Alien and Aliens...

I think each film represents its respective genre admirably. Alien is a little hard to pin down, but I'd just call it a claustrophibic suspense thriller. It's pretty much its own thing. Aliens, on the other hand, is almost a perfect example of the ideology of the 80's, anything worth doing is worth doing HUGE. And the thing is, it works. I'd put Aliens in my top ten, possibly top five, action movies of all time.

I can't think of another series that changed style so drastically between films. Well, okay, here's a good example: Gremlins. I had the opportunity to watch Gremlins and Gremlins 2 back to back recently, and it's just unbelievable how different those movies are from each other. No wonder Joe Dante can't get work these days.
That they're both 10x better than Aliens 3 & 4.

Infact if you haven't already don't even watch Aliens 3 or 4. Just stop where you are right now and walk away happy.
I heard the director's cut of 3 was okay. 4 should've been called The Hunt for More Cash. Do we even consider Alien vs. Predator to be a proper Alien or Predator movie?
Dan said:
4 should've been called The Hunt for More Cash.

Yeah, not even a nude scene with Winona Ryder could've saved that movie. Well, then again.... ;)

Do we even consider Alien vs. Predator to be a proper Alien or Predator movie?

Yes, but it could've been done better. I went into the movie just expecting to see some Aliens and Preds beat the shit out of each other. Which is what I got, even if I did have to sit through a lot of humans "blah blahing" and then having the Queen fight at the end be a total disapointment.

I think it would've been a better flick if it was shot more from the POV of the Preds. Subtitles don't bother me, but I suppose they would be worried about losing a lot of the audience because of them and I don't know how well Preds talking in english would've worked.

Hopefully they'll do a better job with the second.
I think the main issue was that it was a PG-13 descendant of two of the most hardcore R-rated series of all time. There were definitely some gory moments, but the whole thing definitely had a PG-13 feel to it. Plus the ending was way corny.
Dan said:
I think the main issue was that it was a PG-13 descendant of two of the most hardcore R-rated series of all time. There were definitely some gory moments, but the whole thing definitely had a PG-13 feel to it.

Yeah, there is that too.
Dan said:
I heard the director's cut of 3 was okay. 4 should've been called The Hunt for More Cash. Do we even consider Alien vs. Predator to be a proper Alien or Predator movie?
Technically is not the director's cut. Fincher refused to come back and oversee it, so the studio tried to get it as close as they could for the DVD to what he originally wanted. And yes, it is better than the theatrical release.

4 I liked, although I think cloning Ripley to help fight off the aliens because no one 200 years later had never delt with them, would have been a better storyline rather than her being cloned to get the alien out of her in order for the military to "weaponize" THEM.
"Game over, man!!" is one of the greatest Bill Paxton lines ever.

Bill Paxton makes every movie he's in even better. Of course, he'll never top Chet in Weird Science.
Yeah. Did you see her on Celebrity Fit Club? If she loses some weight, which it seemed like she was serious about doing, she'd still be pretty hot.

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