AlQaeda has a possible new weapon to use.


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
Merritt Island, FL
The Transportation Security Administration on Wednesday urged foreign security agencies to ramp up security after receiving intelligence reports that terrorists might try to surgically implant explosives in the bodies of suicide bombers.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said the intelligence that led to the warning "does not relate to an imminent or specific threat," but the TSA issued a statement saying that travelers heading to the U.S. from foreign nations may notice screeners taking additional protections.

"Measures may include interaction with passengers, in addition to the use of other screening methods such as pat-downs and the use of enhanced tools and technologies," TSA spokesman Nicholas Kimball said.

Passengers flying from multiple locations may encounter different reactions from security personnel because the agency intentionally tries to be "unpredictable," Kimball says.

VIDEO: Terrorists look to implant bombs in humans
BLOG: Obama aide: No 'imminent threat' at airports

Security experts said the warning is the result of terrorist groups' ongoing attempts to attack a favorite target: the U.S. aviation system.

"Unfortunately, it's not science fiction," said Frank Cilluffo, director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University. "The reality is that al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in particular has come up with creative means to disguise explosive devices."

Known as AQAP, the Yemen-based offshoot of al-Qaeda has been credited with building the underwear bomb used in the Christmas 2009 attempted attack on a Northwest Airlines jet near Detroit and the bombs built into toner cartridges sent last December on cargo carriers.

"Due to the significant advances in global aviation security in recent years, terrorist groups have repeatedly and publicly indicated interest in pursuing ways to further conceal explosives," he says.

Cilluffo and others said they did not know of previous attempts to surgically implant a bomb, but Johns Hopkins School of Medicine surgeon Marty Makary said it theoretically would be simple to place a bomb the size of a breast implant into a person. Such an implant would be easy to hide on a heavy person, Makary said.

Body tissue would dampen such a bomb's effectiveness, however, and there are substantial hurdles to detonating such a device, said University of Rhode Island chemistry professor and explosives expert Jimmie Oxley.

The notion that terrorists would attempt to implant bombs or bomb components inside the body is not new. England's Daily Mail newspaper reported in January 2010 that British intelligence had issued a similar warning based on Internet chatter.

TSA Administrator John Pistole, commenting last year on a similar possibility that bombs might be inserted into body cavities, said the bombmaker would have to find a way to detonate such a bomb. If wires were connected to the bomb, those wires should be detectable by traditional airport security, such as metal detectors or the body scanners that are increasingly in use, Pistole said.

The TSA often advises airlines and other nations' security agencies after obtaining intelligence on what terrorists are potentially up to, even if the information is short of a full-fledged plot.

Late last year, for example, TSA screeners began more intensively swabbing metal water bottles and Thermos-type containers for explosives after learning they might be a threat, Pistole said in January.

White House spokesman Carney confirmed that Obama has been briefed on what he said was "a possible technique that could be used" by terrorists.

TSA warns airlines of explosive implants in people's bodies -
Video in link.

Honestly, now we have to take out their chain of command.
Nothing new here.

Just something to think about... you know the bit with no jells or liquids. more then 3oz... What do you think breast implants are made out of?
Nothing new here.

Just something to think about... you know the bit with no jells or liquids. more then 3oz... What do you think breast implants are made out of?

They're made out of explosives??!!
I've just one more word...fembots!!!


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The Transportation Security Administration on Wednesday urged foreign security agencies to ramp up security after receiving intelligence reports that terrorists might try to surgically implant explosives in the bodies of suicide bombers.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said the intelligence that led to the warning "does not relate to an imminent or specific threat," but the TSA issued a statement saying that travelers heading to the U.S. from foreign nations may notice screeners taking additional protections.

"Measures may include interaction with passengers, in addition to the use of other screening methods such as pat-downs and the use of enhanced tools and technologies," TSA spokesman Nicholas Kimball said.

Passengers flying from multiple locations may encounter different reactions from security personnel because the agency intentionally tries to be "unpredictable," Kimball says.

VIDEO: Terrorists look to implant bombs in humans
BLOG: Obama aide: No 'imminent threat' at airports

Security experts said the warning is the result of terrorist groups' ongoing attempts to attack a favorite target: the U.S. aviation system.

"Unfortunately, it's not science fiction," said Frank Cilluffo, director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University. "The reality is that al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in particular has come up with creative means to disguise explosive devices."

