Ambassador Allowed More Marine Protection In Death Than In Life


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Notice the Marines guarding the bodies of the 4 embassy members. This was much more protection than was afforded them before they were killed.

There were no Marines at the Libyan Embassy that came under attack. A country that was still in turmoil. The Obama Administration left it up to the new host country's government to provide security.

This isn't something he can pass of on someone else. Not this time.

[ame=]Obama Attends Transfer Ceremony Of Americans Killed In Libya - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Hillary Clinton Speaks at the Memorial Four Killed in Libya - YouTube[/ame]

Obama has cut back millions in security money to pay for other "more important" policies.
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Bill Clinton did something similar when I was in Mogadishu Somalia in 1993.

Even though every other country present had armored vehicles only United States troops were forced to drive around in Hummers with no armor. Several requests were turned down even after we had come under attack and in the course of defending ourselves we killed dozens of Islamic radicals, our President in all of his wisdom felt that we didn't need any armor to defend ourselves. [Later "Task Force Ranger" was almost wiped out because of the lack of armor and Spector Gunship support on October 3rd 1993.]

Instead they sent civilian contractors to glue Kevlar blankets inside our vehicles. This proved to be useless, instead turning the bullets so they hit sideways at a slightly reduced velocity but still deadly manner. It wasn't until 2004 that the Pentagon finally started uparmoring HumVees so they could at least stop a bullet, even though the primary weapons of the enemy was mines later called IEDs. Uparmoring a Hummer was useless against this sort of attack.
How the hell Hillary Clinton was made Secretary of STATE with not a shred of experience is appalling...yet the left cheers this then blames US when violence breaks out around the WORLD
The unintended consequences of being political rather than sensible is on display here.

Obama promised no boots on the ground in Libya. No Marine guards were allowed.

Now the promise not to put boots on the ground in Libya has been broken. A promise he never should have made in the first place.

Here is a letter from the President to Congress explaining his move to place a small security detail of Marines in Libya.........a detail that is now a target due to the unsettled situation on the ground.


Ether send in a full battle-group to include amphibious armor and air assets or evacuate all U.S. personnel until further notice. Enough of these stupid half-measures.
Bill Clinton did something similar when I was in Mogadishu Somalia in 1993.

Even though every other country present had armored vehicles only United States troops were forced to drive around in Hummers with no armor. Several requests were turned down even after we had come under attack and in the course of defending ourselves we killed dozens of Islamic radicals, our President in all of his wisdom felt that we didn't need any armor to defend ourselves. [Later "Task Force Ranger" was almost wiped out because of the lack of armor and Spector Gunship support on October 3rd 1993.]

Instead they sent civilian contractors to glue Kevlar blankets inside our vehicles. This proved to be useless, instead turning the bullets so they hit sideways at a slightly reduced velocity but still deadly manner. It wasn't until 2004 that the Pentagon finally started uparmoring HumVees so they could at least stop a bullet, even though the primary weapons of the enemy was mines later called IEDs. Uparmoring a Hummer was useless against this sort of attack.

Wasnt the somalia issue a reason les aspin got sacked?
Bill Clinton did something similar when I was in Mogadishu Somalia in 1993.

Even though every other country present had armored vehicles only United States troops were forced to drive around in Hummers with no armor. Several requests were turned down even after we had come under attack and in the course of defending ourselves we killed dozens of Islamic radicals, our President in all of his wisdom felt that we didn't need any armor to defend ourselves. [Later "Task Force Ranger" was almost wiped out because of the lack of armor and Spector Gunship support on October 3rd 1993.]

Instead they sent civilian contractors to glue Kevlar blankets inside our vehicles. This proved to be useless, instead turning the bullets so they hit sideways at a slightly reduced velocity but still deadly manner. It wasn't until 2004 that the Pentagon finally started uparmoring HumVees so they could at least stop a bullet, even though the primary weapons of the enemy was mines later called IEDs. Uparmoring a Hummer was useless against this sort of attack.

Wasnt the somalia issue a reason les aspin got sacked?

One of many. He also told everyone that holding a gun is enough protection for our soldiers sent to Haiti. "They have their M-16s to protect them!"
We are doing this everywhere and, just to bring this in perspective, this did not start with the current administration.

