in the US is windmills

Sadly, under some false belief, in part driven by crony capitalism
Papa Obama has given windmill operators a reprieve from Federal Law about killing our eagles
If Queen Hillary gets elected
the left will find a love again for Executive orders

like they did with Papa Obama
funny how that works
It is a shame that the greatest killer of eagles in the US is windmills

Sadly, under some false belief, in part driven by crony capitalism
Papa Obama has given windmill operators a reprieve from Federal Law about killing our eagles
You dumb fuck, it was DDT that damn near made the eagle and other raptors extinct in the lower 48.
The most important lesson the American bald eagle really has to teach us is that it was going extinct until a bunch of commie librul tree huggers finally got DDT banned.
It is a shame that the greatest killer of eagles in the US is windmills

Sadly, under some false belief, in part driven by crony capitalism
Papa Obama has given windmill operators a reprieve from Federal Law about killing our eagles
You dumb fuck, it was DDT that damn near made the eagle and other raptors extinct in the lower 48.

dumb fuck
indeed you are

Wind farms that kill bald eagles are now protected from prosecution
US windfarms kill 10-20 times more than previously thought

Not trying to flood the board but when I found this I have to bring it here.
You judge..













I have not seen anything that speaks to the need of change as well as this.

Nice story DF.

The ancient Greek philosophers believed that the Universe was constantly in flux and that change was needed in order for men to become as gods.
Eagles Are Awesome!

We have bald eagles here in Central Calif near Clear Lake in Lake Co Calif.

I have seen them and they are beautiful birds.

Their snow white heads seem to shine in the sunlight.

There is not a more beautiful bird.
The most important lesson to learn from the eagle is that the bird is in top form when there is balance between its wings.

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