allegations of “verbal abuse” against … sheep.


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Further from the inner city, on a real animal farm, sheep of the four-legged variety were getting more than equal treatment from their ABC’s rural department. A piece by Cherie von Horchner focused on allegations of “verbal abuse” against … sheep. Based on an actual complaint to the RSPCA against Boorungie Station, out Broken Hill way, the story suggested sheep might have been “harassed” during mustering. We heard from Nichola Donovan, who is president of Lawyers for Animals (I don’t know who pays the retainer). She said it was “conceivable” that verbal abuse of a sheep could “constitute an act of violence”. If you’ve ever been around a shearing shed you’d know the language is sometimes enough to make your wool stand on end. So astonishing was this report that it prompted a tweet from Aunty’s national TV political editor, Chris Uhlmann, announcing “the West is doomed”. Indeed. Talk about burying the lead.

With Armageddon upon us, you can’t help but wonder why their ABC types are so sheepish about their political leanings. When Andrew Bolt rattled off a quick list of leftist presenters last week (we could call them progressives if they preferred) it triggered much indignation. Bolt could have kept going, but it seems his point was made. My colleague Errol Simper (below) is just one of the mob who denied a leftist bent three times before the cock crowed. Apparently, for all we know, Jon Faine, Tony Jones, Virginia Trioli, Barrie Cassidy and Emma Alberici could be National Party voters or anonymous donors to the IPA. Or, all things being equal, they could be political eunuchs, as the ABC’s editorial policies ridiculously demand.

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Further from the inner city, on a real animal farm, sheep of the four-legged variety were getting more than equal treatment from their ABC’s rural department. A piece by Cherie von Horchner focused on allegations of “verbal abuse” against … sheep. Based on an actual complaint to the RSPCA against Boorungie Station, out Broken Hill way, the story suggested sheep might have been “harassed” during mustering. We heard from Nichola Donovan, who is president of Lawyers for Animals (I don’t know who pays the retainer). She said it was “conceivable” that verbal abuse of a sheep could “constitute an act of violence”. If you’ve ever been around a shearing shed you’d know the language is sometimes enough to make your wool stand on end. So astonishing was this report that it prompted a tweet from Aunty’s national TV political editor, Chris Uhlmann, announcing “the West is doomed”. Indeed. Talk about burying the lead.

With Armageddon upon us, you can’t help but wonder why their ABC types are so sheepish about their political leanings. When Andrew Bolt rattled off a quick list of leftist presenters last week (we could call them progressives if they preferred) it triggered much indignation. Bolt could have kept going, but it seems his point was made. My colleague Errol Simper (below) is just one of the mob who denied a leftist bent three times before the cock crowed. Apparently, for all we know, Jon Faine, Tony Jones, Virginia Trioli, Barrie Cassidy and Emma Alberici could be National Party voters or anonymous donors to the IPA. Or, all things being equal, they could be political eunuchs, as the ABC’s editorial policies ridiculously demand.

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Not going to subscribe to an Australian paper. Why don't you just tell what your point it? If you have one.

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