We have started this asinine concept of ‘working together’ on the world stage in the areas that such is unhelpful. I have been to the joint bases where we are mingling our forces with Afghanistan forces or even coalition forces and the entire result is not something I would promote. It is dumb to hand over our security to another nation THAT IS INCAPABLE OF SECURING THEMSELVES. That, coupled with the lacksidasical view that these host nations take to real security and you have recipes for disaster. It is uncalled for. IN such places, we should be providing our own security with our own troops or getting the fuck out of there.
How the hell Hillary Clinton was made Secretary of STATE with not a shred of experience is appalling...

Yeah, it's not like she had the experience that Condi had, right?
The Obama Administration left it up to the new host country's government to provide security.

Right, because the Obama administration set the standard for embassy security

Dumb ass.

Yes, the Obama Administration decides on what security it's missions receive in foreign countries. One of the reasons Obama gave for us leaving Iraq was the fact that our troops couldn't be shielded from prosecution by local governments.

You don't have to agree to the conditions set forth by the occupying host. You can tell them what standards you will keep and if they don't like it, fucken leave. You Obama cum-gobblers are so biased nothing is questioned, no decision is deemed idiotic.

This is one of the most harebrained decisions I've seen in years. A known war-zone that was still undergoing changes and still experiencing instability and yet Obama could care less. He turns over security to the locals. Thank God he didn't do the same in Iraq where we still have thousands of civilians working......or has he???

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Bill Clinton did something similar when I was in Mogadishu Somalia in 1993.

Even though every other country present had armored vehicles only United States troops were forced to drive around in Hummers with no armor. Several requests were turned down even after we had come under attack and in the course of defending ourselves we killed dozens of Islamic radicals, our President in all of his wisdom felt that we didn't need any armor to defend ourselves. [Later "Task Force Ranger" was almost wiped out because of the lack of armor and Spector Gunship support on October 3rd 1993.]

Instead they sent civilian contractors to glue Kevlar blankets inside our vehicles. This proved to be useless, instead turning the bullets so they hit sideways at a slightly reduced velocity but still deadly manner. It wasn't until 2004 that the Pentagon finally started uparmoring HumVees so they could at least stop a bullet, even though the primary weapons of the enemy was mines later called IEDs. Uparmoring a Hummer was useless against this sort of attack.

Mogidishu was the battle that proved to osama bin laden that he could take us. he called us "Paper tiger"
The Obama Administration left it up to the new host country's government to provide security.

Right, because the Obama administration set the standard for embassy security

Dumb ass.

we've come to find out that the "obama administration" pretty much has NO responsibility, every time something goes on it was "out of his control" or as he once said "that's above my paygrade." I'm happy to hear now the democrats have finally come to realize he just wasn't up to the task. Kudos to you.
The Obama Administration left it up to the new host country's government to provide security.

Right, because the Obama administration set the standard for embassy security

Dumb ass.

we've come to find out that the "obama administration" pretty much has NO responsibility, every time something goes on it was "out of his control" or as he once said "that's above my paygrade." I'm happy to hear now the democrats have finally come to realize he just wasn't up to the task. Kudos to you.

Joe was trying to be sarcastic.

When it comes to Obama nothing is his fault.
Notice the Marines guarding the bodies of the 4 embassy members. This was much more protection than was afforded them before they were killed.

There were no Marines at the Libyan Embassy that came under attack. A country that was still in turmoil. The Obama Administration left it up to the new host country's government to provide security.

This isn't something he can pass of on someone else. Not this time.

Obama Attends Transfer Ceremony Of Americans Killed In Libya - YouTube

Hillary Clinton Speaks at the Memorial Four Killed in Libya - YouTube

Obama has cut back millions in security money to pay for other "more important" policies.

Obama Cuts $2 Million from Protection of Foreign Missions, $129 Million form Embassy Security | The Weekly Standard

Obama Proposes $129M Cut From 'Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance'

His embassy and motorcade had been attacked 4 times since JUne before his death.
Yeah, it's not like she had the experience that Condi had, right?

Clinton didn't...and you can jack off trying to say she did

Politicians from both parties have praised the job she's done as Secretary of State. Jack yourself off to that fact.

Yeah, especially that mess in Columbia.

Great Job Hillary!!!!:clap2:

I get a kick out of the left telling us how everyone just thinks this Administration is doing a really bang-up job.

No complaints. :eusa_shifty:

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