Alinsky #5: Ridicule with side of schmear


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage." -- Rules for Obamaroids, Saul Alinksy

The Left will do ANYTHING to distract from Obama and the Dems record, which is:

Record Debt (failed leadership according to Obama)
Record Deficits
Record Unemployment
Record Poverty
Record Homelessness
Record Food Stamp
USA Losing AAA Credit Rating.

So like an ink squirt a blast of ink to try to distract, they resort to ridicule.

Don't even bother debating them!!

When you see it just call it what it is, an Alinskty #5 with a side of Character Schmear and move onward.

We are on the offensive, do not get bogged down in silly arguments with stupid people on non-issues of no substance! This is a POTUS that said ATM's kicked his economy's ass!!
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage." -- Rules for Obamaroids, Saul Alinksy

The Left will do ANYTHING to distract from Obama and the Dems record, which is:

Record Debt (failed leadership according to Obama)
Record Deficits
Record Unemployment
Record Poverty
Record Homelessness
Record Food Stamp
USA Losing AAA Credit Rating.

So like an ink squirt a blast of ink to try to distract, they resort to ridicule.

Don't even bother debating them!!

When you see it just call it what it is, an Alinskty #5 with a side of Character Schmear and move onward.

We are on the offensive, do not get bogged down in silly arguments with stupid people on non-issues of no substance! This is a POTUS that said ATM's kicked his economy's ass!!

The question every man or woman will ask now before they pull the lever is "Am I better off now than I was four years ago." Those who have a brain will know what to do. The others? have pity.
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage." -- Rules for Obamaroids, Saul Alinksy

The Left will do ANYTHING to distract from Obama and the Dems record, which is:

Record Debt (failed leadership according to Obama)
Record Deficits
Record Unemployment
Record Poverty
Record Homelessness
Record Food Stamp
USA Losing AAA Credit Rating.

So like an ink squirt a blast of ink to try to distract, they resort to ridicule.

Don't even bother debating them!!

When you see it just call it what it is, an Alinskty #5 with a side of Character Schmear and move onward.

We are on the offensive, do not get bogged down in silly arguments with stupid people on non-issues of no substance! This is a POTUS that said ATM's kicked his economy's ass!!

The question every man or woman will ask now before they pull the lever is "Am I better off now than I was four years ago." Those who have a brain will know what to do. The others? have pity.

i thought it was , which are the lesser of two evils.
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so, does this group of disgruntled conservative/libertarians and et al have anything to state besides insults and ridicule that you all claim is only done by liberals?

or did you go home and have to stop using the bosses computers?
so, does this group of disgruntled conservative/libertarians and et al have anything to state besides insults and ridicule that you all claim is only done by liberals?

or did you go home and have to stop using the bosses computers?

Please explain how you will plug the $1.6 Trillion hole Obama and the Dems blew in the budget
so, does this group of disgruntled conservative/libertarians and et al have anything to state besides insults and ridicule that you all claim is only done by liberals?

or did you go home and have to stop using the bosses computers?

Please explain how you will plug the $1.6 Trillion hole Obama and the Dems blew in the budget

The Hidden war expenses.:eusa_whistle:

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