'America First' Is An Offense To Liberals


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I listened to Trump's speech.....and I got an impression from it that is totally adverse to what the left is saying about it. Imagine a mindset that cannot grasp the thought that a president would think of the country of his birth before all others. This is the darkness that most elitist liberals saw in that speech. That a president of the United States would dare to think that taking care of our needs over the needs of the world should come first. That is why he was elected. A president that wasn't trying to bring America down to the level of every other country. A president that wasn't intentionally trying to weaken his own nation making it easier for other nations to compete with us. No other country thinks that way and survives.

The left hates America. They say they love America, but the don't. That is why Bernie Sanders says America is the least compassionate nation in the world. Imagine having a president that makes no bones about this. Perhaps this is why the left supported him. He is anti-American to the core. Liberals lean towards putting America last. It's easy for them to justify themselves because deep down they resent America. They've been taught to most of their lives. They feel that thinking first of your own country is evil. I keep thinking that the best place for folks that think this way is anywhere but here. I believe that this country has flaws but it has turned out to be one of the few shining examples of freedom and opportunity on the planet. Liberals see nothing but racism, bigotry, and oppression. I really cannot grasp this perspective. To me, anyone who feels this way is a threat to their own country. Because of this, they must not be allowed to dictate policy because they are in essence a greater threat than any enemy outside our shores. It's easier to defend ourselves from a threat that is 2000 miles away than it is to defend against someone who's inside your defensive perimeter.

How ironic that the presidential oath doesn't say defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Every other federal oath says so. Why not the presidential oath?


‘It Was Militant and It Was Dark’: Rachel Maddow Says Trump’s Speech Was ‘Hard to Hear’


Article Two of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia

8 Most Unhinged Inaugural Media Meltdowns
It is an offense to anyone that knows the history of "America First"

It was used by isolationists who argued against American involvement in WWII, against helping Europe to rebuild.

It certainly is not Anti-American to say that we ought to accept some burden that comes with helping others in this world and to do so under a set of internationally accepted laws.

But the most sad part is that Trump is either ignorant of it or doesn't care about it - he just liked the way it sounds on the surface and went with it. That is the superficial surface on which he glides through politics and perhaps even life.

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It is an offense to anyone that knows the history of "America First"

It was used by isolationists who argued against American involvement in WWII, against helping Europe to rebuild.

It certainly is not Anti-American to say that we ought to accept some burden that comes with helping others in this world and to do so under a set of internationally accepted laws.
The problem with that is we've had leadership that actually has been helping those who hate us and they've spit on us in return for our generosity.
It's because dimocrap scum HATE America.

They hate our success, they hate our military, they hate our Northern European roots, they hate our Laws based in English Common Law, they hate our Christianity, they hate our goodness, they hate our freedom, they hate our liberty, they hate that we stress the family unit....

dimocrap scum hate everything about America. It's why they try so hard to change it at every opportunity
It is an offense to anyone that knows the history of "America First"

It was used by isolationists who argued against American involvement in WWII, against helping Europe to rebuild.

It certainly is not Anti-American to say that we ought to accept some burden that comes with helping others in this world and to do so under a set of internationally accepted laws.
The problem with that is we've had leadership that actually has been helping those who hate us and they've spit on us in return for our generosity.

You mean like Trump has been helping Putin?

Whatever your quibbles about PARTICULAR policy, the GENERAL idea remains true - sometimes we should help others at some expense on our side. There is a world out there and we have at least some moral responsibility to it.
Anything Trump says will be twisted and perverted by the left it does not matter what he says or how he means it.
The left feels they aren't twisting his words. They just feel differently about what he says.
Again, I feel they should move away like they promised, because they only mean to get in the way of progress.
It is an offense to anyone that knows the history of "America First"

It was used by isolationists who argued against American involvement in WWII, against helping Europe to rebuild.

It certainly is not Anti-American to say that we ought to accept some burden that comes with helping others in this world and to do so under a set of internationally accepted laws.
The problem with that is we've had leadership that actually has been helping those who hate us and they've spit on us in return for our generosity.

You mean like Trump has been helping Putin?

Whatever your quibbles about PARTICULAR policy, the GENERAL idea remains true - sometimes we should help others at some expense on our side. There is a world out there and we have at least some moral responsibility to it.
It's one thing to help people, yet another to sell the farm to do so.
It is an offense to anyone that knows the history of "America First"

It was used by isolationists who argued against American involvement in WWII, against helping Europe to rebuild.

It certainly is not Anti-American to say that we ought to accept some burden that comes with helping others in this world and to do so under a set of internationally accepted laws.
The problem with that is we've had leadership that actually has been helping those who hate us and they've spit on us in return for our generosity.

You mean like Trump has been helping Putin?

Whatever your quibbles about PARTICULAR policy, the GENERAL idea remains true - sometimes we should help others at some expense on our side. There is a world out there and we have at least some moral responsibility to it.
It's one thing to help people, yet another to sell the farm to do so.

But on the GENERAL point you agree, or am I not correct?
If it's "America first" why is the Don always blathering about Isreal and isis ?
I don't really even want to entertain the thought, but the left keeps sabre rattling, do they want a civil war? What is dark about returning the government to the people, wanting the middle class and poor to benefit from government policy or returning American workers to jobs?
liberal and media heads will explode, but so what? they are melting anyway - might as well give them somehing substantive to melt about

I LOVE the way this is starting out!
The left are globalists. America exists to pay for its past sins of colonialism and be punished for not exalting minorities sooner.

America was never a colonial power you say? America was settled by colonial powers and received a benefit from those powers.
It is an offense to anyone that knows the history of "America First"

It was used by isolationists who argued against American involvement in WWII, against helping Europe to rebuild.

It certainly is not Anti-American to say that we ought to accept some burden that comes with helping others in this world and to do so under a set of internationally accepted laws.
The problem with that is we've had leadership that actually has been helping those who hate us and they've spit on us in return for our generosity.

You mean like Trump has been helping Putin?

Whatever your quibbles about PARTICULAR policy, the GENERAL idea remains true - sometimes we should help others at some expense on our side. There is a world out there and we have at least some moral responsibility to it.
It's one thing to help people, yet another to sell the farm to do so.

But on the GENERAL point you agree, or am I not correct?
I agree, but that's not what Democrats have been doing.
They've weakened this nation, stole from us, and helped those who hate us.
The left calls America just one big wealth concentration that needs to be fleeced.
Democrats are happy to oblige.
The left are globalists. America exists to pay for its past sins of colonialism and be punished for not exalting minorities sooner.

America was never a colonial power you say? America was settled by colonial powers and received a benefit from those powers.

It's still runs on the colonial wealth extraction of it's own society and militarily occupies the planet. It is a 19th century authoritarian system.

Like it or not. And of course anyone who questions that must be labeled "leftist". That's all.

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