All “men” created equal.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Does not mean all “humans” are not created equal. GOD created “man” in his image, and he created woman from man and created her as the weaker sex to complement (something that completes or perfects something else) the man. Man created as the head of the woman. Woman in subjection to her husband.

In the bible women did not serve in the military and their duties were to look out for the children and needs of the family. There is a reason why a 120lb woman is not allow to compete with a 120lb man in boxing, wrestling, etc. It is not an equal competition. Woman in combat would slow down her comrades and put their lives in danger.

What got us as humans in the situations we are in today is because we believe we know better than our creator what is best for us. The maker of the Maytag washing machine knows better how to repair it than we do and we would not look to a Hot Point manual to repair it. Whenever there is a conflict between man’s laws and GOD’s law, we obey GOD rather than man. Man chooses to create it’s own laws as in miss-using the quote that all men are created equal and allow gays to marry as an equal right. Illegal Aliens are not the same as legal aliens.

What happens when we go against our creator, we screw up. We have a tendency to forget ancient Israel and how they faired when the disobeyed their creator.
Numbers 1:20

English Standard Version (ESV)

20 The people of Reuben, Israel's firstborn, their generations, by their clans, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of names, head by head, every male from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go to war:
I agree, although not for religious reasons.

Women in combat as a general policy decision is a bad idea. Are there individual women who can be effective combatants? Sure there are. However, they are the exceptions. Statistically, women cannot run as fast or lift as much, which is exactly why the military physical standards for women are not as demanding. Having served in the military, I saw firsthand how the average woman would burden a combat unit. The average woman in the military would be largely incapable of pulling the average man in the military to safety. The average woman in the military would not be able to keep up with the average man physically in combat. All of this translates to a slower, less effective unit.

The pursuit of equality under the law is a noble one. The old Women's Suffrage slogan "Equal Pay for Equal Work" is something I happen to agree with wholeheartedly. However, this concept falters when equal work is not something that is possible.

In short, policy decisions that result in a less effective military are bad decisions. The military is not the civilian population. There is no need or reason to apply the same standards of "equality."

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