*ALL Square PA*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,


1. *We are all square in swing state Pennsylvania Today*! 47-47,..tie,.....moving toards Romney,......
2. Thats spells huge problems for Obamster.
LINK:Trib poll shows presidential race in Pennsylvania remains too close to call | TribLIVE

"President Obama and Republican Mitt Romney entered the final days of the presidential race tied in a state that the campaigns only recently began contesting, a Tribune-Review poll shows.

The poll showed the race for Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral votes locked up at 47 percent in its final week. Romney was scheduled to campaign in the Philadelphia area on Sunday, and former President Bill Clinton planned to stump for Obama on Monday. The campaigns have begun to saturate the airwaves with millions of dollars in presidential advertising."

3. Read it and weep.

Been hearing for most of this week from the experts from the left.
Former Governor Ed Rendell that Pennsylvania is fools gold for the republicans.
Just when it seems like they might take the state when it's over they never really had a chance.

We shall see.

I am starting to feel like Obama might be in real trouble here.
They felt from the beginning that it was gonna be an Obama landslide,a real ass kicking handed to the

It doesn't look or feel like that now.
4 yrs ago the dems and a lot of repubs were really motivated. Here was a candidate that represented a new course of action for our government. A lto of premises were made. Obama was going to work with BOTH party's to get things done. He was going to UNITE us like never before. We were a country on the verge of something wonderful happening. Now it's 4 yrs later and we have a Republic that is more divided than any time since the Civil War. The promises have all been lies. We have seen a president that has abandoned a Representative of our government on the battlefield and went to Vegas the next day apparently unaffected by the loss he watched on t.v.
Obama doesn't have the kind of base he had 4yrs age. Most of his past supporters are going to stay home and not vote this time while all those that crossed party lines last time are mad. They feel like they were duped because they believed the lies and will turn out in massive numbers to guarantee Obama does not have 4 more years to screw up this country. It's going to be Romney in a landslide. Those of us that voted 3rd party last time will not make that mistake this time. This time it's ANYBODY BUT OBAMA IN A LANDSLIDE.
Been hearing for most of this week from the experts from the left.
Former Governor Ed Rendell that Pennsylvania is fools gold for the republicans.
Just when it seems like they might take the state when it's over they never really had a chance.

We shall see.

I am starting to feel like Obama might be in real trouble here.
They felt from the beginning that it was gonna be an Obama landslide,a real ass kicking handed to the

It doesn't look or feel like that now.
Well, he isn't called Fast Eddie for nothing. He is just trying to dispirit the electorate in PA....While I don't think Romney will win here in PA, I think it is going to be much closer than anyone realizes.
Sorry bout that,

1. Just maybe PA will back the winner!
2. Romney.
3. If they vote for Obama they throw their votes away!

Obama's getting worried out there...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WP791Br16M]Bill Clinton to Hold 4 Rallies in PENNSYLVANIA Monday - YouTube[/ame]
the Democrats do not seem to worried about PA - more like Romney is looking to make up for Ohio ...

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