Known as AQAP, the Yemen-based offshoot of al-Qaeda has been credited with building the underwear bomb used in the Christmas 2009 attempted attack on a Northwest Airlines jet near Detroit and the bombs built into toner cartridges sent last December on cargo carriers.

"Due to the significant advances in global aviation security in recent years, terrorist groups have repeatedly and publicly indicated interest in pursuing ways to further conceal explosives," he says.

Cilluffo and others said they did not know of previous attempts to surgically implant a bomb, but Johns Hopkins School of Medicine surgeon Marty Makary said it theoretically would be simple to place a bomb the size of a breast implant into a person. Such an implant would be easy to hide on a heavy person, Makary said.

Body tissue would dampen such a bomb's effectiveness, however, and there are substantial hurdles to detonating such a device, said University of Rhode Island chemistry professor and explosives expert Jimmie Oxley.

The notion that terrorists would attempt to implant bombs or bomb components inside the body is not new. England's Daily Mail newspaper reported in January 2010 that British intelligence had issued a similar warning based on Internet chatter.

TSA Administrator John Pistole, commenting last year on a similar possibility that bombs might be inserted into body cavities, said the bombmaker would have to find a way to detonate such a bomb. If wires were connected to the bomb, those wires should be detectable by traditional airport security, such as metal detectors or the body scanners that are increasingly in use, Pistole said.

The TSA often advises airlines and other nations' security agencies after obtaining intelligence on what terrorists are potentially up to, even if the information is short of a full-fledged plot.

Late last year, for example, TSA screeners began more intensively swabbing metal water bottles and Thermos-type containers for explosives after learning they might be a threat, Pistole said in January.

White House spokesman Carney confirmed that Obama has been briefed on what he said was "a possible technique that could be used" by terrorists.

TSA warns airlines of explosive implants in people's bodies -
Video in link.

Honestly, now we have to take out their chain of command.

People don't realize that the overall objective of security screens is only to make getting crap on a plane harder, not impossible. What you try to do is eliminate the real easy things like guns, knives, obvious explosive devices, forcing those who are attempting some mayhem to use more complicated methods. By becoming more complicated it introuduces additional failure routes, a well as increases the steps needed to create the items, thus increasing the chance the would be bomber is caught before they can carry out thier plan.

This view of how security works is why I always laugh at people who say that targeting people of middle eastern appearance will only force the terrorists to go with non middle eastern bombers. I say, that IS the intent, as you force the planners to use a smaller pool of people, which gives you a greater chance of knowing about them ahead of time.
You could always eat at a bad greek restaurant, get explosive diarreah in the cockpit(why is it called that!?) and cause a crash.
The Power of Nightmares, subtitled The Rise of the Politics of Fear, is a BBC documentary film series, written and produced by Adam Curtis. Its three one-hour parts consist mostly of a montage of archive footage with Curtis's narration. The series was first broadcast in the United Kingdom in late 2004 and has subsequently been broadcast in multiple countries and shown in several film festivals, including the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.

The films compare the rise of the Neo-Conservative movement in the United States and the radical Islamist movement, making comparisons on their origins and claiming similarities between the two. More controversially, it argues that the threat of radical Islamism as a massive, sinister organised force of destruction, specifically in the form of al-Qaeda, is a myth perpetrated by politicians in many countries—and particularly American Neo-Conservatives—in an attempt to unite and inspire their people following the failure of earlier, more utopian ideologies.
The Power of Nightmares - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Politics - The Power of Nightmares, (Part 1/3), “Baby it's Cold Outside“
They've used the Republican Party. It's been their best weapon yet. Who knew Republicans would bring down the world economy, cause the deaths of thousands of Americans, cause tens of thousands to be maimed? Would let Bin Laden go? It's almost as if Republicans were given a script and decided to follow it.
We should stop all air traffic to and from the ME and not let any abduls fly on our airplanes in the West. And there you go, no more need for security checks. Simple, no?
We should stop all air traffic to and from the ME and not let any abduls fly on our airplanes in the West. And there you go, no more need for security checks. Simple, no?

Simple is as simple does, though.

Why no? You don't think that would solve the problem? And doesn't the airline problem only involve muslims? Until they can get their religion together, they should be banned from the air.

You're obviously a terrorist.

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