Allen West: Everyone Should Buy a Glock 9mm or We'll Tax You


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Aw, you guys are soooo tough. I sleep better at night knowing you are protecting me...

Lakhota are you objecting that the government should not force people to buy a gun and be taxed if you don't in the interest of personal security?
I am pissed at Allen West, he thinks the government should force American citizens to buy a non American made gun. Glocks aren't even made in the U.S.

“I have a great idea. I believe that for personal security every American should have to go out and buy a Glock 9 mm and if you don’t do it, we’ll tax you.”

Allen West: "Every American should have to go out and buy a Glock 9mm" - YouTube

i posted this vid/Article in Jillian's 'Rightwinger' wasn't warmly received by the leftists...

Mr. West picks up on a them to be on most American's minds as the SCOTUS and Cj Roberts has let us down and fucked the Constitution...left it injured. :mad:
Lakhota are you objecting that the government should not force people to buy a gun and be taxed if you don't in the interest of personal security?

I know you're crazy, but I can't make up my mind whether you remind me more of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh. Probably Beck...

I am pissed at Allen West, he thinks the government should force American citizens to buy a non American made gun. Glocks aren't even made in the U.S.

“I have a great idea. I believe that for personal security every American should have to go out and buy a Glock 9 mm and if you don’t do it, we’ll tax you.”

Allen West: "Every American should have to go out and buy a Glock 9mm" - YouTube

i posted this vid/Article in Jillian's 'Rightwinger' wasn't warmly received by the leftists...

Mr. West picks up on a them to be on most American's minds as the SCOTUS and Cj Roberts has let us down and fucked the Constitution...left it injured. :mad:

In stead what Roberts did was open a whole new can of worms.
Lakhota are you objecting that the government should not force people to buy a gun and be taxed if you don't in the interest of personal security?

I know you're crazy, but I can't make up my mind whether you remind me more of Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh. Probably Beck...


I asked you a simple question and you gave blather.
You support obamacare mandate the mandate was shot down as unconstitutional but instead what we find out is that the government can still force you to buy something or you will be taxed. Why are you being hypocritical you should be over joyed at the thought that the government can now force you to buy anything guns included.
You know Glocks are made in Smyrna GA, right? I've carried one on and off for over a year. It must be defective because it's never gone off unexpectedly.
The Colt is an over-priced piece of shit that is long past its time. If it ever had one.
You know Glocks are made in Smyrna GA, right? I've carried one on and off for over a year. It must be defective because it's never gone off unexpectedly.
The Colt is an over-priced piece of shit that is long past its time. If it ever had one.

Made in Austria
Imported into the USA through Glock, Inc. Smyrna, Ga.
I am pissed at Allen West, he thinks the government should force American citizens to buy a non American made gun. Glocks aren't even made in the U.S.

“I have a great idea. I believe that for personal security every American should have to go out and buy a Glock 9 mm and if you don’t do it, we’ll tax you.”

Allen West: "Every American should have to go out and buy a Glock 9mm" - YouTube

i posted this vid/Article in Jillian's 'Rightwinger' wasn't warmly received by the leftists...

Mr. West picks up on a them to be on most American's minds as the SCOTUS and Cj Roberts has let us down and fucked the Constitution...left it injured. :mad:

In stead what Roberts did was open a whole new can of worms.

Maybe...Remains to be seen. For now? He's ripped a hole in The Constitution in my mind...and unforgivable...until I can see the 'new logic' as to his supposed brilliance.
You know Glocks are made in Smyrna GA, right? I've carried one on and off for over a year. It must be defective because it's never gone off unexpectedly.
The Colt is an over-priced piece of shit that is long past its time. If it ever had one.

I haven't found the Colt to be a pos at all, quite the opposite.

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