All Those Poor Abandonded Storm Victims


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
are still cold, hungry, and without shelter, FEMA drove by yesterday and this morning telling them to get out another storm is coming. Trouble is they have no means of "getting out." And the dems dance in the street.
New Jersey went for obama. As far as I'm concerned they are asking for it.
That area that got hit by Sandy is majority Democratic Liberals for Obama.

I guess GOD really don't like
Government officials today and praising one another for the dramatic and immediate response to the disaster. What did these government officials do to deserve such praise? They made speeches about how much help they intended to give.

Sad sad, that so many people are hurt, many will die. There is a freezing storm coming in. They are liberals who sadly and pathetically deserve what they get. Moreso because they just voted for it.
Government officials today and praising one another for the dramatic and immediate response to the disaster. What did these government officials do to deserve such praise? They made speeches about how much help they intended to give.

Sad sad, that so many people are hurt, many will die. There is a freezing storm coming in. They are liberals who sadly and pathetically deserve what they get. Moreso because they just voted for it.

Dang Katz, I'm mad about this election but it's not right to say they deserve it. I don't understand though why Christie and Bloomberg don't send busses in there and take folks to shelters.
Now, the people aren't going anywhere. Looting is so rampant, it's like WalMart in New Orleans after Katrina. The looters are shopping for other people's stuff. Those other people intend to stop them. What they need to so, these good people, if they are still good, is organize vigilante patrols and dump the bodies in the river.
I sat in my house for 14 days without heat to keep away looters 5 years ago after an ice storm. I never ask nor looked for govt. help. Where is that self reliance that the rwer's are always preaching about?
New Jersey voted for obama, it's not likely there are a lot of rwers there. And, they aren't merely without heat. Those homes have pretty much been destroyed in addition to being without heat. The liberals are going to have to become rwers in a hurry.
Now, the people aren't going anywhere. Looting is so rampant, it's like WalMart in New Orleans after Katrina. The looters are shopping for other people's stuff. Those other people intend to stop them. What they need to so, these good people, if they are still good, is organize vigilante patrols and dump the bodies in the river.

What's funny to me is the liberal media is treating it as though it never happened. Just like Libya.
I sat in my house for 14 days without heat to keep away looters 5 years ago after an ice storm. I never ask nor looked for govt. help. Where is that self reliance that the rwer's are always preaching about?

THat's cool, you liberals just need to stop telling us how wonderful brock and donut man are handling this :D
The politicians have already promised help, surely you didn't expect them to actually provide it did you?
I sat in my house for 14 days without heat to keep away looters 5 years ago after an ice storm. I never ask nor looked for govt. help. Where is that self reliance that the rwer's are always preaching about?

At least your house was still standing. Can't say the same thing for many in New Jersey. There is no self-reliance when it's either underwater or buried in a pile of rubble.
Sandy was bigger and badder than Katrina.

Katrina just packed a lot of water. Sandy brought the heavy winds AND water with her.
I sat in my house for 14 days without heat to keep away looters 5 years ago after an ice storm. I never ask nor looked for govt. help. Where is that self reliance that the rwer's are always preaching about?

What part of liberal leaning democrat voting states don't you understand?

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