Allen West Rocks CPAC - "Now is the Time!"


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
:clap2::clap2: Wow! What a way to close CPAC. I like this guy. It's so refreshing to see new & bold Conservatives like Allen West. Watch for this guy in the future...

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Yep. Guys like him are terrifying the left. A real black man, smart, experienced, and a real black American, not a foreign half-breed like Obama.

And the millions of pissed off blacks who think Obama betrayed them will flock to vote for a right wing black man.
West is awesome.

And I agree that the fact that he is a true black man (not mulatto) is going to resonate with black voters regardless of their political position.
West is awesome.

And I agree that the fact that he is a true black man (not mulatto) is going to resonate with black voters regardless of their political position.

And when I say real black man, I don't mean it in a racist way. I mean like the old black man who lived in my neighborhood growing up who knew how to do EVERYTHING. Seriously. He could cook a meal, fix a car, fire a gun, play sports, discipline his kids, make a great liquor drink, speak the gospel, crush your hand with a handshake, and warm your heart with a hug. A true, wise black guy who saw racism, processed it, and decided he would not allow it to affect him, and hardly even speak of it, ever.

Rather than lecture someone on how they should live (Obama), he was a man who simply showed you how to live through his own actions and his quiet demeanor made you feel humbled in his presence.

West reminds me of that old neighbor. And the left is scared to death of him.
The guy has something. That's for sure.

It's gonna be interesting to see how the left attacks West. For one, he's a black man, not a half-breed Obama, so blacks will relate to him even more.

The left must attack him visciously, because they can't attack the ideals, they must attack the person, much like they did to Palin

But how do they attack a black man, who may be running against their Savior, without coming across as racist?

Their Obama tactic of calling all critics racist may backfire on them.
The guy has something. That's for sure.

It's gonna be interesting to see how the left attacks West. For one, he's a black man, not a half-breed Obama, so blacks will relate to him even more.

The left must attack him visciously, because they can't attack the ideals, they must attack the person, much like they did to Palin

But how do they attack a black man, who may be running against their Savior, without coming across as racist?

Their Obama tactic of calling all critics racist may backfire on them.

Oh the Left will figure out a way to smear him. They'll probably begin viciously attacking his family. Nothing would surprise me with the Left Smear-Machine these days. I like the man. I don't care how the Left plans on smearing him. That will only increase my support for the man in the end.
The guy has something. That's for sure.

It's gonna be interesting to see how the left attacks West. For one, he's a black man, not a half-breed Obama, so blacks will relate to him even more.

The left must attack him visciously, because they can't attack the ideals, they must attack the person, much like they did to Palin

But how do they attack a black man, who may be running against their Savior, without coming across as racist?

Their Obama tactic of calling all critics racist may backfire on them.

Oh the Left will figure out a way to smear him. They'll probably begin viciously attacking his family. Nothing would surprise me with the Left Smear-Machine these days. I like the man. I don't care how the Left plans on smearing him. That will only increase my support for the man in the end.

Somewhere deep underneath MSNBC headquarters there are liberals gameplanning an attack. Beneath the flags of the Soviet Union and Cuba, they are saying "How do we attack this West guy?"

Some say "Go for the family".

Others "Go for his failed business that he ran".........."Oh, wait, he was successful"

Others, in frustration, scream "Christ O' Mighty, he's black, we can't go after his educational background"

Chris Matthews screams "FIND SOMETHING!" and smashes a fist into the table.
They'll probably instead attack us, the West supporters, saying we are racist because we only support him because he's black. They'll say we are phony, supporting him to try to hide our racism. Somehow, that'll make sense to them.
You can tell just by the collective IQ of the USMB'ers who jump in here to praise this guy that he's a moron.

The collective IQ of those on this thread WAS quite high..............until you jumped in. You dragged us down like a retard in AP class.
Yep. Guys like him are terrifying the left. A real black man, smart, experienced, and a real black American, not a foreign half-breed like Obama.

And the millions of pissed off blacks who think Obama betrayed them will flock to vote for a right wing black man.

When conservatives make fools out of themselves, the best thing to do is get out of their way. So, when some cons say that they like this guy because he's not a half-breed mulatto (like Obama), just let them keep talking extemporaneously.
i've got nothing against the guy, other than we disagree politically, but is it just me or does it seem like since obama has become president 'conservatives' have been falling all over themselves to show off their black friend?

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